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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Hi again. Still stuck in the US. DH and the kids went back a week and a half ago, then promptly all caught the stomach flu. Then it was Easter break so they went back to work/school today. I have no idea when I'll be able to go home. We hit a couple of snafus that slowed everything down. I got sunburned on Thursday when the death certificates FINALLY came in after more than 2 weeks and my brother was already back home so I had no transportation and I walked 5.5 miles to pick them up and drop them off everywhere they needed to be. But I've gotten everything done that I can do until the lawyer lets us know if we have to go through probate, so I'm hanging at my brother's house for now.

Oy. I'm sorry. Having gone through all this with my Dad's passing less than a year ago and my Sis going back to Cleveland it wasn't an easy task to get it all in order.

So how far is your brother from where your Dad lived?


Well-Known Member
Regarding your comment above to @betty rose , I think she is making an effort to help herself. She felt the side effects to her health would be worse than managing the condition with meds; so she made a decision (at least at this point in time), that it wasn't the path she wanted to follow.

Now, having stated the above, she can always reassess the situation in due course, and might give it a try (or not). I wish her the best.
I apparently am not using my good words well enough, I usually have the best words. Anyway, I just am stating my opinion. I don't know what experience people have with things, but, they are being presented as a general rejection of things that may have a listing of side effects that sound less then appealing. Has anyone listened to some of the commercial on TV for stuff now that they need to always list the possible side effects? It makes one wonder how they get anyone to take anything in the line of a medicine. I'm just saying that the warning of side effects doesn't really bother me as long as it is recommended by someone in the medical profession that I trust. Have you seen the diet aid that has " leakage" as a side effect.:in pain: Really, I'd rather be fat thank you. I don't see how that is going to make me feel better about myself.o_O
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Premium Member
Nope, no bike or anything. Not practical here. Like, my dad's ranch is 35 miles out of town. Can't really get there by bike. And they have cracked down a LOT on what is acceptable proof of residence. I thought I could just use my bank statements that use my brother's address, but it has to be utilities statements because anyone can have something sent to any address...utilities in your name indicate an actual residence.
Sympathy like. What about getting a phone line run into your brother's house in your name? Would that be cheaper than what it would cost you on your side of the pond to get a license? Would they take a cell bill? How's everybody holding up? Look on the bright side at least you don't have a knife shortage:hilarious:


Premium Member
So do you remember Ford chewing gum?

or remember Disney's Pluto the Collapsing Dog?

Or the day you could mail a letter or make a phone call on most major corners?

Or the day you could purchase cigarettes as easily as a bottle of water?

Did you play KerPlunk? (I still have mine)

Do you remember the creepity Mr. Clock from Capt. Kangaroo?

Do you remember making hard plastic labels?

Did your home have this doll house during your childhood?
My Sis did. (Me I liked guns, GI Joe and baseball more)
Ford gum no, Pluto no, mail box and phone yes, cigarettes in a vending machine yes(I was surprised to see it way after the law was changed to 18:rolleyes: maybe because it was in a bar?, kerplunk can still be found(I think the boys just got rid of theirs), clock no, labels I still have one of those things with a couple of rolls, I had a Victorian doll house(even helped put it together:joyfull:) That year there were also bikes and trikes so guess Santa fell asleep:hilarious:


Premium Member
I apparently am not using my good words well enough, I usually have the best words. Anyway, I just am stating my opinion. I don't know what experience people have with things, but, they are being presented as a general rejection of things that my have a listing of side effects that sound less then appealing. Has anyone listened to some of the commercial on TV for stuff now that they need to always list the possible side effects? It makes one wonder how they get anyone to take anything in the line of a medicine. I'm just saying that the warning of side effects doesn't really bother me as long as it is recommended by someone in the medical profession that I trust. Have you seen the diet aid that has "**** leakage" as a side effect.:in pain: Really, I'd rather be fat thank you. I don't see how that is going to make me feel better about myself.o_O
Somebody else already claimed to have the best words.:eek: Nuff said


Well-Known Member
I can certainly understand it, that's how I feel about Up, but Inside Out has done a lot of good with helping kids who have depression or other mental health issues and even just bringing awareness to mental health.

I've mentioned before that I've had chronic depression, as well as Seasonal Affective Disorder, and I really had no idea until I took psychology in college and thought, "Oh good grief, this sounds like me." I think if Inside Out had been around when I was younger, either I might have picked up on it or my parents might have thought about it.

It also sometimes helps me when I'm having a bad day to watch Inside Out, and then I kind of visualize each of my emotions like they are in the film, and I'm better able to deal with them. It's strange, yes, but it helps.

Even psychologists agree

You have to remember - one backwards step for psychology is the mental ward


Premium Member
I wish they're in rehearsal every weekday except July 4th all summer. We were thinking about going to DC for July 4th leaving on Friday and coming back late on the 4th and even that won't work because they have to be at the school on the 3rd:(

Everyone deserves at least a mini-vacation. If they miss just 1-2 days (and then add in a weekend), that could be a nice break. I'm just thinking that not every other kid would have 100% attendance either, particularly in the summer months.

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