Spirited WDW Observations, News and Provocative Comments


Active Member
Yes, which is why I think Kevin nailed it with his assessment.

Wishes has a very insincere/Disney marketing MAGIC that is designed to ellicit certain responses in a very obvious over-the-top way.

There's a difference from a REAL emotional moment and a contrived one.

That's just your perspective on it.

I view Wishes as the grand daddy and epic take on the "when you wish upon a star" concept frequently used throughout WDW. It evokes pure emotion in me. Sure, it gets tiring after a while but it never loses that pure awe you get when you see it in person. In other words, it's the best sappy thing they have out there if you want to call it that.


Active Member
The Emporium has had some work since my last visit. Much merchandise space has disappeared so the store can now have a line of ECVs and double-wide strollers go through it. It really is sickening. These things should be banned from the stores. How lazy must one be to use them inside? This is unheard of in the foreign resorts and much, much, much less of an issue in Anaheim. Ultimately, management is saying it's kewl because they're making it easier for people to use these things when the rational (and even healthy) response would be the opposite. Bottom line is fat lazy people mean more chaos in shopping. Not that it matters as it's been years since I bought anything at that store.

I was enjoying your posts till this, just goes to show when your enjoying something some idiot will spoil it.:(


Active Member
They should make accomodations like that in the Emporium for people with actual disabilities to use. Sure, even I hate fakers who are just lazy, but I think the real people that NEED an ECV to make an attempt to have some freedom like we do should get this attention from TDO. Let's face it- nothing is ever 100% the way it's supposed to be. There's always someone who will ruin it.

God forbid you have to move if a paralyzed man knicks you with his ECV. :rolleyes:

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Yep ... agree fully. Great analogy.

Hell, the one thing that bothers me about Remember is that it 'borrows' the first five minutes or so of Wishes. It's the only weak part of that show!

I just feel like my teeth are getting cavities when I'm watching Wishes.

I also don't think it would play nearly as well in Anaheim ... your thoughts?

Can't say I'm a fan of Spectro either.


It takes itself way too seriously. But it doesn't give me a sugar high either.

And I don't feel like I'm being 'played' or manipulated blatantly as I do with Wishes.
It's like....you're in my mind, man...and it's freakin' me out, man!!!!!

Seriously, though...for someone whose posts I find myself mentally arguing with so often, you're totally channeling my thoughts (that's right, I claim status as the Original Thinker here and you can't disprove it) on the MK nighttime shows.


Active Member
I love Spectromagic. I think it needs a major overhaul. Something as big as Dreamlights. The parade needs it. I don't want it to be removed though, it's full of so many memories and nostalgia.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's like....you're in my mind, man...and it's freakin' me out, man!!!!!

Seriously, though...for someone whose posts I find myself mentally arguing with so often, you're totally channeling my thoughts (that's right, I claim status as the Original Thinker here and you can't disprove it) on the MK nighttime shows.

Why would you argue with me when I am right so often ... what's the saying 'like clockwork!'

And MK night shows just don't impress me much ... except during MNSSHP (love the pyro and parade).


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
After the talk today, I'll never look at Trees in the MK or the Castle the same...EVER AGAIN.:dazzle::ROFLOL:

Oh young Explorer, you have so much to learn.

Come on over to the Dark Side. We have so much more fun here. And we are waaaay kewler than the Kool Aid drinkers and Pixie Dust snorters.

BTW, I don't think Mom liked my comparison of greenery in the MK ... or my using WALT DISNEY'S own term for the castle ... he called it a weenie ... but I wonder if that word isn't allowed ... should I use a five-letter word that begins with a 'P' and ends with an 'S'?:ROFLOL::fork::king:

I'm just glad you finally realized how important trees are to a magical visit to Phil Holmes' Magical Toon, Plush and Pin Emporium! (soon to be plussed with RFID tech!)

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Oh young Explorer, you have so much to learn.

Come on over to the Dark Side. We have so much more fun here. And we are waaaay kewler than the Kool Aid drinkers and Pixie Dust snorters.

BTW, I don't think Mom liked my comparison of greenery in the MK ... or my using WALT DISNEY'S own term for the castle ... he called it a weenie ... but I wonder if that word isn't allowed ... should I use a five-letter word that begins with a 'P' and ends with an 'S'?:ROFLOL::fork::king:

I'm just glad you finally realized how important trees are to a magical visit to Phil Holmes' Magical Toon, Plush and Pin Emporium! (soon to be plussed with RFID tech!)

Oh, you know me...I'm the optimistic one. I look at the Dark Side, talk about it a bit, and I'm good. Then again, after the talk the other day... Doom and Gloom maybe the only way to go!

If it matters, I liked the greenery comparison. Though shocking, I have a new appreciation for the hub and it's symbolism. Something out of a Dan Brown novel.

Starts with a P, ends with S? 5 letters? Packs? Sure.

I'll be the first in line to Holmesland ONLY if they discount my room, tickets, and give me a LE Pin for Holmes23.:ROFLOL::goodnevil:D


It's true.

Doom and Gloom Jungle Cruises are especially fun:king:


There was no Doom and Gloom...

Just less OG...


Doom and Gloom Luncheons (Or rather...residences. We stay at our table a looong time.) are very amusing and highly anticipated gatherings.

We should have a D&G meet at the parks one time. It would be so much fun. We could yell at everyone to stop having fun, steal candy from babies, knock some foam heads down, etc.

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