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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I say play on it next time you go.

@MinnieM123 can ride her horsey and merry go round and you and your older kids play on the playground. And I drink water gun water. (See how I tried to sneak that last one in?)

My inner child wants to run and play on it. :geek:

These look like zebra domes from Boma and the Mara at AKL.

These are called Oreo Bonbons. With the center of these smooshie I think I'd like these even more.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
So glad you did that for the poor cat. Not healthy for anyone, and certainly not good for the cat.

About two months after we got Belle, I was holding her, and my brother, who was much shorter than me at the time, came over and petted her. I said to her, "Why don't you give him a whap?" As he was walking away, she whacked him with her paw. :cyclops::hilarious: It was then I realized that my cat is very smart.

Now, she'll sit on the chairs in the kitchen and sneak attack my arm as I walk by.

She was an indoor outdoor cat raised in the city and moved to the suburbs. The city really didn't have issues with fleas like where my inlaws moved to. They were old, they didn't know but she was loaded. I locked her in the furnace room 'till the next day to keep her away from my dog. Bombed the furnace room and bombed my inlaws house twice while they were in Europe for 3 weeks.

My DH was playing and teasing her one day and she, ruler of the world didn't take to it. Later he was sitting in a chair and cat climbed up on back of chair and laid down behind his head. Many minutes later she smacked him upside the head multiple times and fled. Hahahaha! (he should have known she'd get even.)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Because my first class was cancelled
1. I got 2 extra hours of sleep
2. I no longer have to lug my laptop to school
3. Or a textbook
4. Or a backpack. I'm putting my notebooks and tablet in a purse and going with that.
5. I'm only between two campuses instead of 3.
6. I will spend 45 minutes less commuting
7. I start at 12:15 instead of 9:25.

I am one happy camper. :happy:

Good Day! :)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I do not make pierogi very often (it's been more than a year), but darn, they were delish.
(And by "make", I mean lightly pan fry store bought pierogi.)

Sadly, there were no onions available to fry up. :(
View attachment 90683

With milk, of course. :hilarious:

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You seem to be short an onion around the house frequently, remember that last week too. Every consider buying a small bag of them, they last a while?


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I was never allowed to play with the hose or with sprinklers. "You'll create mud in the backyard" "You'll run the well dry" "If you want to play with a hose, wash the cars.":bored: My dad was absolutely no fun. He never understood why someone would want to play in water. When I was young (4ish) I had a pair of rubber boots. After a storm, puddles would form in the driveway and I would go splash in them and come back in and change. My dad used to complain to my mother that she would let me do it. My mother's response: "Why not? It's not a huge deal. Let it go."

I used to go over to friends' houses to play in the sprinklers and hoses. My mom had no problem with me doing it at other people's houses provided their parents were okay with it. Just not in her yard. My dad never wanted me to do it period. But in that case, my mother overrode him.:rolleyes:

Your Mom seemed to be the guardian protector from silly rules. Was his family that hung up on things too?


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yeah, we all drank out of rubber hoses as kids too.

The best summer fun, prior to getting a pool, involved hoses and sprinklers.
Nothing was more fun than kinking the hose to stop the flow, putting your mouth/face right on the sprinkler, and then unkinking the hose. Face blast off!

I also remember my parents hosing down my filthy brothers, and then making them strip down to their undies before being allowed in the house.

When Hubby and I do our evening walk in the summer, we've been known to deliberately run through the sprinklers along the way. The boys have often asked us if it was raining out. :p

If you don't know how to have fun, you're going to get old, real fast. I may be pushing 50, but that's no reason to totally give up on being a carefree kid!

Yep, sprinklers are fun, even my pup loves to play in water but I do fill his drinking bowl up from the tap not the hose.

The findings about BPA and Lead was about drinking and ingesting the water from garden hoses. Some people still have dinnerware and cups with high levels of BPA and let their kids drink out of them too despite the warning and the FDA banning them from children's products. Like I said when the FDA doesn't like something and it takes a lot for them to pull something I tend to perk my ears up especially when it came to my kids.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we all drank out of rubber hoses as kids too.

The best summer fun, prior to getting a pool, involved hoses and sprinklers.
Nothing was more fun than kinking the hose to stop the flow, putting your mouth/face right on the sprinkler, and then unkinking the hose. Face blast off!

I also remember my parents hosing down my filthy brothers, and then making them strip down to their undies before being allowed in the house.

When Hubby and I do our evening walk in the summer, we've been known to deliberately run through the sprinklers along the way. The boys have often asked us if it was raining out. :p

If you don't know how to have fun, you're going to get old, real fast. I may be pushing 50, but that's no reason to totally give up on being a carefree kid!
I always tell my kids that as long as I pay my bills and take care of my kids, then I don't have to grow up.


Well-Known Member
Well you have to remember who you are talking to, the lady who fears Aspartame.

Over a third of garden hoses with metal fittings contain higher than allowed levels of lead for contact with drinking water, especially dangerous for kids. Garden hoses are not governed by the safe water act either so it tends to slip by. The BPA levels in garden hoses is over 20% higher than allowable for safe drinking water. All of the garden hoses had plastic materials that are banned in all children's products. Note: a year ago I started to see higher end garden hoses labeled as Lead Free, still have not seen one that says BPA free. BPA is considered a threat to several types of cancers, learning disabilities and asthma.

So yeah the Aspartame fearing lady didn't let her kids drink out of the garden hose. :rolleyes:

Also hear it makes some Grumpier Than Most. ;)
Well, it's not like we spent the whole day just drinking out of a hose. But, we did often. Don't forget I'm from up north so there was only a window of about 3 months a year when that was possible anyway. I also remember growing up in the time of lead based paint and we didn't even know it was potentially a problem, however, my parents were pretty insistent about our not chewing on window sills, just because it was a stupid thing to do, not because it would make us cobwebby. It could have been pure lead and we wouldn't have been affected because of that. I also went to school for years with asbestos in the ceilings and walls, rode a bike with no helmet, rode in cars with no seat belts and slept in the rear window shelves. Lived in a household of second hand smoke, rode in those death cars with a father that smoked and never opened a window in the car during cooler weather.

Perhaps I should have someone check me for a pulse, I might just be writing this from beyond. :)

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