Star Wars vs. Harry Potter....choose.

Star Wars vs. Harry Potter....choose.

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Well-Known Member
Another big thing, is that Star Wars can basically be never ending. There are so many sub-stories that anyone of them could be turned in to another movie and spark another craze. Where as HP is over, well so JK says, I don't personally believe it but still. Since there is nothing new coming for it, ever, all there is left is WWoHP to keep the legacy going. I think Universal realized that from the beginning which is why they stepped up their game and did an amazing job with it. As someone already said about it being updated in 2013, I think it's really necessary that they redo, upgrade, whatever they have to do, every few years to keep the interest.

Potter is far from over. We have the theatrical 3D re-releases of all 8 movies that WB is working on, POTTERMORE, Hogwarts: Online, Theme Park Expansion, WB is working on a Beetle the Bard mini-series or movie, Rowling's promised Encyclopedia, Possible big-budget Rowling Biography, Book re-issues...and best of all Rowling said that she could see her self coming back to the Wizarding World in a few years. She said that they are her characters and she will do it if she wants to. She could do a book about the founders, the American school Salem Academy of Witchcraft, a book about Dumbledore, a Marauders Tale or something about the future generation. If Star Wars is vast, the Wizarding World is endless. This is far over.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. And that is why I vote Star Wars! Voting for HP is only feeding recognition to Disney's biggest competitor down the block. So the WDWMagic faithful should know what to do. ;-)

Vote Star Wars!
(And boycott Potter)

It's not a crime to like both. I enjoy going to both Disney AND Universal parks


Well-Known Member
Potter is far from over. We have the theatrical 3D re-releases of all 8 movies that WB is working on, POTTERMORE, Hogwarts: Online, Theme Park Expansion, WB is working on a Beetle the Bard mini-series or movie, Rowling's promised Encyclopedia, Possible big-budget Rowling Biography, Book re-issues...and best of all Rowling said that she could see her self coming back to the Wizarding World in a few years. She said that they are her characters and she will do it if she wants to. She could do a book about the founders, the American school Salem Academy of Witchcraft, a book about Dumbledore, a Marauders Tale or something about the future generation. If Star Wars is vast, the Wizarding World is endless. This is far over.

Yes, but will people buy a story if its not about Harry? We don't know that yet, and I'm guessing the answer is no. With Star Wars, the OT era always sells the best, but they have stories going tens of thousands of years in the past and a couple hundred years in the future. You're predicating your argument on whether or not she writes more. I'm sure she will, eventually. But until she does, I don't see the comparison between the two. With the Star Wars series you have thousands of stories, ideas, characters, etc. With Potter, you have 7 books.

Oh, and Pottermore will fail, guaranteed.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Potter is far from over. We have the theatrical 3D re-releases of all 8 movies that WB is working on, POTTERMORE, Hogwarts: Online, Theme Park Expansion, WB is working on a Beetle the Bard mini-series or movie, Rowling's promised Encyclopedia, Possible big-budget Rowling Biography, Book re-issues...and best of all Rowling said that she could see her self coming back to the Wizarding World in a few years. She said that they are her characters and she will do it if she wants to. She could do a book about the founders, the American school Salem Academy of Witchcraft, a book about Dumbledore, a Marauders Tale or something about the future generation. If Star Wars is vast, the Wizarding World is endless. This is far over.
There are quite a few "ifs" in you argument. The vast majority of what we have have mentioned with Star Wars has already happened. EU novels both past present and future are turned out on a regular basis. The Clone Wars will be in it's 4th season this fall. The Star Wars Lego cartoon airs July 22nd. 3D versions of all 6 movies are confirmed and Knights of the Old Republic MMORPG goes gold later this year. About the only thing up in the air is the live action TV show.

Potter has plenty of potential but until someone actually starts producing something it is just that. For all we know Potter could end up vastly untapped like Star Wars at DHS is.


Well-Known Member
I'll make it a valid discussion, hang in there.

Star Wars is over 30 years old, and still in the public's eye. Disney worked a deal to acquire the rights to have Star Wars attractions and Star Wars characters in their parks. The public will always have a fascination with Star Wars.

Harry Potter, I would compare to a Japanese idol singer. They get popular, then they fade away, as Harry does when there is not a new book or film. But when there is, then the fans come out, but I feel they are not loyal or diehard like Star Wars fans, thats why I feel like its nothing more than a fad. Its like sports fans jumping on the bandwagon when the team is winning.

Star Wars fans have the Force running through them, its a huge difference.

Disney felt the same way and let one of their competitors take Potter. Disney will get the last laugh.

Jimmy Thick-Star Wars all the way!!!

