Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...


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Original Poster
It's called multi-tasking.. you should try it :) What better way to pass the droning time of endless meetings or waiting for the file to copy then checking out wdwmagic all day :)

Clearly, you're the best multi-tasker we have on MAGIC.

I have been multi-tasking for the last two hours and can't come close to your output.
But I have been told it's quality that counts more than quantity anyway.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the crowds are big because the parks are still a lot more fun overall than universal. I like universal and what they are doing today is genius, it is also almost 15 years past due.
I don't agree that the Walt Disney Parks are more fun than Universal's. Bit I do agree that what Universal is doing is overdue, Universal hit a very rough spot shortly after IOA opened and NBC bought them. They spent 5 years trying to sell off the parks division where they didn't add anything and let maintenance slide to deplorable levels. Their attendance numbers plummeted because they didn't have a "dedicated" fan base that would ignore the problems. It got to the point that they needed to invest and they started with Disaster! then The Simpson's. They got Potter and the Kuka Tech just about the time that Comcast bought NBC/Universal and the real 'Renaissance" began.The Disneyland saw a similar rough patch during the Pressler/Harris Era. And WDW has recently been through a similar stint, but between the "dedicated" fan base and aggressive marketing to overseas tour groups they have been able to keep the number up pretty well. But at this point they are losing a lot of their "dedicated" fan base and replacing them with mostly South American tour groups. That's a great plan as long as the Dollar remains weak. Heaven forbid that the US economy rebounds and/or jet fuel prices dramatically increase.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
It seems like the late 90's - early 2000's was prime time for big parks opening. Universal's Islands of Adventure, Disney's Animal Kingdom and... Disney's California Adventure.

What were they thinking when they built that park? Though it seems like an amazing park now! I absolutely love the look of Buena Vista Street. Cars Land looks amazing. The rest of the park also looks picture perfect and I love how they changed Paradise Pier to actually reflect an old sea-side park instead of having rides located in giant orange peels.

I would love to visit Disney's California Adventure.

They really weren't thinking at all when DCA was first built. It was terrible... Just terrible.

Trust me, the park is not perfect at all. Hollywood Land is a hot mess. The theme is so off. A Bug's Land is well done, when it comes to themeing and ambiance, but the attractions are cheap. I think it needs to be replaced with something else, though it's great for little kiddies.


Well-Known Member
To elaborate more on what I said earlier, here's a fun clip of Eisner on the Disney Sunday Night Movie:

Now I love this clip for several reasons:

1) it cross-promotes WDW in a creative and tasteful way (schmaltz free!)
2) it shows recognition for past company achievements and works, while at the same time selling them
3) it shows how the company's CEO is willing to do his part in a more direct promotion of the brand and show himself as more than an invisible boardroom type
4) it looks cool

None of this seems to exist with Iger (especially the promotion of Walt's live-action works) and he comes across as far less impressive and totally obscure to the public at large who are used to seeing the man in charge of Disney show a more public face.

Not to mention Disney's promotional efforts seem more dull. No real comparison with Pocahontas' Central Park premier is there?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey Mr. Spirit, sir, any updates/sightings of where the rag tag crew of Iger/Staggs/Meg/George went today in WDW? I would imagine that since you stated they went tho EPCOT and MK yesterday, they probably swung by DHS and AK today.

I'm waiting for my ragtag crew of Exec Stalking Minions to report in from various areas around the WDW resort.
Since I haven't heard from my front-liners, I'm guessing that they weren't out in public ... but don't know for sure!


Premium Member
You just can't market a plastic wristband in the same way you can a Radiator Springs Racers or a Forbidden Journey; virtually no one is going to choose to visit one theme park over another solely, or even primarily, because it has a more convenient ticketing/reservation/payment scheme. Such a system might work if it's relatively inexpensive, and is seen as a supplement to an exciting new attraction, rather than as the main event -- but MyMagic+ is none of those things.

Why does a random guest care how much the system cost Disney?

Did you ever see Disney advertise their concept of the preshow as a better way to handle safety spiels and waiting in line? No - but they spend a ton of money on it AND it improves the guest experience through show AND has pretty much become an expectation of how a big ride should be. Just because Disney doesn't advertise it, do you not think guests see this difference in show and in part it contributes to their Disney preference?

Same with Fastpass.. I don't ever recall seeing advertisements outside the property about the value of FP - yet people have come to expect such services and see it as a differentiator in the industry.

Or how about free transportation? Free buttons? Rider Switch? etc.

There are tons of things Disney has invested in, that they would not ever market directly in an advertising sense off property, yet they contribute to 'the Disney difference' that keeps people coming back.

Should Disney done none of those things because they weren't marketable on their own as main attractions?

I don't understand this requirement that we are holding investments to now.. and why there should be new standards compared to the company's behavior for decades.


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Original Poster
74, not sure if you have mentioned it or not....but ultimately will you wear the MagicBand?

