@MouseDreaming , T LOVED it!!!!!!
The “gym” is below a doctor’s office.. literally 1 room with a treadmill, agility boards, agility ladder, free weights.
T didn’t even get on the treadmill, much to my surprise and at first, dismay.
He did the entire FIFA 11+ warm up, BUT unlike in Soccer when I see him doing it wrong.. he had a 1 on 1 trainer to correct him.. the corrections were noticeable immediately.
After that he did the agility ladder..then push ups..had a hard time on the last few, the trainer did not count them unless T did them correctly., After the push ups the trainer said “You good, Lil Dude?” T gave an out of breath “Yes”.. the guy replied “Good. Now I’m going to destroy your core.” I let out a laugh as I watched T’s eyes almost pop out of his head. He did v-sits (first time ever) and then plank rolls.
After all of that they got up on a large wooden board with numbers in boxes, a high school athlete arrived by this time, and he got up on a board as well.. they had to jump in a sequence. T let out a loud sigh at one point when he kept making mistakes. The trainer said- “Tristan, I’m going to expose every weakness you have, and it’s going to hurt, and it’s going to be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But you know what? I promise you that it will be the most rewarding thing you’ve ever done.”
I could see T try harder after that.
When it was over the trainer high fived him, and asked him if he wanted to come back.
T smiles and said “Yes coach. I’m going to crush it.”
He held up his hand to ‘hit the rock’ with T.. and then turned to me and said “your kid is going to have the best sleep of his life tonight.”
We got to the car and T said “that was EPIC. When can I go back?”
So I guess we’re in.