While I agree with you, one could have said the same thing about Star Trek vs. Star Wars 20 years ago.

I grew up with Star Wars so I'm partial, but my teenage kids relate more with HP.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I don't understand why it has to be one or the other. I hate arguments like this.

I don't think it makes me any less of a Disney fan to love Harry Potter. Statements like that are the height of ignorance and stupidity.


Well-Known Member
There are quite a few "ifs" in you argument. The vast majority of what we have have mentioned with Star Wars has already happened. EU novels both past present and future are turned out on a regular basis. The Clone Wars will be in it's 4th season this fall. The Star Wars Lego cartoon airs July 22nd. 3D versions of all 6 movies are confirmed and Knights of the Old Republic MMORPG goes gold later this year. About the only thing up in the air is the live action TV show.

Potter has plenty of potential but until someone actually starts producing something it is just that. For all we know Potter could end up vastly untapped like Star Wars at DHS is.

This could go back an forth all day long. And with your name and avatar, you are a bit biased. And I can appreciate that. I love that. But put it this way: There are 8 great Potter films, 3 great Star Wars films and 3 horrid Star Wars films. That alone holds it's own. It says a lot. And Potter could cheapen itself and make an animated series or terrible prequels, but thankfully it hasn't happened yet. But both series are wonderful and I love them both. I just feel like with Harry Potter there is a lot more elbow room for growth. I feel like Harry Potter is a shoe-in as kids will be reading Harry Potter for their summer school lists for decades to come. Star Wars doesn't have that built in guarantee. If it were just the films in this discussion, I think Star Wars would win. But things like Potter just don't disappear in the Literary world. The fact that this early in the game people are already comparing Potter to Star Wars is a good sign of longevity. I feel like Harry Potter from beginning to end had a clear start and end. I think that is why I picked Harry Potter over Star Wars. And that is why I feel it's more successful. The Star Wars films don't feel well thought out. The lack of a cut and dry start and finish is Star War's own prison. The 6 feel sloppy when viewed as a whole. And after that 6th movie there is that lingering thought of..what else? But Potter feels like one giant present with a bow on it. Every character is meticulously thought out and planned. And it is very well conveyed in word and on screen. The ending is clear and satisfying. And that is something an audience crave and deserves.

I appreciate people's view and opinions. It's awesome when people get passionate about amazing things. Star Wars and Harry Potter are two very, very amazing things. Star Wars is showing it's age and Harry Potter is just beginning. I can't wait to see how each one grows form here out. But no matter what, I will always be for "The Boy Who Lived" above most else. I am proud and honored to say so.


It's not a crime to like both. I enjoy going to both Disney AND Universal parks

I don't understand why it has to be one or the other. I hate arguments like this.

I don't think it makes me any less of a Disney fan to love Harry Potter. Statements like that are the height of ignorance and stupidity.

Thank you both for being voices of common sense in a sea of silliness.

I love my Disney, but also love my Potter. And my Star Wars, though I am not partial to "Episode# 1 - 3". I also love my Star Trek and my LOTR. And, for that matter, my Universal Monsters monster movies, even the ones as endearingly silly as House of Frankenstein and House of Dracula.

I will say that I think it a mistake to dismiss Potter as a "fad" that will fade before the end of the year. When my DW and I went to see the movie, the greater part of the very large audience was not the teen set; a good portion of the audience was as old as we are, and not all of them were accompanied by kids/grandkids. I am willing to suspect that the Potter series has the potential to reach the cult status of the Tolkien books or the C.S. Lewis books, given the amount of media surrounding them.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
This could go back an forth all day long. And with your name and avatar, you are a bit biased. And I can appreciate that. I love that. But put it this way: There are 8 great Potter films, 3 great Star Wars films and 3 horrid Star Wars films. That alone holds it's own. It says a lot. And Potter could cheapen itself and make an animated series or terrible prequels, but thankfully it hasn't happened yet. But both series are wonderful and I love them both. I just feel like with Harry Potter there is a lot more elbow room for growth. I feel like Harry Potter is a shoe-in as kids will be reading Harry Potter for their summer school lists for decades to come. Star Wars doesn't have that built in guarantee. If it were just the films in this discussion, I think Star Wars would win. But things like Potter just don't disappear in the Literary world. The fact that this early in the game people are already comparing Potter to Star Wars is a good sign of longevity. I feel like Harry Potter from beginning to end had a clear start and end. I think that is why I picked Harry Potter over Star Wars. And that is why I feel it's more successful. The Star Wars films don't feel well thought out. The lack of a cut and dry start and finish is Star War's own prison. The 6 feel sloppy when viewed as a whole. And after that 6th movie there is that lingering thought of..what else? But Potter feels like one giant present with a bow on it. Every character is meticulously thought out and planned. And it is very well conveyed in word and on screen. The ending is clear and satisfying. And that is something an audience crave and deserves.