I haven't made any decision, but I'm not one that likes stuff on my wrists or hands even (I have some nice rings that I don't wear because I don't like the feeling on my fingers).


Well-Known Member
They really weren't thinking at all when DCA was first built. It was terrible... Just terrible.

Trust me, the park is not perfect at all. Hollywood Land is a hot mess. The theme is so off. A Bug's Land is well done, when it comes to themeing and ambiance, but the attractions are cheap. I think it needs to be replaced with something else, though it's great for little kiddies.
Yeah, I've seen pictures of A Bug's Land and that caterpillar ride looks awful. How is Hollywood Land a hot mess?


Premium Member
None of this seems to exist with Iger (especially the promotion of Walt's live-action works) and he comes across as far less impressive and totally obscure to the public at large who are used to seeing the man in charge of Disney show a more public face.

But also on the flipside.. Eisner got a lot of heat for trying to draw the association that he was like Walt himself.. or his heir apparent. With the TV program appearances, his comparisons to his name vs Disney's original French name, and other references. He put some very important people off.. including Walt's daughter.. over some of his actions trying to draw lines between Walt and himself.


Well-Known Member
Same with Fastpass.. I don't ever recall seeing advertisements outside the property about the value of FP - yet people have come to expect such services and see it as a differentiator in the industry.

Yeah, the ones that knew about it. Thing is, over the years the ratio of guests utilizing FastPass versus those who were not was drastically in favor of the latter group. So many new guests simply assume it's an extra charge and don't even think to ask. While Disney's name is well known for magical family entertainment, it certainly is no secret how they try to screw you out of every last dime either. It's amazing how guests who speak nothing but the wonders of Disney turn into absolute nightmares as soon as they assume something has an extra charge or that they will be charged against their will.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Leave the bracelet in a locker. (Or the RFID card if that's what you've got instead.)

Won't be able to use Fastpass. But you also won't be tracked!

I'm predicting the lockers are going to be updated to work on the RFID platform. Meaning. You won't be able to lock your bracelet away since you'll need your bracelet to open the locker back up.

Actually, I could easily see that being the case!

And welcome back, stranger (not that you're strange or anything!:D) ... how were your adventures? Any trip observations/thoughts coming?


Well-Known Member
But also on the flipside.. Eisner got a lot of heat for trying to draw the association that he was like Walt himself.. or his heir apparent. With the TV program appearances, his comparisons to his name vs Disney's original French name, and other references. He put some very important people off.. including Walt's daughter.. over some of his actions trying to draw lines between Walt and himself.

Yeah, I read that in DisneyWar. Keep in mind, I liked Eisner up till 94.


Premium Member
Clearly, you're the best multi-tasker we have on MAGIC.

I have been multi-tasking for the last two hours and can't come close to your output.
But I have been told it's quality that counts more than quantity anyway.

Tisk tisk.. the backhanded stuff really doesn't show your good side. Don't let the travel get you down - go find the hotel bar and the lonely sales rep and offer her a drink.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've seen pictures of A Bug's Land and that caterpillar ride looks awful. How is Hollywood Land a hot mess?

I'm one of few that actually likes Heimlich's Chew Chew Train. I know @WDWFigment and @WDW1974 hate it, LOL. Still, it's cheap.

Oh my goodness... First of all, Monster's Inc is in Holllywood, despite the fact it has NOTHING to do with the land, although it's a great dark ride, IMO. Mad T Party doesn't really have anything to do with the land, either. There's cheap entertainment, such as Dancin' with Disney, which I can't stand, and my friend always makes me go with her whenever we go. -__- Basically little kids dance to music with various Disney characters. The CMs' costumes are so tacky, I can't stand them. The Land just doesn't make sense. You've got Tower that's set in the 1920s or 1930s, but nothing else fits that era. It's just a mess. The only redeeming attractions are Aladdin, Tower and the Art of Animation building/activities.

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
@Animaniac93-98: LOVE that clip, as it illustrates the point perfectly!

Despite his faults, at the end of the day Mr. Eisner seemed to "get" at least some of what the Disney brand was all about.

Mr. Iger did secure Pixar, but he's also introduced Avatar and Marvel into Disney's world. And Avenger babes pointing loaded guns in my face at the TTC. Things I don't think Michael would have ever sanctioned because he understood the importance of keeping the brand consistent, friendly and optimistic.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I could easily see that being the case!

And welcome back, stranger (not that you're strange or anything!:D) ... how were your adventures? Any trip observations/thoughts coming?
It was excelente, and as horrible as I feel for admitting it, I even succumbed to buying a small Duffy keychain at Aunt Peg's! How could I have let myself do such a thing?! Maybe because I couldn't find a single damn t-shirt anywhere instead... But yeah, I'm back and resettling into the swing, the ol' groove of things. Been catching up on this particular thread for the past week. :D

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