The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
In other news.. I'm now facepalming at the smoking thread.
Its amazing how people who to such lengths to excuse and defend their addiction over the health of others.

And this is what fuels threads like this. They are an easy target. But worse conditions are at all fireworks displays for the lungs of others. Do we hear out cries to stop these other things that are worse....

It is a world wide problem just not smoking. People use highly questioned pesticides that leak into everyone's water tables. People drive cars over public transportation that make air so much more unhealthy. Airplanes dump fuel into the air if their load is too high before landing. Boats leave slime in the water for pure recreation. People buy beverages in single use containers and hurt the earth. People use straws that harm wildlife. We put rock salt on roads to keep us from killing ourselves on the road and it pollutes the soil and water. People go on cruises that use 150 gallons of fuel per mile that create acid rain that harms breathing, and their excessive large diesel engines emit huge amounts of sulfur and nitrogen chemicals into the air at sea and in host cities they visit, About 1 billion gallons of sewage are dumped into the oceans by cruise ships each year. Ewe, which contaminate the fish we eat and the water we drink and lowers the oxygen levels in the areas of the dumping. Fire pits are must haves and they are more harmful than walking past a smoker as the levels of tar droplets that go to the air and hang is far more condensed because the wood is chemically prepared. It releases higher levels of formaldehyde and polychlorinated biphenyls known as PCBs. The average concentrations of fine particulate matter, taken over a 24-hour period, are 42 percent greater on July Fourth, compared with the few days before and after the holiday and WDW has 3 parks with displays almost daily. Yet they post and post about smokers and fail to demand WDW remove worse conditions from their nightly fireworks. The hypocrisy to me is astounding that nobody is demanding or boycotting cruise ships or looking for nationwide bands on fire works displays especially nightly at Disney. Look at the sky during these and then look at a smoking section.

I say this not in defense of smoking section I say it because these people harp on smokers and what they themselves participate in shows they don't care anymore than smokers do about the environment or others. In reality I doubt any one of us doesn't participate in deliberately participate in causing harm to the air, soil or water let alone to all the other critters living on earth. But smokers are to be called out only. shakes head where do they think their poop is going at sea? What do they think the fireworks smoke is doing to the air quality of guests at WDW?


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I am NOT cooking tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After what I cooked on behalf of our national election day tomorrow and the pre therefore I pray I am not cooking tomorrow.

I did purchase today everything for the receipe that you linked me to today except nutmeg. I use so little nutmeg, swore I had it for something but no. Blurg! I hit 4 stores today, really don't want to do it again. Family vote, we want carrots in it too, good call James.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I used to follow the fire department's suggestion. Move your clocks....change your smoke detector batteries. Now I should do what? Forget um until they die ...maybe a decade from now?

Or go the extra route....mine are wired into the electric system. The batteries are only used as a back up to electricity. A ten year battery is an expiration date to my understanding not a longevity promise. My electricity for example powers the smoke detector vs the battery so no juice is going to that little red light from the battery. In the past year one of the battery back ups did chirp. I pulled it out and put another in. Done. In two years none of the others have chirp'd. Red light is on in all. I can see one right now. I don't worry about those really at all. It is those carbon dioxide detectors that concern me more. We tend to sleep with windows cracked. Walt and his Mom and all, those things play on my mind.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I told this story before so I will keep it short. My daughter got married on April 8, 2000. The ceremony was at 11am and it was around 72 degrees that morning in Vermont. We had the reception just a few miles away from the chapel and by the time it broke up, which was about 5:30pm there was 4 inches of snow on the ground. We were at an inside, no outside window ball room and didn't know that was even happening. It continued to snow that evening and into the overnight. It was bad enough that she and her husband's flight out was cancelled causing them to not make the cruise to the Caribbean. That started a nightmare day of determining how to make arrangements to meet the cruise ship at the first port of call plus they had to spend the second night of their honeymoon on an inflatable mattress on my living room floor. But, that was 19 years ago and they are still together so that part is good. Just one of 50K reasons why I hate winter and snow.

