Terrifying prediction of WDW's demise!


Well-Known Member
The whole $10/gallon discussion just make me laugh.:ROFLOL:

Just looked out my window...... the sky has not fallen contrary to earlier reports. :D


Well-Known Member
The whole $10/gallon discussion just make me laugh.:ROFLOL:

Just looked out my window...... the sky has not fallen contrary to earlier reports. :D

There are only three kinds of people, those who think the sky will never fall, those who think it will, and those who think it already has a long time ago and everyone's just blind enough not to notice.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
There are only three kinds of people, those who think the sky will never fall, those who think it will, and those who think it already has a long time ago and everyone's just blind enough not to notice.

What about the kind that fluctuates around, depending on mood, or time of day, like me.:lookaroun:lol:


Well-Known Member
All of that oil is factored in. There isn't much left. In either case we would need probably 50 years to totally overhaul thge entire infrastructure of the world. Every vehivle, gas stations, power plants, etc. We need to have something real soon. And even so $10/ gallon isn't far off.

Don't fret......This is all fueled by non-sensical environmentalist propaganda. Here's a not too well kept secret....Environmentalists do not like Disney Parks.....DIsney takes, in their view, land in its natural state and alters it for financial gain. Big sin in the environmentalist movement. Also, look at Rolling Stone and its biases and agendas. I place this warning in the same column as the rest of the chicken little sky is falling garbage. Not gonna happen. Cap and trade will spike gas prices long before a shortage will.


Active Member
Or if we were allowed to drill, Plenty of oil to last the next 100 years off the coast of Alaska, NJ and CA.

Frankly, that's little more than a stop-gap solution that just postpones the inevitable, that being that we need to invest in renewable energy eventually.

If anything, WDW would probably combat an huge attendance fall by reducing operational hours, closing some resort hotels and only opening in peak periods (summer, holidays) to keep the parks busy and profitable. I doubt it would be wiped off the map however -- it's arguably the most prolific vacation resort worldwide and will always have paying customers.


New Member
Like when I see people in smart cars, I think about clowns :ROFLOL:
Yea anyone who buys one of those should just leave the planet know they look ridiculos.

Don't fret......This is all fueled by non-sensical environmentalist propaganda. Here's a not too well kept secret....Environmentalists do not like Disney Parks.....DIsney takes, in their view, land in its natural state and alters it for financial gain. Big sin in the environmentalist movement. Also, look at Rolling Stone and its biases and agendas. I place this warning in the same column as the rest of the chicken little sky is falling garbage. Not gonna happen. Cap and trade will spike gas prices long before a shortage will.

Thankyou the people that wrote this article are probaly the same global warming freaks. I hate that even more you shouldnt worry abou global warming you should worry about global cooling. Also these people cant back GW up with science, and there is no proof that CO2 cause GW, I mean we exhale CO@.

Frankly, that's little more than a stop-gap solution that just postpones the inevitable, that being that we need to invest in renewable energy eventually.

Yea I am all for alternate sources the only problem is that there is curently no cost effective alternate source.


Active Member
Yea I am all for alternate sources the only problem is that there is curently no cost effective alternate source.

I'm afraid that we'll have to bite the bullet rather than ravage the little oil we have left, otherwise cost will be the least of everyone's problems. When the last of the fossil fuels are gone, we'll be without fuel or power and society will simply crumble.

And that includes WDW. *dun dun dunnnn* :lookaroun

The Mom

Premium Member
200 years ago, the primary source of heat was wood, light was candles, and transportation was horse and sail.

100 years ago, it was a combination of coal and wood, lamps and candles, and trains, horses, sail, and steamboat. Electricity and the automobile were in their infancy.

The people alive at those times had no idea that oil would become the most common fuel for the average person, electricity would be in every home (in developed countries) and that horses would be reserved for pleasure riding. They never imagined that people would routinely fly in airplanes, and that almost all transcontinental crossings (for passengers) would be made that way.

It's human nature for the average person to believe that everything that can be invented, has been invented. But as long as the incentive to the visionaries and dreamers to "build a better mousetrap" isn't taken away, technology will advance.

I'm not sure that man has created all of our energy and environmental problems, but as long as no obstacles are put in his way, I believe that man can find a way to survive.

BTW, I remember. as a teenager, pooling together our resources and putting 50 cents worth of gas in the car for a trip back and forth to the shore. And $5 would last me for the week or more. Of course, someone making $30,000 a year was in the top 5% of income back then, and Diana Ross (of the Supremes) made the news when she bought her mother a mansion for *gasp* $50,000! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm afraid that we'll have to bite the bullet rather than ravage the little oil we have left, otherwise cost will be the least of everyone's problems. When the last of the fossil fuels are gone, we'll be without fuel or power and society will simply crumble.

And that includes WDW. *dun dun dunnnn* :lookaroun

Very well put. It seems people want to say things like "We have enough gas to last 100 years." Well 100 years isn't that far off and where does that leave your grandchildren. Also, what happens when we near 100 years and the supply has fallen off precipitously, such as in 40 or 50 years? And, what happens when countries larger and more powerful than us, like China, decide they want our gas?:wave:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Why are we so worried about this? The world is going to end on 12/21/12. After all I read it on the internet so it must be true.:lookaroun


New Member
The thing that I always find funny us that we puta man on the moon almost 50 years ago with a computer less powerful than my iPhone but can't or won't find a way to make a car run off of something like water.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Yea anyone who buys one of those should just leave the planet know they look ridiculos.

Thankyou the people that wrote this article are probaly the same global warming freaks. I hate that even more you shouldnt worry abou global warming you should worry about global cooling. Also these people cant back GW up with science, and there is no proof that CO2 cause GW, I mean we exhale CO@.

If you would do some research you would see that GW is a real thing. It's not man created, but man facilitated. Our overuse of CO2 is helping speek the cycle along.

Now, when I say cycle...Planet heats up...planet cools down. Ice ages. We are having the reverse of one now. Give it a couple thousand years...It'll be freezing again.;)

Why are we so worried about this? The world is going to end on 12/21/12. After all I read it on the internet so it must be true.:lookaroun
THANK YOU! Someone understands.....:lookaroun:lol:


Well-Known Member

If you would do some research you would see that GW is a real thing. It's not man created, but man facilitated. Our overuse of CO2 is helping speek the cycle along.

guess we should all stop breathing or something and all gov'ts around the world should control how many kids we should have to limit the CO2 output of the human body... :rolleyes:

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