Tearing down the North Wing?


New Member
As a DVC Member I recived in the mail today that I have a current DVC Member window to purchase at AKLV . They will go on sale to the public on March 1st .Another intresting thing mentioned in the offering is that rooms will be initial phases to open in Spring 2007 which I thought was strange since previosly is was Fall 2007.I wonder what the point scale will be and if you could book a room now?


Grade "A" Funny...
I have a question...and maybe it's a nostalgia thing.

Why is everybody (or I should say a lot of people) upset that the North Garden building is going bye bye and possibly the South?

The people that don't want this to happen...I have a question for you.

Have you seen these buildings? :hurl:

Oh wait, if you haven't...I have one that's very similar!

Anything is better than what is currently there. The main tower has its appeal but those smaller Garden buildings are just plain hideous. (Some designs look great on a grand scale but the minute you miniaturize it, it loses a lot)

To me, it isn't the fact that the north wing is gone - it is what they are replacing it with. The concept art shows in my opinion, what is a very typical "cookie-cutter" designed condominum tower. (The kind littered all up and down both coasts of Florida.)

I'm fine with the north and possibly the south wing going, I just wish the replacement seemed worth it.

Of course the problem with any of this is that it is all based on opinion and so - to each his own. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I will not even go to the MK anymore because a few years ago I noticed the Contemporary from the train after we came around Space Mountain and it ruined my entire vacation as well as my wifes. I also vowed to never take our son to the Mk when he is old enough since I do not want him to have nightmares about seeing the hotel from the park. It's just so awfull I really have to stop talking about it now, I can't even muster enough courage to complain to WDW, it is just too painfull of a memory.

:lol: Hope you were haming it up! Otherwise we might have to pitch in for some therapy sessions. :D


Well-Known Member
They do not wait until one resort is sold out before selling the next. They just started selling VAKL today and are still selling SSR. VWL and BCV were both selling at the same time too. Also, you can purchase any DVC resort through Disney, not just the newest one. You might have to go on a waitlist and you won't get any discounts but you can do it. :wave:

Correct (you beat me to the post). Some people actually have a change in life and choose to sell their ownership share. In doing so, DVC has the right of first refusal in that they can purchase the share back to help keep the value up. Of course that's a good plan but you can shop it for a deal through GMAC and such <cough, cough> eBay <cough, cough>.

Thus, their purchasing shares back gives them inventory at all the DVC properties to some small extent.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
To me, it isn't the fact that the north wing is gone - it is what they are replacing it with. The concept art shows in my opinion, what is a very typical "cookie-cutter" designed condominum tower. (The kind littered all up and down both coasts of Florida.)

I'm fine with the north and possibly the south wing going, I just wish the replacement seemed worth it.

Of course the problem with any of this is that it is all based on opinion and so - to each his own. :wave:
I have to agree. I like the particular architectural design that they are using but there is nothing "Disney unique" about the new tower.


Well-Known Member
*hoping this post was sarcastic*

Me too. :lol:

WDWFREAK53 said:
Anything is better than what is currently there. The main tower has its appeal but those smaller Garden buildings are just plain hideous. (Some designs look great on a grand scale but the minute you miniaturize it, it loses a lot)

I agree. If anything I think the new building(s) will add to the atmosphere inside Tomorrowland AND add to the overall look and feel of the resort complex as well as the lagoon.

Maybe I'm in the minority but I find the design of the Contemporary....rather...cold/boring, especially when compared with other themed resorts like GF, Wilderness Lodge, Boardwalk and AKL. Heck, something like the World Center Marriot looks more futuristic and perhaps more dramatic than the "Contemporary". Just my opinion though.

:D :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Me too. :lol:

Maybe I'm in the minority but I find the design of the Contemporary....rather...cold/boring, especially when compared with other themed resorts like GF, Wilderness Lodge, Boardwalk and AKL. Heck, something like the World Center Marriot looks more futuristic and perhaps more dramatic than the "Contemporary". Just my opinion though.

:D :lookaroun

Yes, you're in the minority..but I'm in the minority with you.

I see what people are saying about the design of the new tower but if you place it next to the A-Frame...it will look nice because each tower will have it's own basic shape that will compliment each other.

A more "Contemporary" design could've been chosen...I would've like to see something dramatic like the new Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston.
(Dealing with this building from an engineer's eyes...this is incredible.)


