Terrifying prediction of WDW's demise!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
THANK YOU! Someone understands.....:lookaroun:lol:
I try. I have not dissected this article to try and find out which parts are fact and which parts are fiction (nor do I intend to) but it does have one glowing tell that it is more than likely the deluded ramblings of a conspiracy theorist.

B. The handfull of journalists who are aware can't "go public" without creating a panic and/or losing their jobs:

Any time you see this line or something similar it is pretty much safe to assume that the conclusions and the information in said article are fundamentally flawed. If the information was so top secret that no journalist could report it then the article author would himself be sleeping with the fishes and the article erased from existence. Journalists love to create panic. Any one that has watched the weather channel for more than 10 minutes during hurricane season knows this to be true. It is just a line to feed the conspiracy theory fire.

Just face the reality kids....There are no aliens at area 51, there is no miracle cure for cancer being held back by big pharma, a $500 device will not make your SUV get 100 mpg and there will still be oil in 40 years.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
guess we should all stop breathing or something and all gov'ts around the world should control how many kids we should have to limit the CO2 output of the human body... :rolleyes:
That actually might be more productive than our other attempts to reduce CO2 emissions. There was an article published in the BBC that suggested that one of the contribution factors to the mini ice age that occurred in the 14th century was the CO2 reduction due 1/3 of the population of Europe being killed by the Black Death plague.


EPCOT Explorer

New Member
guess we should all stop breathing or something and all gov'ts around the world should control how many kids we should have to limit the CO2 output of the human body... :rolleyes:
:lol: No, but we can cut down on pollution. :shrug: Go Green.

That actually might be more productive than our other attempts to reduce CO2 emissions. There was an article published in the BBC that suggested that one of the contribution factors to the mini ice age that occurred in the 14th century was the CO2 reduction due 1/3 of the population of Europe being killed by the Black Death plague.

I was just about to get into that.:D


New Member

If you would do some research you would see that GW is a real thing. It's not man created, but man facilitated. Our overuse of CO2 is helping speek the cycle along.

Now, when I say cycle...Planet heats up...planet cools down. Ice ages. We are having the reverse of one now. Give it a couple thousand years...It'll be freezing again.;)

THANK YOU! Someone understands.....:lookaroun:lol:

Oh I have done a lot of research and GW is being used ad a scare tactic. The effect of Co2 is over exagerated. We are just recently coming out if the little ice age so ofcourse it will warm up. The biggest thing that affects the climate us plate techtonics which iswhat caused the last ice age, GW will not make the Earth unliveable but global cooling will.

Wow Disney should combine UOE and WOL into on giant pavillion that deals with energy, weather and the environent.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Oh I have done a lot of research and GW is being used ad a scare tactic. The effect of Co2 is over exagerated. We are just recently coming out if the little ice age so ofcourse it will warm up. The biggest thing that affects the climate us plate techtonics which iswhat caused the last ice age, GW will not make the Earth unliveable but global cooling will.

Wow Disney should combine UOE and WOL into on giant pavillion that deals with energy, weather and the environent.

Eh...I disagree, but this is not the time or place to get into a whole scientific debate.:lol:

But I do agree on the UoE idea!:lol: Imagineer that up!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Oh I have done a lot of research and GW is being used ad a scare tactic. The effect of Co2 is over exagerated. We are just recently coming out if the little ice age so ofcourse it will warm up. The biggest thing that affects the climate us plate techtonics which iswhat caused the last ice age, GW will not make the Earth unliveable but global cooling will.

Wow Disney should combine UOE and WOL into on giant pavillion that deals with energy, weather and the environent.


I posted this message privately to the OP.... And in efforts to inject a little edutainment to this face-palmed thread of no return :

There is a great podcast that I listen to called Skeptoid by Brian Dunning... you can access this easiest through itunes, or you can find his website and accquire the following episode....

Download and listen to episode 100, entitled "Is Peak Oil the End of Civilization?"....

Brian discuss this topic for about 12 minutes... basically saying that economics will dictate when companies find it most economical to switch over to biogas/biodiesel/electric cars which is when we start to run out of crude oil (which by some estimates say we (North America) are over the bell curve currently)..

This is not a scientific podcast, but a podcast that focuses on critical thinking... He discusses both sides of the coin on a number of different topics, and applies critical thinking to solve most of life's great mysteries and conspiracy theories.... in a rational manner....

IMO, most people could use a little more critical thinking....

I hope you all find it enlightening!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I posted this message privately to the OP.... And in efforts to inject a little edutainment to this face-palmed thread of no return :

There is a great podcast that I listen to called Skeptoid by Brian Dunning... you can access this easiest through itunes, or you can find his website and accquire the following episode....

Download and listen to episode 100, entitled "Is Peak Oil the End of Civilization?"....

Brian discuss this topic for about 12 minutes... basically saying that economics will dictate when companies find it most economical to switch over to biogas/biodiesel/electric cars which is when we start to run out of crude oil (which by some estimates say we (North America) are over the bell curve currently)..

