Splash Mountain falling apart (literally?)


Well-Known Member
I have to say i'm partially inclined to agree. By partially I mean that part of me would definitely rather get off the ride as dry as possible. But at the same time I can't help but feel a little bit of triumphant hope seeing these water cannons return. Not because I like getting drenched (far far from it), but because it gives me a little bit of happiness to see that work was done to try to restore old long gone ride effects. Perhaps not these in particular, but it might signal work was done to the other effects inside (including the laughing place scene).

The canons never stopped working as far as I know. They were just turned off to get rid of the cheap drenching they put forth.


Well-Known Member
The canons never stopped working as far as I know. They were just turned off to get rid of the cheap drenching they put forth.
Every single time I rode Splash since 2010 until Feb 2012, i'm fairly certain that the water cannons on the sides of the mountain pointing down towards the flume drop have been non-working. The cannon that would hit the bridge in front as well as the ones that splashed upwards and onto the flume going around the briar patch were usually functioning (though toned down considerably to not soak guests as much). But the ones on the sides of the rockwork spraying downward onto the falling boats haven't been on for a long time as far as i am aware. Again pretty sure of this. I don't know when they turned these off, but I do not recall seeing them from 2010 or after.


Well-Known Member
Every single time I rode Splash since 2010 until Feb 2012, i'm fairly certain that the water cannons on the sides of the mountain pointing down towards the flume drop have been non-working. The cannon that would hit the bridge in front as well as the ones that splashed upwards and onto the flume going around the briar patch were usually functioning (though toned down considerably to not soak guests as much). But the ones on the sides of the rockwork spraying downward onto the falling boats haven't been on for a long time as far as i am aware. Again pretty sure of this. I don't know when they turned these off, but I do not recall seeing them from 2010 or after.

I don't recall ones pointing down. I'm talking about the ones that hit the log going up the hill.


Well-Known Member
I don't recall ones pointing down. I'm talking about the ones that hit the log going up the hill.
Actually I may have gotten the angle mixed up and those ARE the ones hitting the logs going uphill. From the picture it looked like the water stream was coming from rockwork higher up and travelling downward, but I think it's just the stream you're referring to flying upwards and to the left. Not sure from that perspective. So I may have been wrong. I'd almost forgotten how high and far that water jet went...


Well-Known Member
Nearly every major corporation faces competing short-term and long-term interests. In the case of WDW, maintenance reductions (which began under Eisner) exclusively were driven by profit motives. These types of short-term decisions eventually lead to long-term issues in the forms of increased deferred maintenance costs and lower customer perception. As you suggest, it appears Disney's current management continues to balance these, abandoning the "quality comes first" philosophy of Walt Disney and his immediate successors. Today, Disney's commitment to quality is no better or worse than most other major corporations.

Walt Disney by no means ran a perfect park but he always was trying to improve DL. As Walt said:

Until the mid-to-late 1990s, WDW used to set the Gold Standard for service and quality. Objectively, if you compare WDW today with Busch Gardens, Universal, or several other parks, WDW's lead has pretty much evaporated. Yet WDW still is perceived as the Gold Standard because of its history and loyal fan base.
I'm having a hard time keeping my serious man-crush on you in check.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
It had been so long since I saw Splash in proper working condition that I actually didn't remember that there were supposed to be extra water jets on the sides of the mountain drenching the boats as they fall. For a long time, it was possible to ride in the back seat and barely even get misted from anything in the ride.

Yep...that would be my usual seat. Not a fan of getting wet unless it is very hot weather, so i would almost always ride in the back. At the most i would get mist on my glasses...but hardly a few drips would hit me. Good for photography chores though, as no danger of water fogging up the lens.

I enjoy riding SM to see the show elements, but i am not a big fan of the drop and soaking. I am a weirdo...yeah...i know.

Very interested to see if the AAs and other show elements are in better condition.
Agree regarding a ride-through video...a absolute must asap!


Well-Known Member
I just want to win the prize for posting the biggest pile of crock of this thread!

...but so far I'm up against some pretty stiff competition!

If anyone with the initials JT is posting here, then you don't come close to having a shot at it!


WDW Fan Since 1973
Does anyone know if they were going to fix the sprinklers for the grassy hills?
There seems to be a combination of both new planting and old. The new are really green, the old are just starting to come back. I'd say they must have fixed the irrigation.

CM's said Splash would open at 9 along with the rest of the park Wednesday. I'll be at rope drop!


Well-Known Member
I just want to throw a quick comment about TDL, since it always gets brought up whenever stateside maintainence is mentioned.....Yes, TDL management keeps attractions and their animatronics in pristine condition, but I also want to mention that TDL guests are also a huge factor in the appearance of the Tokyo Resort. The guests are SO respectful of everything....they don't touch walls, props, set pieces in queues, and they don't sit on railings, fences, or stand in planters. Heck, other than their feet touching the ground, they're perfect guests. After spending a week here at WDW and watching guests trash the park (including poor Tony B's portrait in the Thunder queue-yes it's been removed), I just wonder where everyones sense of personal responsibility has gone. I'd thought I'd seen it all, until I saw a teenager throw-up in a planter full of flowers in the hub-right there in Walt's field of vision. It was if he was pointing it out to Mickey.

Well, let's start with the vomit and work our way back. While I find that disgusting (but not as disgusting as the time someone partially puked on me in the Morocco restrooms), it's better in the flowers than on the pavement or in a ride vehicle etc.

As to TDL, sure the Japanese have a respect for property that pigs from the USA, Europe and South America haven't managed to figure out. Hell, they don't even step on the seats when getting into boat rides and look at ugly Spirited Americans when they do so (really!!! little 86-year-old women attempt to get on Small World by stepping from platform to floor of boat so as to not have to sit where people's shoes were. ... A bit different than seeing American swine with their feet on brand new furniture at the WL just before X-mas).

