Premium Member
Um . . . so many things to comment on here . . . But the one that wins the prize is someone volunteering you and hubs for "toilet duty" ?? . That's a new one . . . Now, granted I haven't been to any sort of big relative get-together for probably 18 years at this point (and I don't miss those . . . one of the benefits of rellies spread out all over the country). But, even back then, the host or hostess never asked, or delegated, anyone to toilet duty. I'll just leave it at that. If I were you, I'd at least guzzle a lot of beer this weekend . . .
Yes I have no intention of toilet duty, I have actually done very little to help with anything. Their uncle's girlfriend is here and hub's sisters think she is like a God and she is being the helpful Hannah. Beer will be my friend soon.