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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I saw swimwear on clearance yesterday:eek: It's not even summer yet:cautious:

I saw this week Targets was 50% off.

I saw maybe a 16 year old girl (very pretty) coming back from the public pool on her bike. Tiny black bikini. Then pulled off the main road and into their local Starbucks. :eek:

I am so surprised there wasn't accidents on that main road for all the dudes watching her ride in her bikini and walk into the Starbucks. Would have been funny if one of the dudes in Starbucks was her Daddy. :joyfull:

I can't think of a time when my DD got out of a pool and shy of sunbathing on a chair she always had a cover-up or large tshirt over. Even as lifeguards they wear shorts and a tee over their suits. :rolleyes:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well I took this quiz....
Can We Guess Where You Grew Up Based On Your Taste In Snacks?

here it is if you want to try too, took about 5 minutes

My Results were I grew up in California. Hmpf. I visited Disneyland a lot back then, does that count?

My snack sense says you grew up in California!
Your snack preferences have lead us to believe that you grew up in California. You’ve been eating delicious earthy crunchy food all your life. You’re one healthy snacker.



Well-Known Member
The sneaks qualified to get in and then brought the paperwork home:brb::banghead: We had to go to a meeting to make it official

I did this kind of stuff as a teenager too. At one point I even signed up to go on a class trip to France, worked all summer to raise money for it but only made just over half of the cost, and *then* told my parents that I signed up when the payment was due in full. They had roughly a week to scramble to come up with the funds or I'd lose my deposit money and not be able to go. I'm not sure how they did it but I'm still really grateful :inlove::inlove: and I ended up taking my mother to Paris for her birthday a few years ago to make up for it. I grew up into a very responsible adult somehow, too!

It was completely inconsiderate for him to do that to you, but I'm sure he's grateful.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yep, for some reason, I have always liked most of this series of movies. They were just done so well.

I read the books first. I was pretty young. Everyone was talking about the Godfather and I loved my Godfather :inlove: I don't know if my Mom read them when they just came out or later but when she finished I sticky fingers took the book. I know I wasn't a teen yet, I was pretty darn little, but Mom didn't miss it she was done.

Must say it held my attention but there was sooooo much that just flew right over my head and I just kept on reading. When I was older I saw the movie and I was shocked with myself. I didn't remember all that :eek: Went back and reread the original. Yep most of it was in there, just didn't know what some of all that was. :rolleyes: No harm no foul I guess.


Premium Member
I just read my DD @ajrwdwgirl toilet post. Wonder if her inlaw family is related to my Inlaw family. We don't do gatherings anymore. Depending on who it is maybe a wedding. So done with all that. My one SIL on that side of the family is mean, a (w)itch, bossy and delegates everything 'cause she always deemed herself more of a hostess than a worker bee. Witchy lady would even instruct others over the years to Go Change His/Her Diaper. She had 3 kids and mostly the last 3 born unto that Inlaw side. Trust me she did figure out I never followed her Diaper orders. And they were orders she barked out about everything, fix his plate, load the dishwasher, pick that up, he's going to spill that...Crazy lady they were her kids. I took care of my own.

In laws are something else. :confused:


Well-Known Member

I just noticed something in those pics...
Since when are male CMs allowed to grow a beard like the CM in the 7th pic down...? o_O
I know in recent years male CMs were allowed to grow mustaches, as long as they were kept well trimmed and didn't grow down the sides of your mouth or over your lip. But, when did they start allowing beards...especially that dudes scruffy looking thing...? :cyclops:


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, i used my Weber (charcoal) grill for the first time this season. Bought a big cowboy steak at the butcher shop, grilled it up, and hubs and I devoured it. :hungry: Also bought twice cooked potatoes (topped with cheese and bacon bits--the butcher shop makes those) and cooked them up in the oven. :hungry:

No bone for the doggie, though. When we've given him a steak bone in the past, it doubled as a toy and also something for him to chew on. He likes to run around with it in his mouth, and then chucks it on the hardwood floor -- outside our bedroom -- at like, 2:00 AM . . . No more bones for the dog! (We give him a little piece of the steak, instead, in his food bowl.)