I really hate snow. Not a big fan of rain either as at times it also disrupts my vacations. I yield that we need rain. Snow not so much.


Premium Member
We have some crunch time with election set up, Election Day tomorrow and post Election counting and breakdown so tonight's dinner and left overs...some how I forgot the corn (it was yellow.)

Quartered potatoes with onion and sweet peppers and herb garlic spice.

View attachment 360940

Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce coated chicken b reasts

View attachment 360941

Zesty Italian and Garlic crunch top chicken b reasts

View attachment 360942

Herb & Onion Skinny Green Beans

View attachment 360943

And a lovely small ham

View attachment 360944

All in oven at 530pm and done at 7pm
Sooooooooooooooo totally jelly! I wish I could have gotten everything done that quickly yesterday. Silly me decided to make dishes that required LOTS and LOTS of chopping and I don't fry often but when I do I need a commercial sized fryer instead of my itty bitty one ok most people wouldn't call mine itty bitty

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
And this is what fuels threads like this. They are an easy target. But worse conditions are at all fireworks displays for the lungs of others. Do we hear out cries to stop these other things that are worse....
Unlike smokers, you can leave the premises if fireworks are an issue with you. And since fireworks are fired at HIGH attitude. They shouldn't be a problem.. unlike smokers who are orbiting around you.

It is a world wide problem just not smoking.
I fail to see how it compares to an addiction versus the functionality or issues of stuff around you.

People use highly questioned pesticides that leak into everyone's water tables.
No idea what this has to do with smoking.
You can always filter the water and most places have purification systems.

Airplanes dump fuel into the air if their load is too high before landing.
This is a lie, they only dump fuel when they have declared an emergency. fuel cost.. they do not dump fuel unless they have to make an emergency landing.

People buy beverages in single use containers and hurt the earth. People use straws that harm wildlife. We put rock salt on roads to keep us from killing ourselves on the road and it pollutes the soil and water.

I fail again to see the relevance on this and smokers... which are an addiction, versus acts of polluting or saving lives by making roads safer during extreme conditions.

About 1 billion gallons of sewage are dumped into the oceans by cruise ships each year. Ewe, which contaminate the fish we eat and the water we drink and lowers the oxygen levels in the areas of the dumping.
This is beyond the scope of what we're talking. One is attainable the other needs EVERYONE onboard, particularly since big companies love to play the politics and the lawyers to save money. Unless you kill everyone who is a b..tard hardcore capitalist from wall street.. and remove the greed of the world.. things like this wont change.. which still I fail to see the correlation between polluting earth vs preventing people getting issues with the secondhand smoke coming from addicted individuals.


Premium Member
Unlike smokers, you can leave the premises if fireworks are an issue with you. And since fireworks are fired at HIGH attitude. They shouldn't be a problem.. unlike smokers who are orbiting around you.

I fail to see how it compares to an addiction versus the functionality or issues of stuff around you.

No idea what this has to do with smoking.
You can always filter the water and most places have purification systems.

This is a lie, they only dump fuel when they have declared an emergency. fuel cost.. they do not dump fuel unless they have to make an emergency landing.

I fail again to see the relevance on this and smokers... which are an addiction, versus acts of polluting or saving lives by making roads safer during extreme conditions.

This is beyond the scope of what we're talking. One is attainable the other needs EVERYONE onboard, particularly since big companies love to play the politics and the lawyers to save money. Unless you kill everyone who is a b..tard hardcore capitalist from wall street.. and remove the greed of the world.. things like this wont change.. which still I fail to see the correlation between polluting earth vs preventing people getting issues with the secondhand smoke coming from addicted individuals.

Smokers around you are toxic. Pesticides are toxic. Sewage is toxic.

Fireworks sulfur though is one of the best smells the planet, lol


Premium Member
Today's cooking project, beans and greens with a sauce the boys say tastes like hot dogs. The sauce is made with Bragg's, tomato paste, mustard and a bit of stevia. At least it's quick and easy chop the veggies and put them along with the "sauce" in one pressure cooker and put the beans in the other wait for the beeps mix and done:joyfull:

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