The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, A loved avocado from six months old. I used to get to eat all the avocados, and now I have to share. Worse, she'll eat an entire avocado before you're even halfway through your first taco, let alone making your second one. When you grab some and set it aside for yourself, she eats all hers, and then some, and then guilt trips you into sharing yours.
She can have mine, I hate avocado!


Well-Known Member
Home from seeing Dumbo. We ended up not being the only ones in the theater, three other people came in during the second preview.

As for Dumbo, I was entertained and I did not cry (although I teared up). Overall we thought it was well made and had some interesting nods to the original.

The Aladdin preview played before the movie and made me much more interested in seeing it, whereas the Toy Story 4 one made me want to see it less.
It may be a wait for dvd in my house. Not sure.


Well-Known Member
I vaguely remember discussing batteries once on the Saget thread. Yet I am changing my smoke detector batteries today with (seemingly) the ones that last for 10 yearsView attachment 360825
I used to follow the fire department's suggestion. Move your clocks....change your smoke detector batteries. Now I should do what? Forget um until they die ...maybe a decade from now?

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
They have been annoying me nonstop to set up the security nips for payments. Since they no longer will accept signature proof.
Problem? Their damn phone service (despite telling you to press X number) does NOT have that option ANYWHERE.
I followed the instructions as the voice commands and the submenu they ask you to enter.. does NOT HAVE ANY option to activate said security measure.
Wasted 2 hours today trying to find that crap.
To make it worse.. they removed almost all the options where they direct you to talk with an executive.
So.. how the hell are we going to solve our problems if your own system is absolutely Q@#$%$#%$# tier..


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is weird.

#1.. I just got contacted from a job in Canada.. I do not remember contacting this company but they say I applied in a job hunt website.
#2.. They know my name and I think they seen my CV.
#3 The problem.. I think they are in Quebec not BC, nor near Vancouver.
#4 The temps in Quebec are scary :p
#5 the email seems legitimate from the company.

So will see how it goes..

(edit, unless this is a very elaborate april 1st joke, which is.. not cool. Specially since this april fools thing is only an american thing? All latin american countries have Dia de Santos Inocentes. which is on December 28 )

No, go to Quebec. Never been but the architecture seems nice.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
It's hard to keep up on the chit chat over the weekend now that I no longer have internet at home.
I want to go check out the smoking thread but just don't have the time.
Isn't it strange? 10 years ago, my family had dial up and a computer room.

Now, I have a laptop, a tablet, and a smartphone, and we have two smart TVs and Alexa speakers in addition to personal devices. Heck, even not having data on my phone is just unfathomable. I'd be perpetually lost without Waze/Google maps.

Dependence on the internet... sigh


Well-Known Member
My junior year of high school, my teacher showed up late to class. In the time she was gone, we reversed her classroom. Turned all of the desks around, moved the podium, and then a student got up and started pretending to teach. She briefly thought she was in the wrong classroom. Then she laughed about it and made us put everything back.
I remembered a gag a student did to a high school teacher, but it was not on April's day.

When I was freshman in high school, I took a computer class. I recalled a student brought a can with something in it. I forget what it called many years ago, but it was not the first time I seen it. It was something that being sold in some stores at the time .

The can with the substance was something that if you pressed the substance, it makes farting sounds. The catch was this was no whoopee cushion.

I remembered a student passing it around to a small group students without the teacher looking with them causing it to make it farting sounds. That thing was not passed to me, but it make lots of farting sounds.

I recalled the teacher saying someone was eating something very gassy for breakfast or whatever made those sounds needed to put it away.
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Premium Member
Today is April Fools Day.
It's usually celebrated by kids in the elementary schools.
I was ready for: "Teacher, I forgot my instrument.......nah.....April Fools".
.....or "Teacher, your shoe is untied. Ha...Made you look! April Fools!" :p
.................Yet I didn't get any of those.

I didn't get any April Fool's either even though I was prepared. Although my 9th class thought that the midterm I gave them was a April Fool's. Unfortunately for them it was not!;)


Premium Member
Ok, this is weird.

#1.. I just got contacted from a job in Canada.. I do not remember contacting this company but they say I applied in a job hunt website.
#2.. They know my name and I think they seen my CV.
#3 The problem.. I think they are in Quebec not BC, nor near Vancouver.
#4 The temps in Quebec are scary :p
#5 the email seems legitimate from the company.

So will see how it goes..

(edit, unless this is a very elaborate april 1st joke, which is.. not cool. Specially since this april fools thing is only an american thing? All latin american countries have Dia de Santos Inocentes. which is on December 28 )

Does seem a little strange but not entirely. When I did my job search a long time ago, I was contacted by a school for a job that I did not apply for but they wanted to interview me. I didn't ask how they heard about me but I assume it was through some sort of contact I had at some time with someone. I already had a job at the time so I didn't really care how they got my info.

It might be worth checking out. It might open some door for you in that country. Plus it won't be super cold in Quebec again until next November or so, it will give you time to toughen up to the cold perhaps. I hear that Quebec City and Montreal are lovely cities with good food so that's a plus.


Premium Member
It is ALWAYS nice to have people give a "thumbs up" but in this case I was additionally hoping someone would quote my post and say what they plan to do re. smoke detectors with newly installed ten year batteries :)

Actually this reminds me that I asked my husband to check and possibly change the batteries in our smoke alarms when we had the time change. He said he would but now I'm suspecting that he did not. Hmmmm, when he comes home I'll have to ask. 😒

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