The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member

This would be appropriate no?
Double like


Premium Member
Spent most of the morning cleaning and packing things up to be moved, so they can lay new carpeting in the back half of the office and conference rooms over the weekend.
They put new wood floors in most of the front part (sans conference rooms) 3 weekends ago. :)

View attachment 90655

I am SO impressed with your offices. :joyfull: They are very attractive with nice colors, and I like how the pictures are arranged on the walls. The floor looks great, too. It's hard to believe those are offices, compared to where I work where everything is minimally designed for aesthetics. it's a hospital; clean and functional, but boring . . .


Time To Be Movin’ Along
Premium Member
Well, it's not like we spent the whole day just drinking out of a hose. But, we did often. Don't forget I'm from up north so there was only a window of about 3 months a year when that was possible anyway. I also remember growing up in the time of lead based paint and we didn't even know it was potentially a problem, however, my parents were pretty insistent about our not chewing on window sills, just because it was a stupid thing to do, not because it would make us cobwebby. It could have been pure lead and we wouldn't have been affected because of that. I also went to school for years with asbestos in the ceilings and walls, rode a bike with no helmet, rode in cars with no seat belts and slept in the rear window shelves. Lived in a household of second hand smoke, rode in those death cars with a father that smoked and never opened a window in the car during cooler weather.

Perhaps I should have someone check me for a pulse, I might just be writing this from beyond. :)
Everything today will kill ya.
Everything from yesteryear will kill ya.
It's a wonder anyone makes it past the age of 40.

A little common sense and most things in moderation is probably the best practice. It's how I live anyway.


Premium Member
Confirmed. Sprinklers rock!

Yes they do!! I have happy memories of running through them in the summer, when I was a kid. And you want to talk mud puddles? Heck, I'd be out there so long (cooling down in the water--remember, I hate the heat), that there'd be a trench there by the time my mother would have to drag me away!

But Jennifer, you also made me remember the "face blast off" with the garden hose! Oh, I laughed when I read that in your post, because we used to do that, too! :D Who'd think that lawn tools like sprinklers and hoses would have given us endless hours of summer fun??!! :hilarious:


Premium Member
Well you have to remember who you are talking to, the lady who fears Aspartame.

Over a third of garden hoses with metal fittings contain higher than allowed levels of lead for contact with drinking water, especially dangerous for kids. Garden hoses are not governed by the safe water act either so it tends to slip by. The BPA levels in garden hoses is over 20% higher than allowable for safe drinking water. All of the garden hoses had plastic materials that are banned in all children's products. Note: a year ago I started to see higher end garden hoses labeled as Lead Free, still have not seen one that says BPA free. BPA is considered a threat to several types of cancers, learning disabilities and asthma.

So yeah the Aspartame fearing lady didn't let her kids drink out of the garden hose. :rolleyes:

Also hear it makes some Grumpier Than Most. ;)

Thank you for sharing the secret ingredient that makes water sipped from garden hoses so delicious. It's lead!! Yummy! (Or, to borrow a Gabe-ism, "slurp") :p I'm convinced that things that are bad for us, all taste good!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I have a rubber garden hose. Does that mean I can still drink from it???

They are expensive. Much more than the ones in most stores like these:


It is the plastic for the BPA, if it is rubber without a plastic additive for hardening likely yes. Just don't be su cking on the metal fitting in case it has lead. :p


Premium Member
He is under scrutiny for both his diet pill endorsements and having many followers believing it was a miracle drug. It appears it is not what it was promoted to be or so say the senators calling for his licence.

Then he had some 10 step rapid diet for mega weight loss too this year. You don't have to go hungry or skip meals.

He is really coming under fire for these weight loss endorsements basically.

I certainly don't have any of the facts, but it somewhat appears as though he's gone a bit too "Hollywood" over the years. I liked his show a lot more years ago, before he was overtly pushing sales.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well, it's not like we spent the whole day just drinking out of a hose. But, we did often. Don't forget I'm from up north so there was only a window of about 3 months a year when that was possible anyway. I also remember growing up in the time of lead based paint and we didn't even know it was potentially a problem, however, my parents were pretty insistent about our not chewing on window sills, just because it was a stupid thing to do, not because it would make us cobwebby. It could have been pure lead and we wouldn't have been affected because of that. I also went to school for years with asbestos in the ceilings and walls, rode a bike with no helmet, rode in cars with no seat belts and slept in the rear window shelves. Lived in a household of second hand smoke, rode in those death cars with a father that smoked and never opened a window in the car during cooler weather.

