It's not the late in the show that's bothersome. It's the poor execution of it. Because of episode 3, this episode was a wasted episode because of the way it was constructed. It's not about what they were trying to do, it's the way they did it.
No one wants to skip the details. They just want the details presented in a logical way that makes sense. This show has struggled with that the entire season. There's a good story in there, it's just presented in a very amateur way. Too many head scratch moments, poorly paced episodes, too much wasted time relative to running time. There's also no payoff if you don't spend your time wisely and you have to rush through the ending.
That is correct. I personally liked it a lot, but I can say it's no wonder it didn't get watched. And the big difference between Andor and Acolyte is Andor is better in every aspect. Cinematography, dialogue, acting, how well the show is put together. The one thing they do the same is both can be very boring.
I'd say I've been very open minded about this show. And I agree, the journey has been executed in very amateurish fashion. People can enjoy the show, but they have to see how absolutely flawed the show is.
Sure that's what they've done. They just haven't done it well in my opinion. The multiple viewpoint story is a fine storytelling technique. The big issue I see is how much they actually rehashed. So much of last episode you didn't need to see again. And they didn't even reveal all that happened. So we're now going to need another flashback or exposition dump to get it. The last episode should be the climax of the show, we don't have the luxury of spreading this out. And like I said earlier, the shows been late 20 and early 30 min episodes. It's doubtful we get a finale that gives enough time to close this out properly.