Spirited WDW Observations, News and Provocative Comments


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I just think that everyone hates the style of the music. :lol: Maybe if they re recorded it?

Can only so much with basic material!

As for Fantasmic having it's storyline ripped for Wishes, though I see the obvious parallels, Fantasmic HAS a linear, easy to follow, but convoluted and heavily populated storyline. Wishes? Not really... It's more of a vignette or painting. It's a brief look into the "emotion" or thoughts behind a Wish, something very Disney. As for the baddies...I don't think that it's a conflict..It's Jimminy showing you about the "other side" of Wishes. Wishes is like one long dream, it's just sensation and imagery. Like I said, a vignette.

Take a look at Fantasmic again. The whole thing is about Mickey's Dreams/Nightmares/Imagination.

Good vs. Evil.

Same as Wishes.

Same as that castle forecourt show too.

It might not be the most original thing in the world, but for Firework shows at the MK, you usually get ones cut and dry. Beleive, Wishes, FitS, RDCT, all the same in the sense. (And for the record, Believe's score has ME rolling my eyes. THAT'S sappy.)

Believe was the first of Steve's spectaculars, so I have a soft spot for it.
But maybe the fact I liked the music better ... maybe the fact it wasn't so fey (hey a young boy who doesn't want to be a gay pirate or princess! imagine that!) ... it just played better.

But you could certainly use 'sappy' to describe it.

I wouldn't though.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Can only so much with basic material!

Take a look at Fantasmic again. The whole thing is about Mickey's Dreams/Nightmares/Imagination.

Good vs. Evil.

Same as Wishes.

Same as that castle forecourt show too.

Believe was the first of Steve's spectaculars, so I have a soft spot for it.
But maybe the fact I liked the music better ... maybe the fact it wasn't so fey (hey a young boy who doesn't want to be a gay pirate or princess! imagine that!) ... it just played better.

But you could certainly use 'sappy' to describe it.

I wouldn't though.
Like I said, though...I honestly don't think Wishes, though it has those components, is linear like that. It's described as a symphony, in official Disney media, so I'll use that too. Like any good symphony it has it's changes in beat, tempo, and mood. The "Wicked Wishes" section of the show is just another part of that. In a long "song" about Wishes, this showcases the "other side".

And, if we really want to get acculturated...Fantasmic is like a drama, or a opera! :lol: Same story, plot, moods as all it's contemporaries. And, as always it's not over until the fat lady sings. Or the Foamhead shoots pyro. Whatever you want. :lol:

Same idea, maybe. Different presentation? Totally!

Maybe to shake things up, they should axe Fantasmic, and bring back some REAL unique entertainment for TPFKaTDMGMS, like Sorcery in the Sky. THAT was a good, unique show. Miss it very much.

Wouldn't know about the Forecourt, though, tried to see it as we got into the Hub around when it was starting, but the stage was wet so they just shot the pyro off. Kewl stuff. What's that like?

I was certainly a fan of how Believe adapted the SitS in park launches, yes, and some of the sequences, but the kid? Meh. Sappy. :lol: I did like that he was actually talking about Disneyland itself, though. Makes it feel much more fresh.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Like I said, though...I honestly don't think Wishes, though it has those components, is linear like that. It's described as a symphony, in official Disney media, so I'll use that too. Like any good symphony it has it's changes in beat, tempo, and mood. The "Wicked Wishes" section of the show is just another part of that. In a long "song" about Wishes, this showcases the "other side".

And, if we really want to get acculturated...Fantasmic is like a drama, or a opera! :lol: Same story, plot, moods as all it's contemporaries. And, as always it's not over until the fat lady sings. Or the Foamhead shoots pyro. Whatever you want. :lol:

Same idea, maybe. Different presentation? Totally!

We could go back and forth ad nauseum on this, EE ... But your last sentence sums things up well.

It is the SAME concept. And it is one repeated almost universally these days in Disney shows. ... because it's cheaper and easier.

Maybe to shake things up, they should axe Fantasmic, and bring back some REAL unique entertainment for TPFKaTDMGMS, like Sorcery in the Sky. THAT was a good, unique show. Miss it very much.