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New Member
These picture were taken on 02/01...
Some of the things they are doing are a bit strange.... how they are carefully leaving part of the building. And the Construction or whatever on the Northern most part (Pic 2)





Well-Known Member
This is just awful. These pictures make we want to cry. I stayed in the North garden wing the first (and second) time I stayed at the Contemporary. And this is where my first premonition came true (it came to me that our room would be in the North building, third floor, left hand side of the hallway, end of the hall... guess where we were placed?).

My mom thinks these pictures are thoroughly depressing as well.

Robfasto: didn't know you were the founder of Disneypix.com. Excellent! That site inspired me to start my archive of Disney photos online. Although your site spans a much longer timeframe. I love the pictures of the OLD Contemporary rooms with the WDW map on the wall.


Active Member
These picture were taken on 02/01...
Some of the things they are doing are a bit strange.... how they are carefully leaving part of the building.

I can understand they would leave the concrete outer structure since that was probably part of its structural integrity and removing that may make it collapse in an uncontrolled fashion. Also, they may not have removed other parts due to not finishing remediation on part of the building... it may have some things that need to be removed before general demolition (mold, etc). I would bet they are doing some sort of remediation since the windows are all plastic taped up and they have those blower fans. i doubt there is any asbestos but there still may have been some chemical or substance used that shouldn't be airborne

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
These picture were taken on 02/01...
Some of the things they are doing are a bit strange.... how they are carefully leaving part of the building. And the Construction or whatever on the Northern most part (Pic 2)
Demolishing a building that way is not that uncommon. Depending on the way the building was constructed it could be structurally necessary or easier to demo it this way.


New Member
Demolishing a building that way is not that uncommon. Depending on the way the building was constructed it could be structurally necessary or easier to demo it this way.

That works for me... after getting to look at the pictures and video for a bit I can see that they are taking out the 'steel' parts and leaving the concrete. Seems it is easier to recycle that way... ;)


Park History nut
Premium Member
Looking back at the original modular construction the wall beams (the parts still standing) were the first to go up. These were strong enough to take the weight of the room modules, so I guess it`s easier to gut the modules first, then get better access to the stronger parts.

I just hope they don`t offer as much resistance as Horizons did and it`s over a lot quicker.

Hi Rob :wave:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Looking back at the original modular construction the wall beams (the parts still standing) were the first to go up. These were strong enough to take the weight of the room modules, so I guess it`s easier to gut the modules first, then get better access to the stronger parts.

I just hope they don`t offer as much resistance as Horizons did and it`s over a lot quicker.

Hi Rob :wave:
If it is like most things from that era it will not be super easy. These things were built before computers made value engineering economically possible. Back then things were built far stronger than they need to be simply because it was less expensive to build it that way vs. having a guy locked in a room for 6 months with a slide rule trying to figure out a way to use W14X22 beam instead of a W14X26. Now that calculation can be done on a laptop in about 5 minutes.

You wouldn't happen to have access to any of the original plans for the garden wings? If I could see a section view of one of the supports I could get a pretty good idea of how they will need to break it.


Park History nut
Premium Member
All I have access to are cross sections of the tower plans - and these arn`t structural. The construction close ups I have are also of the tower too - and there is obviously more steel bracing in that than the 3 story wings!

The only thing I`ve found of note is the wings were completed - with rooms installed - way before the tower was finished, though I guess it`s more to do with 3 floors to work on and not 15.


Grade "A" Funny...
.....This is just awful. These pictures make we want to cry. I stayed in the North garden wing the first (and second) time I stayed at the Contemporary.....

It is always difficult to part with the familiar, especially when the familiar is tangled up in good memories and emotions.

I guess that is the downside of progress....if there is such a thing.


Well-Known Member
They do not wait until one resort is sold out before selling the next. They just started selling VAKL today and are still selling SSR. VWL and BCV were both selling at the same time too. Also, you can purchase any DVC resort through Disney, not just the newest one. You might have to go on a waitlist and you won't get any discounts but you can do it. :wave:

Thanks for the info! I thought I was sure that they sold one property before moving to the next.

Good to know.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand some people being sad to see these buildings leave? These buildings are absolutely hideous; I've seen nicer looking Motel 6s. People will complain about the colorful Pop Century but these old, hideous, gray buildings where the only "theming" is concrete are a great loss to the world of Disney? I'm thrilled to see something new.

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