Disney Irish
Premium Member
I never said it was an attack on me, I accept what you've said in a general sense and not toward me personally. What I'm saying however is that there are people that are just going enjoy something and not see issues with things that you or others have an issue with. You asked why I said things could be better, I gave you an answer and even an example. That everything can be better from a certain point-of-view, even something seen as a great work of art like Citizen Kane.I'm really not sure what you are arguing at this point. I never said you or anyone couldn't like the show. Just because I think there's issues with the way this show has unfolded, doesn't mean it's an attack on you.
The long and short of it is that everyone comes from a different perspective. Just because you and some others here find flaws and issues in this show and other Star Wars content doesn't mean that others will agree or even see the same flaws and issues or any at all. That doesn't mean someone isn't being critical, it just means they have a different perspective.