Spirited WDW Observations, News and Provocative Comments


Why exactly do the children's voices bother you so much? (and I know 74 just loves them too.) They sound pretty darn good.

I just don't like kid's singing. I don't know why, but kid's singing annoys me. I love kids, just not when they sing. Or act. I don't know why, just does.:lol:

And in the context of Wishes, I feel like it's just more reaching for emotion out of the show.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
There's a difference between trying to draw emotion out of people and just beating them over the head with "magic" and "pixie dust".

The kids singing in that stinking show makes me want to puke, not to mention the word "wish" having to be repeated every 5 seconds.

And then there's the great ways of getting emotion out of people: Illuminations' "We Go On", Fantasmic when Mick appears at the top of the mountain in a shower of sparks, etc.

But to me, Wishes tries waaaaay to hard to get emotion out of people. There's nothing genuine about it. It's basically Disney saying, "Hey, you better cry because we're playing some of our best music with the word wish in it."
And a shower of HUGE gold blooms over Cinderella Castle sund to "When You Wish" isn't? I don't get it.

Besides...It's a different type of emotion that they are using in this show. Logos, Pathos and Ethos, almost! It's how they appeal. We Go On- All logos. All thinking. All based in meaning and steeped in symbolism. Fantasmic? Ethos. You see a hero emerge from the ashes, triumphant. (This is getting very deep. :lol:) Wishes? Pathos. All the emotion of the moment. It's more personal...It's YOU on that Main Street finally seeing that archetypal view of the Castle and of the Fireworks. You knew it would happen, and here it finally is. If you want to get really "Disney" about it? - Your Wish came true.
I actually like the kids choir version of the song better than the pop exit. You have to admit, at least, that the medium of children's ensemble is not overdone (if done anywhere else) on property. I think it's a good change of pace from the LA studio choir that sings just about every other song that's played in the MK. Why exactly do the children's voices bother you so much? (and I know 74 just loves them too.) They sound pretty darn good.
I know! I never knew that people disliked it this much.
I thought of another - Spectro finale has a kids choir portion. You feel the same way about that?

Horizons and SSE 86 must have also really gotten on your nerves. :lol:
:lol: :lol:

Sometimes if it's just "en vouge" to have these slants against these "emotional" things. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I'll disagree with throwing Aristotle's appeals at the three shows so unilaterally. I think of "We Go On" as a consummately emotional (pathos) appeal, particularly with the spectacle of increased visual excitement (from nothing, to flames, to white flares, to head-cracking fireworks finale).

I'm hard pressed to find a logos argument in WDW, at least not one worn on the sleeve. Possibly the closest we'll come is the new HoP, where Obama is "one of us" (us meaning presidents, meaning common men, meaning also African Americans). It's cleverly conceived.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I'll disagree with throwing Aristotle's appeals at the three shows so unilaterally. I think of "We Go On" as a consummately emotional (pathos) appeal, particularly with the spectacle of increased visual excitement (from nothing, to flames, to white flares, to head-cracking fireworks finale).

I'm hard pressed to find a logos argument in WDW, at least not one worn on the sleeve. Possibly the closest we'll come is the new HoP, where Obama is "one of us" (us meaning presidents, meaning common men, meaning also African Americans). It's cleverly conceived.

I agree, it's really a mixed bag, however, I was attempting (rather shiftily :lol:) to delineate which was which.

SSE could be logos. Or...it was. :lol:


Wishes? Pathos. All the emotion of the moment. It's more personal...It's YOU on that Main Street finally seeing that archetypal view of the Castle and of the Fireworks. You knew it would happen, and here it finally is. If you want to get really "Disney" about it? - Your Wish came true.

See I don't see it being personal at all. It's about the characters. As I said before, it's a microcosm of the park itself. It's more about the characters than it is about you.

Were as FitS is much more like your highlight reel of your day. It zooms you through your adventures in the Magic Kingdom through sight and sound.

Like I said, I feel like Wishes tries sooooo hard to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, that it doesn't give you a chance to.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
See I don't see it being personal at all. It's about the characters. As I said before, it's a microcosm of the park itself. It's more about the characters than it is about you.

Were as FitS is much more like your highlight reel of your day. It zooms you through your adventures in the Magic Kingdom through sight and sound.

Like I said, I feel like Wishes tries sooooo hard to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, that it doesn't give you a chance to.

Perhaps the characters are a personification of YOU, seeing you "lived" in their world (of Fantasy) for a day?