Yes. It was a phenomenal show ... but it also wasn't all about the Disney brand and Disney franchises. Fantasmic is all a sales job.

Wouldn't know about the Forecourt, though, tried to see it as we got into the Hub around when it was starting, but the stage was wet so they just shot the pyro off. Kewl stuff. What's that like?

Largely forgettable. I wouldn't waste my time with it. Hell, I enjoy the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It (the street party, not the gay ______ DVD!:eek:) more ...:D

I was certainly a fan of how Believe adapted the SitS in park launches, yes, and some of the sequences, but the kid? Meh. Sappy. :lol: I did like that he was actually talking about Disneyland itself, though. Makes it feel much more fresh.

I'll take it over Wishes any day ... of course, I'll take any current pyro show over Wishes as well. Not because of the pyro, but because of the crappy, grating storyline and soundtrack.


Well-Known Member
As to discounting, WDW has gotten into a vicious cycle of it whereby people now expect free nights, free dining, free gift cards, free ... anything ... and Bob Iger can talk all he wants about ending it, but TDO's actions say the direct opposite.

Is this maybe an artifact of post-terror (ie, post 2001) thinking? I didn't live here in 2001, but my wife visited in January 2002 and found the place deserted. I imagine that had been going on for some months in that particular year, post terror attack, and I'd bet this scared the beejesus out of the execs, enough to maybe make them vow to kill the business cycle and keep the turnstiles clicking every day of every year.

(Of course, a severe oil shock or another travel-related terror attack would destroy those plans, but still)


Well-Known Member
I've been a local at DL for Believe (I left in 2002) and at WDW for Wishes (I arrived in 2004), and my money goes very quickly to Believe as the winner. For heart, for music, for emotion, ... and a certain je ne sais quoi kind of authenticity. It's an "authentic sappy" rather than a strained / wannabe sappy - that's the best metaphor I can come up with. Wishes just seems derivitive to me, but Believe does not. Maybe that's because Believe was such a quantum leap forward over Fantasy in the Sky (shudder).


Well-Known Member
As for the baddies...I don't think that it's a conflict..It's Jimminy showing you about the "other side" of Wishes. Wishes is like one long dream, it's just sensation and imagery. Like I said, a vignette.

It might not be the most original thing in the world, but for Firework shows at the MK, you usually get ones cut and dry. Beleive, Wishes, FitS, RDCT, all the same in the sense. (And for the record, Believe's score has ME rolling my eyes. THAT'S sappy.)
Leave EPCOT for all the mumbo jumbo symbolism that no one gets. :rolleyes: :D
I was gonna jump all over this, but Spirit got to it first. The preshow for Fantasmic basically says what you just said, but insert "Fantasmic" for "Wishes"

FitS is a complete departure from Wishes. Apples and Oranges really...the only similarity is that both are fruits:lookaroun

You obviously have a sweet spot for Wishes, and there is nothing wrong with that. I still enjoy it whenever I get the chance. However, the similarities are striking. Just calling a spade a spade.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
We could go back and forth ad nauseum on this, EE ... But your last sentence sums things up well.

It is the SAME concept. And it is one repeated almost universally these days in Disney shows. ... because it's cheaper and easier.

Won't argue that! :lol:

Yes. It was a phenomenal show ... but it also wasn't all about the Disney brand and Disney franchises. Fantasmic is all a sales job.
Well, thats a given, with all the characters and merch and STORES just created for the show.

I'm sure if they could make merch sales from Wishes, they could. I bet they do, light up crap nonwithstanding. :lol:

Largely forgettable. I wouldn't waste my time with it. Hell, I enjoy the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It (the street party, not the gay ______ DVD!:eek:) more ...:D

:lol: It's on the "If We Have Time List." Heck, I enjoy the 3PM Parade, and that's sappy as hell.

I'll take it over Wishes any day ... of course, I'll take any current pyro show over Wishes as well. Not because of the pyro, but because of the crappy, grating storyline and soundtrack.Agree to disagree....That kid in Believe makes me want to puke.

