The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
That's funny! Never heard of a baby that loved avocado before. I've heard of mashed bananas, but not avocado. :)

Had a chuckle when I saw her propped up on the table in the restaurant, too. Can you imagine how odd it would look if an adult sat on the table? I love how babies can do anything, and it's always perfectly acceptable! ;)

Yep, she loves ā€˜em...!!!!! :hungry::)

I asked DWifey to stand her up on her leg so I could get a pic of her outfit, and she just decided to plop her on the table...!!!!! :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
The "Gone With the Wind" episode was hilarious. (I didn't see the original airing of this episode, but years after the show went off the air, I caught up with this particular one in syndication. ) Talk about creative, silly FUN!!! :joyfull: (Of note: I don't recall many other comedy shows that often included this sort of free-range, ad-libbing by the comendians, in many of the episodes.)

We actually watched the original airing of that episode in Nov. of ā€˜76!!! :)
And yes, they were either on the verge of cracking up, or starting to crack up, sooooo many times during their super-silly skits over the years...!!!!!!! :hilarious:

Another one of my all-time favorite Carol Burnett show skits was their ā€œJawsā€ parody ā€œJowlsā€...!!!!!!! :joyfull::hilarious:

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Well-Known Member
Today's random topic (from Steve)....
When do you switch from months of wearing long sleeve shirts to finally wearing short sleeve shirts?

I wear short sleeve shirts off and on all year long. Even when I wear long sleeve shirts I roll the sleeves up, unless Iā€™m wearing my suit coat.
3 reasons:
  1. It just doesnā€™t get very cold here.
  2. I still sketch at my drafting table a lot during the preliminary design process and the long sleeves will get messed up by pencil lead and marker ink.
  3. I simply just donā€™t like long sleeves. :)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We have some crunch time with election set up, Election Day tomorrow and post Election counting and breakdown so tonight's dinner and left overs...some how I forgot the corn (it was yellow.)

Quartered potatoes with onion and sweet peppers and herb garlic spice.


Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce coated chicken b reasts


Zesty Italian and Garlic crunch top chicken b reasts


Herb & Onion Skinny Green Beans


And a lovely small ham


All in oven at 530pm and done at 7pm
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
We have some crunch time with election set up, Election Day tomorrow and post Election counting and breakdown so tonight's dinner and left overs...some how I forgot the corn (it was yellow.)

Quartered potatoes with onion and sweet peppers and herb garlic spice.


Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce coated chicken b reasts


Zesty Italian and Garlic crunch top chicken b reasts

Herb & Onion Skinny Green Beans

And a lovely small ham

All in oven at 530pm and done at 7pm
somehow the images are not loading. I only see numbers.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Fine. I hope these new style batteries DO last almost 10 years. I have never been like most people because I never wanted it to chirp at 3am. I value my sleep. šŸ˜Š
One time, when we were in WDW, it started chirping. My older cat, Belle, who never comes out for anyone we get to feed the cats while we're gone, came out. Wouldn't let the sitter touch her, but she guided her over to the smoke detector like, "You gonna do something about this?" She changed the battery, and Belle didn't come out the next time.


Well-Known Member
Amen to that. So true! I wish I had learned that a littler earlier in life. I wasted a lot of time and energy trying to do that before I realized that I had a right to make myself happy, too, and some decisions were mine to where I lived, and how I spent my time and with whom. Isn't there a song about that? "You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"?

Indeed!!! Itā€™s actually part of the chorus in the classic old Ricky Nelson song ā€œGarden Partyā€...!!! :)


There are two more verses and the chorus is repeated two more times, but, I couldnā€™t fit it all in my screenshot, and I wanted to be able to circle the choruses...!!!!! :hilarious:;):)


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
In other news.. I'm now facepalming at the smoking thread.
Its amazing how people who to such lengths to excuse and defend their addiction over the health of others.
It goes back to a sense of entitlement.

I remember the same thing happening when Southwest stopped serving peanuts on their planes to help accommodate passengers with allergies. They still serve pretzels on the plane and snack assortments for longer flights, but people were all up in arms. I remember a comment from a guy on their FB page that said he was going to bring a jar of peanuts on the plane since SW no longer serves them. Uh...what? I mean, I have no problem with people enjoying peanuts and I'll avoid places like Five Guys where I know they're prevalent, but a plane can't be one of those places.

I've had people recently at baseball games who, before they open their peanuts, will ask those sitting around them if anyone is allergic. I usually say yes, thanks, and then switch seats so I'm further away. These people restore my faith in humanity. Especially since I now have Oriole Park Security on my phone, partially to report any smokers who are sneaking it around me (they're completely smoke free; there's a roped off area physically located outside of the park for anyone who wants to smoke).

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