I think you are over thinking the show, but in a bad way. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally Posted by WDW1974
As to discounting, WDW has gotten into a vicious cycle of it whereby people now expect free nights, free dining, free gift cards, free ... anything ... and Bob Iger can talk all he wants about ending it, but TDO's actions say the direct opposite.

Is this maybe an artifact of post-terror (ie, post 2001) thinking? I didn't live here in 2001, but my wife visited in January 2002 and found the place deserted. I imagine that had been going on for some months in that particular year, post terror attack, and I'd bet this scared the beejesus out of the execs, enough to maybe make them vow to kill the business cycle and keep the turnstiles clicking every day of every year.

(Of course, a severe oil shock or another travel-related terror attack would destroy those plans, but still)

Well, 9/11 (and the current economic meltdown) wouldn't be hurting WDW nearly as badly if TWDC hadn't greedily attempted to have every guest a prisoner by building 30,000 rooms/timeshares.

I can tell you that discounts (even AP and FLA residents) were not common and very limited. Things like generic 'codes' and 'specials' didn't exist in the 70s, 80s or 90s. But I can also tell you that I haven't paid 'rack' rate at WDW since 4/98. And I have spent hundreds of nights on-property since.

It's a chicken and egg deal, Kevin. Disney has made an environment where it constantly has to discount. Even the whole free dining deal ... if you had mentioned that as something to be considered by Disney in say 1995, the TDO execs would have laughed until they turned blue.

Now, they'll do anything to get people here. Even giving the product away, all the while raising the costs of everything (in other words, they'll nickel and dime you to death, but first they need you here ... and they'll give you a 'great' discount to get you here). And if you're already here (like FLA residents) then they'll let you in for $25 a day!

So, without being TOO :D longwinded, while 9/11 was a factor in the discounting, it's not really one now. It's the daily need to fill all those rooms that has created the vicious cycle. 9/11 was a blip (a very serious one for about 18 months and a factor for about a year more, but that's it). I was told by a Disney VP (no longer there) in early spring 2004 that 'we're completely recovered' (meaning from the aftermath of the attacks).

Sadly, I think the current business model (and all those rooms that go along with it) have perpetuated a constant cycle of discounting ... and that causes the quality of everything from food to entertainment to horticulture to suffer as they need to cut left and right to make up for all the discounting damage.

I really don't know how to stop it ... well, actually, I do. I just have no intention of putting my ideas out here for Disney to borrow when I know the six and seven figure contracts many of its consultants make. No freebies, Mickey! :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I've been a local at DL for Believe (I left in 2002) and at WDW for Wishes (I arrived in 2004), and my money goes very quickly to Believe as the winner. For heart, for music, for emotion, ... and a certain je ne sais quoi kind of authenticity. It's an "authentic sappy" rather than a strained / wannabe sappy - that's the best metaphor I can come up with. Wishes just seems derivitive to me, but Believe does not. Maybe that's because Believe was such a quantum leap forward over Fantasy in the Sky (shudder).

Yep ... agree fully. Great analogy.

Hell, the one thing that bothers me about Remember is that it 'borrows' the first five minutes or so of Wishes. It's the only weak part of that show!

I just feel like my teeth are getting cavities when I'm watching Wishes.

I also don't think it would play nearly as well in Anaheim ... your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There's a difference between trying to draw emotion out of people and just beating them over the head with "magic" and "pixie dust".

The kids singing in that stinking show makes me want to puke, not to mention the word "wish" having to be repeated every 5 seconds.

And then there's the great ways of getting emotion out of people: Illuminations' "We Go On", Fantasmic when Mick appears at the top of the mountain in a shower of sparks, etc.

But to me, Wishes tries waaaaay to hard to get emotion out of people. There's nothing genuine about it. It's basically Disney saying, "Hey, you better cry because we're playing some of our best music with the word wish in it."

Yes, which is why I think Kevin nailed it with his assessment.

Wishes has a very insincere/Disney marketing MAGIC that is designed to ellicit certain responses in a very obvious over-the-top way.

There's a difference from a REAL emotional moment and a contrived one.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I thought of another - Spectro finale has a kids choir portion. You feel the same way about that?

Can't say I'm a fan of Spectro either.


It takes itself way too seriously. But it doesn't give me a sugar high either.

And I don't feel like I'm being 'played' or manipulated blatantly as I do with Wishes.

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