Take a Guess As To Who Just Became a CastMember!

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Lee said:
I think I may have to try to talk them into a different job, something with a decent salary.
Well, THAT has always been the tricky part. :( Fun is fun, but at the end of the day, you have to be able to make a living (unless you are a high schooler or a college student getting parental support :D ). And no, Figment1986, my happy little dragon friend, a Sunpass won't cover the shortfalls of part-time hours combined with the expense of housing and a tankfull of gas to get to and from work.

edit: Oh, and Lee: Congrats on being OFFERED a job. Isn't it good to know they would like to have you on board?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Lee said:
Oh, I got the job alright...

Trouble is, the only hours I could get were part time. Seeing as how I live in Miami and would be driving up, working 3 days, driving back is complicating things. One, I have nowhere to sleep. Two, after gas and tolls...ain't much check left to make it worthwhile. :brick:

I think I may have to try to talk them into a different job, something with a decent salary.
Lee, what did you even interview for? Were you looking for a full time job, in which you could just stay in this local area? If they started you at part-time, and you did good, chances are you won't stay part time for long.

Also, do you mind sharing who your recruiter was?


I interviewed for attractions, the young woman's name was Michelle.

The interview went great, they have a spot for me, and they took my fingerprints and sent them off Tuesday. I was told to expect a call for the next step in a few days.

I told them I would need a set schedule of 2-3 days a week, all in a row. I'll just drive up, work 3 days, and drive back for another part time job in Miami.

Full time probably wouldn't pay enough for me to stay in Orlando full time, unless we get up into a pretty decent salary (25-30k) due to financial commitments here in Miami. :brick:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
That's cool, Patrick. Can't believe you'll actually be spending your time in the parks working instead of just visiting.

Will you be working the different food carts all of the time? I'll be down in about 4 days, and would love to say hi if I can recognize you. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Main Street USA said:
That's cool, Patrick. Can't believe you'll actually be spending your time in the parks working instead of just visiting.

Will you be working the different food carts all of the time? I'll be down in about 4 days, and would love to say hi if I can recognize you. :)
Yea, I have to call everyday to see where I will be working. It will be one of 28 different outdoor locations.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
LOL, well, wish me luck, then! I'll be in the MK on the 22nd (Monday of next week) so I'll keep my eyes peeled when I'm in the mood for an Ice Cream or a Coke (diet).


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Original Poster
NemoRocks78 said:
I'll be buying from you on the 4th as well, Patrick (that is if you're working that day)....and I'll say hi this time. :cool:
Should be...Saturdays and Sundays, and alot during x-mas break. That means I'll probably miss you this time Zac.


Well-Known Member
I had "Traditions" today. Read one of the paragraphs from the conduct handbook and had everyone look over at me as the instructor asked if I was a lawyer. I told her I was a broadcaster and she was like, "That would explain it. That sounded excellent." Everyone else was impressed too. I was also given a little Mickey figure for answering something else. I went to Disney-MGM Studios after and rode ToT to celebrate. Ended up seeing this little kid that was crying his eyes out because it had scared him so much(looked like he was 4) so I went over, told him he was very brave for riding the ToT and that he deserved a prize, so I gave him the Mickey.


Well-Known Member
Ah poor little guy. It's cool that you gave him your Mickey though. I'm sure that brightened his day and he'll remember it for a long time. When I was 5, a maid gave me a Mickey figure and I still have it and remember her giving it to me.


Well-Known Member
Number_6 said:
I had "Traditions" today. Read one of the paragraphs from the conduct handbook and had everyone look over at me as the instructor asked if I was a lawyer. I told her I was a broadcaster and she was like, "That would explain it. That sounded excellent." Everyone else was impressed too. I was also given a little Mickey figure for answering something else. I went to Disney-MGM Studios after and rode ToT to celebrate. Ended up seeing this little kid that was crying his eyes out because it had scared him so much(looked like he was 4) so I went over, told him he was very brave for riding

Look at you!!!! Barely on the job as a CM and already handing out the Disney Magic!!!!! Good Job :sohappy:


Naturally Grumpy

...I went to Disney-MGM Studios after and rode ToT to celebrate. Ended up seeing this little kid that was crying his eyes out because it had scared him so much(looked like he was 4) so I went over, told him he was very brave for riding the ToT and that he deserved a prize, so I gave him the Mickey.

...and the parents were probably oblivious to the whole thing. :mad:

Great job on your part...to paraphrase Prof. Higgins, "I think he's got it!"
I'm putting in for your promotion to Number 5 :lol:


Well-Known Member

I just wanted to add that you're gonna make/you are a great cm too! First day and your already going out of your way to make people happy. That's just great to hear!

By the way, where do/will you work?


Well-Known Member
tigger248 said:

I just wanted to add that you're gonna make/you are a great cm too! First day and your already going out of your way to make people happy. That's just great to hear!

By the way, where do/will you work?

I am working Dispatch at the Disney's Boardwalk Inn and Villas. Although, due to a problem I am currently having with my foot, the Emergency Room tonight signed off on a slip at the bottom of my release form that says I should not be working the next couple of days and that when I come back, I should be given light duties for a little while. I'm sure they'll love that one.


Well-Known Member
Number_6 said:
I am working Dispatch at the Disney's Boardwalk Inn and Villas. Although, due to a problem I am currently having with my foot, the Emergency Room tonight signed off on a slip at the bottom of my release form that says I should not be working the next couple of days and that when I come back, I should be given light duties for a little while. I'm sure they'll love that one.
Ooh I'm so sorry to hear that. Hopefully your new employers will be cool about it :wave:.

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