This is not a scientific podcast, but a podcast that focuses on critical thinking... He discusses both sides of the coin on a number of different topics, and applies critical thinking to solve most of life's great mysteries and conspiracy theories.... in a rational manner....

IMO, most people could use a little more critical thinking....

I hope you all find it enlightening!
I love skeptoid! I am assuming that you also listen to SGU, SGU 5x5, Skepticality and quack watch as well?

For those wondering here is a link to Skeptoid episode 100.



Well-Known Member
Yea anyone who buys one of those should just leave the planet know they look ridiculos.

Thankyou the people that wrote this article are probaly the same global warming freaks. I hate that even more you shouldnt worry abou global warming you should worry about global cooling. Also these people cant back GW up with science, and there is no proof that CO2 cause GW, I mean we exhale CO@.

Frankly, that's little more than a stop-gap solution that just postpones the inevitable, that being that we need to invest in renewable energy eventually.

Yea I am all for alternate sources the only problem is that there is curently no cost effective alternate source.

If gas gets that high, it will be due to congressional and executive failure......Period.:fork:

guess we should all stop breathing or something and all gov'ts around the world should control how many kids we should have to limit the CO2 output of the human body... :rolleyes:

Oh I have done a lot of research and GW is being used ad a scare tactic. The effect of Co2 is over exagerated. We are just recently coming out if the little ice age so ofcourse it will warm up. The biggest thing that affects the climate us plate techtonics which iswhat caused the last ice age, GW will not make the Earth unliveable but global cooling will.

Wow Disney should combine UOE and WOL into on giant pavillion that deals with energy, weather and the environent.

Yea that whats my mother says :shrug:

Yea, just gonna' leave all that alone up there. ^

If only they could capture all the hot air spouted on t'interner..................

Best post in the thread, no competition.


Yea, just gonna' leave all that alone up there. ^

If only they could capture all the hot air spouted on t'interner..................

Best post in the thread, no competition.

I agree EpcotServo....

I really think that Pumbas Nakasak should have some type of reward presented to him on behalf of the WDWmagic boards....

I don't know if anyone has ever posted more insightful, intelligent and apropos threads anywhere, not only here, but on the internet in general... Pumbas Nakasak, you sir, exemplify grace under fire/flaming and keep a cool perspective when others around you spout pure 100% hornswoggle and wring their hands like old fearful people...

Your continued patience for the wdwmagic community (and the human species in general) is a testament to the abilities of mankind to withstanding constant barrages of tomfoolery, bufoonery, idocracy, and rediculousness-ish by ... A testament/achievement (if I may be so bold) that heretofore has only been theorized by scientiests, doctors and fanbois (all of whom are smarter than I)....

Steve, can you work on that? Poster of the year award to Pumbas here?

Pumbas Nakasak.... You are a credit to the internet.... And for that sir, I salute you! *SALUTE* ... I also tip my cap to you! KUNGALOOSH!


New Member
if gas hit 10$ a gallon in the current world economy, things would be pretty bad... but as economies of the world naturally evolve.. If 50 years from now gas is 10$ a gallon, it will likely have a much smaller impact.. simply because most of that increase will be from natural inflation rather than price hikes in a baseline economy..
so basically, if rolling stone published the same article in 25 years it would likely say "If gas hits 25$ a gallon wdw would close".... get it?

in other words.. the article is crap.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I haven't tried some of the others you mentioned... I will definately check out quack watch.... I more listen to comedy sort of podcast... Distorted view, Phil Hendrie etc, while I work.... Thanks for the tips though!
I hope you like them. Qucakwatch is only done about every month or so but it is quite good. The otheres are pretty much weekly. I get the comedy in my day from Lex and Terry. By the time they go off the air at 11 I am ready for my dose of reality. I also listen to a few of the gaming podcasts such as Major Nelson and the Hotspot.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I agree EpcotServo....

I really think that Pumbas Nakasak should have some type of reward presented to him on behalf of the WDWmagic boards....

I don't know if anyone has ever posted more insightful, intelligent and apropos threads anywhere, not only here, but on the internet in general... Pumbas Nakasak, you sir, exemplify grace under fire/flaming and keep a cool perspective when others around you spout pure 100% hornswoggle and wring their hands like old fearful people...

Your continued patience for the wdwmagic community (and the human species in general) is a testament to the abilities of mankind to withstanding constant barrages of tomfoolery, bufoonery, idocracy, and rediculousness-ish by ... A testament/achievement (if I may be so bold) that heretofore has only been theorized by scientiests, doctors and fanbois (all of whom are smarter than I)....

Steve, can you work on that? Poster of the year award to Pumbas here?

Pumbas Nakasak.... You are a credit to the internet.... And for that sir, I salute you! *SALUTE* ... I also tip my cap to you! KUNGALOOSH!

I think you missed a spot. :lookaroun


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Its OK I think he meant to type excreta stirring Troll. But I know my place on this board, something of a hemorrhoid. to some folk.:shrug:

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