Perhaps I should have someone check me for a pulse, I might just be writing this from beyond. :)

You are far to tough to die.

My Dad use to say that to his Mom. The Doc's gave her 3 weeks to live tops. She lived 7. She had a stroke in her late 70's and they said she wouldn't walk again. Ha!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'll be they're delicious, too! I had the most delectable sammie there last year. Can't remember the name, but it was basically Italian with maybe some sort of flavored olive oil drizzled on it. On man, that was tasty!!!!

Yep, goes to my opinion that guests don't have to drop all this Money at so many table service restaurants to have some "tasty" food at WDW.



Premium Member
Yep, goes to my opinion that guests don't have to drop all this Money at so many table service restaurants to have some "tasty" food at WDW.


Those all look good. I really like the little Mickey with the chef hat, too!

As a side note here, I was recently reading in Spirit's thread that WDW is looking to get $15, on average, now for QS meals. That made me cringe. QS, in my opinion, is supposed to be decent food served quickly, and at a reasonable price. Many people, especially those with families, need to have less expensive options.

Anyway, I used to budget $10-$12 (at the very most) for QS (entree and milk). Hypothetically, let's say a family of 5 spent $12 for each person ($60) for lunch. Now, let's push that up to $15 (family of 5 = $75). You can see how just a few more dollars really adds up when multiplied by the number of guests in your party. Then multiply that times the number of days the family stays at WDW. More money is spent for food; less money for Minnie souvenirs . . . :(


Well-Known Member
I am SO impressed with your offices. :joyfull: They are very attractive with nice colors, and I like how the pictures are arranged on the walls. The floor looks great, too. It's hard to believe those are offices, compared to where I work where everything is minimally designed for aesthetics. it's a hospital; clean and functional, but boring . . .

My office looks like it's going to fall down anytime. No money is obviously spent towards the architecture of the buildings.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Everything today will kill ya.
Everything from yesteryear will kill ya.
It's a wonder anyone makes it past the age of 40.

A little common sense and most things in moderation is probably the best practice. It's how I live anyway.

True. Go to any thread on Smoking Sections in Disney World on this website and you will see many having fits and are not as open minded to moderation as you are. I know something is going to get me and it could be a spill down a staircase but I have a genuine fear of carcinogens. Fracking scares the heck out of me despite the Feds Energy Dept saying the water is just fine to drink last year in their report.I have a man on my road that worked with Agent Orange in Vietnam, he'll be a goner real soon, but the military said it was safe. Ha! I'm a bit of a chicken, I threw out a box of Blue Bell Birthday Party ice cream cones this week too. I have little faith in the powers to be to give us accurate, truthful information.

I'm not into tempting fate all that often. Now I'll pour a glass of wine and pretend my liver will think it is orange juice. :joyfull:



Premium Member
Yes I actually grew up going to DL and saw Fantasmic when it premiered. I like it but I love the one at HS better. There are parts of the DL version I like such as the dragon and Pinnochio but, like you said, it is so darn crowded. For me, when Mickey overcomes and the fireworks, well I just am so darn happy. Good stuff.

I like the DL one better even though I saw WDW's first. I like the Peter Pan scene on the Columbia at DL, that is what makes it my favorite. I do agree that DL's is so crowded. A couple of years ago hubby and I did the dessert seating at DL and that was so nice because I had a guaranteed spot and a chair. It made Fantasmic relaxing, it was a little expensive but I thought it was worth the price. Now DL has different F! and dinning options, I don't know if it will change any of the crowds but I guess I will see in August.


Well-Known Member
I already have almost the weight of five guys, therefore the need to count calories. I really don't trust those calorie measurements completely but they do hit in the ballpark I would guess. So I have one Little Cheeseburger, no fries and a handful of peanuts washed down with a glass of unsweetened tea and it is as good as eating a cartload of celery and arms and legs above it in satisfaction.:hungry::)

Celery is actually one of those foods whereby you burn more calories chewing it than it's actual calorie content.
I can see "The Celery Workout!" DVD's now...!!! :joyfull:
But, yes, I too would choose "The Cheeseburger Workout!"...! :hungry: :)

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