I appreciate people's view and opinions. It's awesome when people get passionate about amazing things. Star Wars and Harry Potter are two very, very amazing things. Star Wars is showing it's age and Harry Potter is just beginning. I can't wait to see how each one grows form here out. But no matter what, I will always be for "The Boy Who Lived" above most else. I am proud and honored to say so.
While Star Wars is my first love I am hardly biased as I love both stories. I however am arguing based on facts while you are defaulting to emotion and a myriad of what if scenarios. The simple fact is that Star Wars is an eternal franchise and Harry Potter could be. Like I said before, when 35,000 people show up to Leakycon and you have a world wide costuming club as well know as the 501st you can talk about Potter being a more popular franchise.


I don't understand why it has to be one or the other. I hate arguments like this.

I don't think it makes me any less of a Disney fan to love Harry Potter. Statements like that are the height of ignorance and stupidity.


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I don't understand why it has to be one or the other. I hate arguments like this.

I don't think it makes me any less of a Disney fan to love Harry Potter. Statements like that are the height of ignorance and stupidity.
Now what fun would that be? Yes, it is an absolutely pointless argument, but this is just the geek version of the"Could the 85 Bears beat the 67 Packers" type arguments. 15 years ago we would have been having the same argument about Star Wars and Star Trek.:lol:


Now what fun would that be? Yes, it is an absolutely pointless argument, but this is just the geek version of the"Could the 85 Bears beat the 67 Packers" type arguments. 15 years ago we would have been having the same argument about Star Wars and Star Trek.:lol:

You raise a good point. I stand by my assersions, but my post was intemperate.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
You raise a good point. I stand by my assersions, but my post was intemperate.
Your assertions are largely correct (I can not freaking wait for the Hobbit to hit the screen). Potter is not a fad by any means. The Spice Girls were a fad. If it will stand the test of time like Star Wars has remains to be seen, but if anything has the chance to do so it is Potter.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your assertions are largely correct (I can not freaking wait for the Hobbit to hit the screen). Potter is not a fad by any means. The Spice Girls were a fad. If it will stand the test of time like Star Wars has remains to be seen, but if anything has the chance to do so it is Potter.

Ditto on The Hobbit! The cast looks great, should be an awesome movie! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
While Star Wars is my first love I am hardly biased as I love both stories. I however am arguing based on facts while you are defaulting to emotion and a myriad of what if scenarios. The simple fact is that Star Wars is an eternal franchise and Harry Potter could be. Like I said before, when 35,000 people show up to Leakycon and you have a world wide costuming club as well know as the 501st you can talk about Potter being a more popular franchise.

Is 15 years and going not enough to prove Harry Potter has a shelf life and staying power? And my last post to you didn't have "what if" situations. What you are saying is it "is an eternal franchise vs. could be". But what I am saying is "has done" vs. "is doing".B ut where I try to see your POV, you post a typical response. As I said, you are clearly made up your mind when you chose your avatar and name. And we could go about this all day. If you want to look at facts, look at book sales and box office numbers. When Star Wars out grosses Potter, then you can talk about a more popular franchise. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Your assertions are largely correct (I can not freaking wait for the Hobbit to hit the screen). Potter is not a fad by any means. The Spice Girls were a fad. If it will stand the test of time like Star Wars has remains to be seen, but if anything has the chance to do so it is Potter.

I think I was misreading you previously. I don't think I thought you were on the same page that you are on (brain twister :veryconfu). This post makes more sense.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Is 15 years and going not enough to prove Harry Potter has a shelf life and staying power? And my last post to you didn't have "what if" situations. What you are saying is it "is an eternal franchise vs. could be". But what I am saying is "has done" vs. "is doing". But where I try to see your POV, you post a typical response. As I said, you are clearly made up your mind when you chose your avatar and name. And we could go about this all day. If you want to look at facts, look at book sales and box office numbers. When Star Wars out grosses Potter, then you can talk about a more popular franchise. :cool:
I am not talking money as due to a nearly 20 year separation is becomes apples and oranges. If you want to adjust for inflation and include merchandising you will find that HP falls well short of SW. I am talking about judging the popularity by fan support and what is being done to continue that support. HP has plenty of support and major potential to continue it .The point I have been trying to make is we have yet to see if they will continue to add to the HP verse to continue that support. So far I have yet to see anything past a plussing of the material that is already there. If Rowling decides to tell the story of James and Lilly, Al ,etc then they can live forever.

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