Terrifying prediction of WDW's demise!


Active Member
I was reading an article in Rolling Stone and some economist or whatever predicted that if gas hits $10/gallon that WDW would close! This really got me thinking that if we don't do something about our current fuel and come up with alternative energy this could really happen!

We'd better get that cross-country monorail started!:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Energy! There is no living without you. We must keep learning about you' Now is the time to find how to. Energy! you are profound. You Make the World go round' and round'. You make the World Go round'. You make the World go round. Youmake the world go round'.


Well-Known Member
Don't be ridiculous

It is a fundamental law of economics that the increase in price of one commodity will make other commodities more attractive. We already have hybrid cars, and more fuel efficient mass transit continues to be deployed. Sustained prices of at least 2 years of even $5 per gallon gas will result in even more mass transit and alternative (hybrid) vehicle use.

Within Asia and Europe, travel flourishes because of mass transit, and gas has been at an equivalent of at least twice the American levels for decades. Perhaps flying will be too expensive for many of the current flying public, but trains and hybrids will keep people coming. Furthermore, expensive and slower travel often results in longer stays. Where people would fly in and stay 5 days or less, maybe they will come half as often but stay 10 days instead.

Yes, high gas prices will hurt many segments of the economy, but the strong will survive. Disney is incredibly strong, and they will adjust and do just fine. Can you imagine riding in a fuel efficient, Disney themed train to Orlando from Chicago, New York, California or Denver? Hey, isn't Disney already offering Disney sponsored vacations to non-Disney destinations (London, Grand Canyon, Alaska) all over the world? Gee, maybe this is one way they are hedging against the high cost of fuel. "See the wonders of Florida, and then stay for a week at the Grand Floridian!"

Good companies survive the predictable hard times, and high fuel is just one more predictable cloud on the horizon. Disneyworld ain't gonna fold because of a few extra dollars a gallon. They survived hurricanes, strikes, 9/11, recessions and Bill Clinton's impeachment with barely a hiccup in their long-term prosperity. Does anyone seriously think that a predictable increase in gas prices will close them down? Don't be ridiculous; and don't worry, be happy.


Well-Known Member
Don't be ridiculous

It is a fundamental law of economics that the increase in price of one commodity will make other commodities more attractive. We already have hybrid cars, and more fuel efficient mass transit continues to be deployed. Sustained prices of at least 2 years of even $5 per gallon gas will result in even more mass transit and alternative (hybrid) vehicle use.

Within Asia and Europe, travel flourishes because of mass transit, and gas has been at an equivalent of at least twice the American levels for decades. Perhaps flying will be too expensive for many of the current flying public, but trains and hybrids will keep people coming. Furthermore, expensive and slower travel often results in longer stays. Where people would fly in and stay 5 days or less, maybe they will come half as often but stay 10 days instead.

Yes, high gas prices will hurt many segments of the economy, but the strong will survive. Disney is incredibly strong, and they will adjust and do just fine. Can you imagine riding in a fuel efficient, Disney themed train to Orlando from Chicago, New York, California or Denver? Hey, isn't Disney already offering Disney sponsored vacations to non-Disney destinations (London, Grand Canyon, Alaska) all over the world? Gee, maybe this is one way they are hedging against the high cost of fuel. "See the wonders of Florida, and then stay for a week at the Grand Floridian!"

Good companies survive the predictable hard times, and high fuel is just one more predictable cloud on the horizon. Disneyworld ain't gonna fold because of a few extra dollars a gallon. They survived hurricanes, strikes, 9/11, recessions and Bill Clinton's impeachment with barely a hiccup in their long-term prosperity. Does anyone seriously think that a predictable increase in gas prices will close them down? Don't be ridiculous; and don't worry, be happy.

The Mom

Premium Member
Then what? 100 years goes by pretty fast and when it's done, all we've got is messed up pieces of land 'cause no one wanted to invest in a better idea

100 years ago, coal was the primary source of energy. It heated homes, powered factories, and was burned to power trains and ships. While still important today, it is not as essential in the daily lives (with the exception of electricity in some cities) of people as oil. (especially in its gasoline form)

Oil was not considered a viable alternative at the time, until the technology was developed to extract it as economically as coal. When the technology is invented to provide alternative energy as easily and with the same or less expense as oil, it will replace or supplement it. As oil becomes more expensive and more difficult to obtain, the technology will follow...as long as the inventors are able to reap the financial rewards of their efforts.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Energy! There is no living without you. We must keep learning about you' Now is the time to find how to. Energy! you are profound. You Make the World go round' and round'. You make the World Go round'. You make the World go round. Youmake the world go round'.

Can we have a new Pavilion about you, Energy?


Well-Known Member
The cost of fuel got us in this mess of an economy in the first place. Typical that it would really go up and ruin our lives ... again ... and worse.


Active Member
The price of gas did not trigger the recession. Banks lending money to people who could not pay the mortgages on over inflated houses triggered the recession.

Same people complaining about gas prices elect clowns that want the price of gas to go through the roof.

Same people that want to protect the environment buys huge SUVs and Mini Vans because they need them, and they are somehow special an needs verticals which waste too much gas.

Same people live 50 or 60 miles from work and complain nothing is done about the environment.

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