BUT ... BUT ... BUTT ... before we let management off the hook, people have always been pigs. Does anyone here recall the USA in the 70s when people would throw bags of trash out the windows of moving cars? Does anyone recall Iron Eyes Cody crying at the dump? People were actually worse then. Thing is, Disney knews this and had standards where as soon as something was wrong, they made it right. It's no lie that when you dropped popcorn, before it all hit the ground someone was there to sweep it up. Anyone recall actually seeing a custodial CM sweeping in a queue at WDW this century?

As soon as you let one person be a pig, it encourages others and when you don't clean up the mess from them and it lasts for days into weeks into months, you wind up with things like the old 'gum ramp' at TT.

I LOVE TDR. I LOVE the Japanese people and culture (except for the over the top cuteness to make up for their WWII bloodlust -- yes, that is what it is ... Pearl Harbor one day, Duffy another!) But ultimately TDO understands human nature in Florida in the 21st century. They need to deal with it.

Sorry, but it just is part of the cost of doing business. If the parks looked great when my AP cost $200 a year, then it damn well should look at least that good at $400 a year.

Oh....and back on topic....Splash was in full test mode this evening, and the bridge in front of the Briar Patch was open. And the Splash....bigger than ever. No one riding Splash will be dry if it keeps running like it was this evening.

All I care about is how it looks when it opens. Are you there the rest of the week?


Well-Known Member
I think slashing the WDW maintenance department and lowering show-quality standards in order to maintain/boost financials (and executive performance bonuses) undermines long-term strength of the company and its stock price.

The frustrating thing is WDW was so excellent in its execution at its peak (The Halcyon Days), that even having fallen several notches off its pedestal, it (WDW) will continue to be a major draw. The execs seem to have discovered (to my dismay) that there is no need to operate at the Gold Standard when they can operate at the Bronze Standard and take home more money.

That is already changing.

When folks who own DVC are using the places as bases and going to UNI/SW/BG/AQ/DC/CK etc and NOT visiting WDW parks, they know. Those DVCers are the proverbial canaries in the coal mine.


Well-Known Member
Truth. And TDR is also 100% non-union. Which means OLC can essentially write their own rules with their employees. Having worked there, I can attest that salaries are actually DECREASING for cast over the past decade, and yet their attendance last year was record breaking. I love TDR ad they do a lot right. But there is a massive cultural difference that is a significant factor in what makes a day at TDR different from a stateside park. Definitely not defending WDC for their shortsightedness, just feel the need to add to this comment and temper the usual rose colored OLC image from foreigners. In fact, if you compare TDR 2013 to TDR 2003, there has been a huge slide in quality. Its still high, but not when you compare apples to apples. WDW has massive issues. TDR has less of them to be sure, but they're there nonetheless.

And WDW's unions have almost no power. FL is a right to work (right to rape workers) state. That's not to dismiss your point because it has validity. I have heard about CM pay (and to WDW CMs, TDR CMs don't get any of the benefits you do, including free admission. They basically get a pay check!)

As to the decreasing quality in the last decade in some areas, I'd again concur even though I've only been there once (Nov/Dec. 2010). My great pal and globehopper, TDLFAN, is there practically monthly and I get the reports from him and friends who live and work in Tokyo. Much of the decreases there is encouraged by TWDC and initiatives that Disney has foisted on the OLC. Still, the parks are near pristine and I don't look at ANYTHING without a critical eye. They wowed me. ... I hope -- and fully expect -- them to wow me again this fall.

WDW's parks are ghetto when compared to TDR's, there's no other way to describe it.


Premium Member
WDW's parks are ghetto when compared to TDR's, there's no other way to describe it.

Quoted for truth. I was at TDR just about a year ago, and 2 years prior to that and everything was in immaculate condition, service from the CM's amazing, food and drinks are high quality, and unique merchandise I actually WANT to buy.

They still have a real magic store and arcade on their "Main Street" (World Bazaar).


Well-Known Member
Yep...that would be my usual seat. Not a fan of getting wet unless it is very hot weather, so i would almost always ride in the back. At the most i would get mist on my glasses...but hardly a few drips would hit me. Good for photography chores though, as no danger of water fogging up the lens.

I enjoy riding SM to see the show elements, but i am not a big fan of the drop and soaking. I am a weirdo...yeah...i know.

Very interested to see if the AAs and other show elements are in better condition.
Agree regarding a ride-through video...a absolute must asap!
They were just left off for a long time - so the question is, during cold weather, when they turn them off, like they're supposed to, will they remember to turn them back on for when it warms up, or will it be forgotten again? And whenever I'm in the back row, there's always 3 places in the ride where it perfectly lines up to do a small, but annoyingly soaking splash that comes diagonally into the back seat only. Think it just depends on how the trough is running that day, and the weight distribution of the people in with you. :) I'm hoping they just automate it, i.e., cold weather profile or warm weather profile, but that would take some show control changes.

There seems to be a combination of both new planting and old. The new are really green, the old are just starting to come back. I'd say they must have fixed the irrigation.

CM's said Splash would open at 9 along with the rest of the park Wednesday. I'll be at rope drop!
Irrigation should have been fixed.

Don't forget Totoro!!!
That thing's eerily friendly, yet frightening. Like it's going to molest the kids.
@ParentsOf4 is my favorite poster here after @Lee ... oh, and myself! :D
It's all the intelligent analysis and coherent, well-thought-out writing. I think I need a cool dip. ;) Don't be concerned though, you and Lee'd definitely be in the group I'd take to my desert island if it ever came to that. If I liked deserts. Or beaches. :)

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