The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member

This would be appropriate no?
If I had allergies, I would have died years ago in an awful way. :banghead:

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Thank you to the person who PMed me to make me feel better and offer why I got upset since they read it the same as I did. The quotes around "make fake trip reports" with the ;) next to it leads one to see an inuendo that wink, wink fake trip report. This is how I read it. Without the quotes and ;) it takes on a different context.

Thank you to the person who PMed me to say when something on here causes one to stop believing in yourself, that's their problem not yours, keep doing what you're doing. So true, so true, and I will.
I was not trying to be aggressive or to insult you in any way.
Like I said, you missed the answer to Gabe, the chain explains why "it was boring" ( because we had no more reports to read).
And since your report was so entertaining, I was sillily suggesting you to make fake ones until someone does a full real trip report.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Mmhmm. I don't think there was any way that that he meant she didn't go; he just meant, "Let's make up one and continue the fun!" Hard to know how to phrase things for a second language. And English is a really difficult second language to learn. Heck, it's a difficult first language to learn
And kinda harder in my case, because of my deafness and having to learn it all by myself :/

I think I explained myself earlier, I only did learn "bad internet english".
By having conversations online, not formal training or anything.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Premium Member
Ah, yes. Nothing like the taste of water from the inside of a rubber hose. I'm being serious. I still remember it fondly, but, not enough to necessarily do it again for the sake of nostalgia.:joyfull:
Yeah, we all drank out of rubber hoses as kids too.

The best summer fun, prior to getting a pool, involved hoses and sprinklers.
Nothing was more fun than kinking the hose to stop the flow, putting your mouth/face right on the sprinkler, and then unkinking the hose. Face blast off!

I also remember my parents hosing down my filthy brothers, and then making them strip down to their undies before being allowed in the house.

When Hubby and I do our evening walk in the summer, we've been known to deliberately run through the sprinklers along the way. The boys have often asked us if it was raining out. :p

If you don't know how to have fun, you're going to get old, real fast. I may be pushing 50, but that's no reason to totally give up on being a carefree kid!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we all drank out of rubber hoses as kids too.

The best summer fun, prior to getting a pool, involved hoses and sprinklers.
Nothing was more fun than kinking the hose to stop the flow, putting your mouth/face right on the sprinkler, and then unkinking the hose. Face blast off!

I also remember my parents hosing down my filthy brothers, and then making them strip down to their undies before being allowed in the house.

When Hubby and I do our evening walk in the summer, we've been known to deliberately run through the sprinklers along the way. The boys have often asked us if it was raining out. :p

If you don't know how to have fun, you're going to get old, real fast. I may be pushing 50, but that's no reason to totally give up on being a carefree kid!
I was never allowed to play with the hose or with sprinklers. "You'll create mud in the backyard" "You'll run the well dry" "If you want to play with a hose, wash the cars.":bored: My dad was absolutely no fun. He never understood why someone would want to play in water. When I was young (4ish) I had a pair of rubber boots. After a storm, puddles would form in the driveway and I would go splash in them and come back in and change. My dad used to complain to my mother that she would let me do it. My mother's response: "Why not? It's not a huge deal. Let it go."

I used to go over to friends' houses to play in the sprinklers and hoses. My mom had no problem with me doing it at other people's houses provided their parents were okay with it. Just not in her yard. My dad never wanted me to do it period. But in that case, my mother overrode him.:rolleyes:


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Premium Member
I was never allowed to play with the hose or with sprinklers. "You'll create mud in the backyard" "You'll run the well dry" "If you want to play with a hose, wash the cars.":bored: My dad was absolutely no fun. He never understood why someone would want to play in water. When I was young (4ish) I had a pair of rubber boots. After a storm, puddles would form in the driveway and I would go splash in them and come back in and change. My dad used to complain to my mother that she would let me do it. My mother's response: "Why not? It's not a huge deal. Let it go."

I used to go over to friends' houses to play in the sprinklers and hoses. My mom had no problem with me doing it at other people's houses provided their parents were okay with it. Just not in her yard. My dad never wanted me to do it period. But in that case, my mother overrode him.:rolleyes:
Confirmed. Sprinklers rock!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Portion control is something I'm trying to learn. I could easily just eat one meal a day but it would be a big meal. Not really healthy.

I'm older than you and that makes a difference. 45ish is a learning curve for many women who use to be able to burn food and no longer can then pack on pounds. I smooshed a foot at that age, combine that with inactivity-all of a sudden I needed a new size of jeans. :oops: I never got really heavy but I was surprised at the things that were a tad more difficult to do going up a bit in weight.

I pulled it off sticking to an Atkins type food group but never really followed any diet, stopped drinking soda as often as I did too. I drink lots of water and coffee/hot tea. I lean to one bigger or full meal a day and 2 small ones. I was never a big sweet eater but those salty crunchy things are my weakness. Love savory. If I splurge one day I try and be a bit more conscious of the meals I pick for the next day or so. It seems to work.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well I haven't done that since I was a kid but I do have fond memories of the taste. But if it's wrong then I don't want to be right. ;) Plus I've never been in a medical emergency where we are resuscitating someone because they drank out of a hose or water gun. But then again, the night is young.
Well, I suppose anything is possible; I, too, had not heard about any issues drinking out of a hose or water gun. My only thought would be to run the water a bit to clear out any stagnant water in the hose before drinking any water.

Maybe because as a kid, I did all kinds of things like that--drinking out of hoses, and public bubblers (water fountains, some people call them). Both of the above could have been at home, at a park, or at the schools. As a kid, I never gave any of that a second thought: if I was thirsty, I'd go get a sip of water. I even recall going to restrooms (if there wasn't a bubbler around), turning on the faucet in the sink, and sort of cupping my hands underneath the water and drinking water that way. Wow. I just now realized how uncouth I was! :hilarious: (Although, I was never thirsty with my class-less ways! :p) But you know what? In all honesty, I don't ever recall any problems resulting from any of it. I wouldn't do any of the above now, but can't recall any detrimental effects from years ago.

If I had a dollar for every time I drank out of a hose that had been sitting in the sun for hours or from a water fountain (bubbler in your case) I would be rich. That said, if back in my day we looked at the standards that we consider absolutely necessary for survival today, I would be writing this from the grave. How have I ever lived this long and remained this healthy. It is a mystery.
Well you have to remember who you are talking to, the lady who fears Aspartame.

Over a third of garden hoses with metal fittings contain higher than allowed levels of lead for contact with drinking water, especially dangerous for kids. Garden hoses are not governed by the safe water act either so it tends to slip by. The BPA levels in garden hoses is over 20% higher than allowable for safe drinking water. All of the garden hoses had plastic materials that are banned in all children's products. Note: a year ago I started to see higher end garden hoses labeled as Lead Free, still have not seen one that says BPA free. BPA is considered a threat to several types of cancers, learning disabilities and asthma.

So yeah the Aspartame fearing lady didn't let her kids drink out of the garden hose. :rolleyes:

Also hear it makes some Grumpier Than Most. ;)
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
What is going on with Dr Oz?

He is under scrutiny for both his diet pill endorsements and having many followers believing it was a miracle drug. It appears it is not what it was promoted to be or so say the senators calling for his licence.

Then he had some 10 step rapid diet for mega weight loss too this year. You don't have to go hungry or skip meals.

He is really coming under fire for these weight loss endorsements basically.

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