That steak and taters sounds YUM-O-LICIOUS!!! :hungry:

In regards to Jack... :hilarious: :oops: :hilarious: ;) :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
I struggled a lot with reading as a kid. I'm a pretty slow reader and I can't skim. I have to read every word or I can't make sense of it. I LOVE to read now, but I hated it back in school because it took me so long and tired me out. I was great with grammar, but terrible with reading. I'm glad my kids don't have that problem. I was worried they'd inherit that from me.

I'm similar. I can read pretty fast, but my comprehension doesn't always keep up, so I find myself going back and rereading stuff to make sure I got it as best as I feel I can.
Happens here too, so couple that with the fact that I'm such a slow typer, and it's one of the reasons I'm always so far behind here... :oops: :cyclops:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I did this kind of stuff as a teenager too. At one point I even signed up to go on a class trip to France, worked all summer to raise money for it but only made just over half of the cost, and *then* told my parents that I signed up when the payment was due in full. They had roughly a week to scramble to come up with the funds or I'd lose my deposit money and not be able to go. I'm not sure how they did it but I'm still really grateful :inlove::inlove: and I ended up taking my mother to Paris for her birthday a few years ago to make up for it. I grew up into a very responsible adult somehow, too!

It was completely inconsiderate for him to do that to you, but I'm sure he's grateful.

Oy. That was so wrong on so many levels. Minors and contracts don't hold up in court often, especially with a business happening in a school system. Our board would have had the 'heads' of both the sponsor and the travel company would have likely been tossed from doing business with the district. A minor entering a contract has the right to void such contract at any time. You would have gotten your deposit back as it wasn't a contract with a parent or guardian and they went around the parent to allow a child to sign and pay on a contract to take a student out of the country. So much is wrong with all that, but happy you were able to go.


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Real books are a specific brand of music book for Jazz. There are "fake books" and I'm not sure why they are called that, but they are books that give you the general chords for jazz pieces and sometimes the text. They are mostly for building repertoire. And of course there are copyrights on the songs, so they can't put in the's just a general outline. I was reading up on it, and the Real Book was called such to set it apart from all the other "fake books". And apparently they were illegally copied originally or something, so they were kept hidden, but now they have permission to use the songs in them.

Oooo...! I need to see about seeking some of those books out! The chords that that particular guitar teacher taught me were unique and something I had pretty much never heard before, at the time I learned them. I couldn't even tell you what the chords are anymore, but, I can still form them and play them. Django Reinhardt had those damaged fingers from a fire, so he had to improvise, but, was still such a crazy-good Jazz musician...! :)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I just noticed something in those pics...
Since when are male CMs allowed to grow a beard like the CM in the 7th pic down...? o_O
I know in recent years male CMs were allowed to grow mustaches, as long as they were kept well trimmed and didn't grow down the sides of your mouth or over your lip. But, when did they start allowing beards...especially that dudes scruffy looking thing...? :cyclops:

2000 is the mustache rule

2012 is the answer you are looking for when revised.

Is this the beard you have an issue with?

If it is, it seems to fit the guidelines for hair and facial hair.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Pictures for today. Back to animal Kingdom..but First Planet Hollywood pictures. This is the best place to get a burger, and fun too.View attachment 207219
View attachment 207220
Shown while playing the Beatle's hit, yellow submarine.

View attachment 207223 View attachment 207224 View attachment 207225 View attachment 207226

The above is a special burger and below is my Special Margarita. View attachment 207227

View attachment 207227

A couple more special burgers, very big.

View attachment 207228 View attachment 207229

On the big screen and on our table top screen.

View attachment 207230

WOW!!!!! :joyfull:
The atmosphere, drinks, and food look awesome...!!! :)
Looks like a very fun place...! :)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I just noticed something in those pics...
Since when are male CMs allowed to grow a beard like the CM in the 7th pic down...? o_O
I know in recent years male CMs were allowed to grow mustaches, as long as they were kept well trimmed and didn't grow down the sides of your mouth or over your lip. But, when did they start allowing beards...especially that dudes scruffy looking thing...? :cyclops:
If I remember correctly. Disney changed their policy to support certain faiths, like Sikhs.

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