Sorry for the "editing" style of responding ...Hope you don't mind.
I was gonna jump all over this, but Spirit got to it first. The preshow for Fantasmic basically says what you just said, but insert "Fantasmic" for "Wishes"

FitS is a complete departure from Wishes.
Apples and Oranges really...the only similarity is that both are fruits:lookaroun

You obviously have a sweet spot for Wishes, and there is nothing wrong with that. I still enjoy it whenever I get the chance. However, the similarities are striking. Just calling a spade a spade.
And that's a good thing. I just wish the music was as good, and as organic as Wishes. It has the pyro down pat...for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the "editing" style of responding ...Hope you don't mind.

Who cares if he cares. It makes great reading. Glad I invented it. :lol:
And that's a good thing. I just wish the music was as good, and as organic as Wishes. It has the pyro down pat...for the most part.

That is weird because one of the guys who works on it is named "Pat". Coincidence? :lookaroun

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
The music as organic as Wishes!??:zipit:

Wishes has the most derivative, contrived music of al time. SO much so I'm convinced it was written by the marketing department.

I tend to think that the orchestrations and "flow" of the music is much better. :wave:

FitS is very choppy. As is the orchestrations. Why do renditions? Use the actual tracks.


New Member
Wishes has the most derivative, contrived music of al time. SO much so I'm convinced it was written by the marketing department.

Then allow me to unconvince you: :wave: Gregory Smith info.

I'm siding with my buddy EE on this one. The core content of Wishes is top quality in nearly every component, including the exceptional music by one of Disney's best composers.

I think what the esteemed 74, Michael and Goofy are suffering from here is a case of misdirected angst. You're letting your justifiable distaste for the message and strategy cloud your view of the actual product.

All in good fun guys. :p


Then allow me to unconvince you: :wave: Gregory Smith info.

I'm siding with my buddy EE on this one. The core content of Wishes is top quality in nearly every component, including the exceptional music by one of Disney's best composers.

I think what the esteemed 74, Michael and Goofy are suffering from here is a case of misdirected angst. You're letting your justifiable distaste for the message and strategy cloud your view of the actual product.

All in good fun guys. :p

Nope, it's just too sappy for my taste. I enjoy parts(mostly the Hercules and the Princesses parts, due to them having the least amount of dialogue), but most just bores me/makes me roll my eyes.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
This again??!! :eek:

For all my thoughts on the (overrated/uninspiring/emotionally hollow) show that is Wishes, see SirGoofy's recent bear of a thread. :king: :lol:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Those are easy fixes though.:shrug:
So fix them! :lol:
Then allow me to unconvince you: :wave: Gregory Smith info.

I'm siding with my buddy EE on this one. The core content of Wishes is top quality in nearly every component, including the exceptional music by one of Disney's best composers.

I think what the esteemed 74, Michael and Goofy are suffering from here is a case of misdirected angst. You're letting your justifiable distaste for the message and strategy cloud your view of the actual product.

All in good fun guys. :p
Exactly. It's good quality.

As for you rolling your eyes, Goof...Isn't Disney SUPPOSED to be over the top and sappy for SOME things? If anything, it's the MK Pyro Show that does this. :lol:


As for you rolling your eyes, Goof...Isn't Disney SUPPOSED to be over the top and sappy for SOME things? If anything, it's the MK Pyro Show that does this. :lol:

There's a difference between trying to draw emotion out of people and just beating them over the head with "magic" and "pixie dust".

The kids singing in that stinking show makes me want to puke, not to mention the word "wish" having to be repeated every 5 seconds.

And then there's the great ways of getting emotion out of people: Illuminations' "We Go On", Fantasmic when Mick appears at the top of the mountain in a shower of sparks, etc.

But to me, Wishes tries waaaaay to hard to get emotion out of people. There's nothing genuine about it. It's basically Disney saying, "Hey, you better cry because we're playing some of our best music with the word wish in it."


New Member
The kids singing in that stinking show makes me want to puke, not to mention the word "wish" having to be repeated every 5 seconds.

I actually like the kids choir version of the song better than the pop exit. You have to admit, at least, that the medium of children's ensemble is not overdone (if done anywhere else) on property. I think it's a good change of pace from the LA studio choir that sings just about every other song that's played in the MK. Why exactly do the children's voices bother you so much? (and I know 74 just loves them too.) They sound pretty darn good.

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