Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I saw swimwear on clearance yesterdayIt's not even summer yet
I saw this week Targets was 50% off.
I saw maybe a 16 year old girl (very pretty) coming back from the public pool on her bike. Tiny black bikini. Then pulled off the main road and into their local Starbucks.

I am so surprised there wasn't accidents on that main road for all the dudes watching her ride in her bikini and walk into the Starbucks. Would have been funny if one of the dudes in Starbucks was her Daddy.

I can't think of a time when my DD got out of a pool and shy of sunbathing on a chair she always had a cover-up or large tshirt over. Even as lifeguards they wear shorts and a tee over their suits.