SPACE MOUNTAIN- I assure you, we are SOFT re-OPEN!!!


Active Member
I love it! :sohappy:
I am especially happy about the fact they kept all the songs, but I am holding up my celebration until the 22nd.


Well-Known Member
I don't see it. We got what we knew we were getting. There's nothing in Mr. EPCOT's report that suggests anything otherwise.

That's all I'm saying.

I'd rather talk about the Fantastic Four meet and greet at EPCOT or when the Sheriff will make UNI move Spidey to the MK!

That would be worth talking about!:xmas:

We knew we were getting it, but it being open is NEWS

Fantastic Four and such is RUMORS

That's why it's called a NEWS & RUMORS board. You can have both in a topic or just one.
Just because there aren't rumors here, doesn't make this thread less significant than some other speculative thread.


Well-Known Member
I don't see it. We got what we knew we were getting. There's nothing in Mr. EPCOT's report that suggests anything otherwise.

That's all I'm saying.

I'd rather talk about the Fantastic Four meet and greet at EPCOT or when the Sheriff will make UNI move Spidey to the MK!

That would be worth talking about!:xmas:

Oh, and the cynical Spirit in me can't help but wonder if the timing of this soft opening was designed to get the fanbois off the LoW deal and focused on other things ... always convenient timing.

Oh look who walked in and started demanding to be noticed. Like an impetuous child who can't stand seeing the adults enjoy themselves and demanding to be noticed. 74 and his never ending attention seeking clown show. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Oh look who walked in and started demanding to be noticed. Like an impetuous child who can't stand seeing the adults enjoy themselves and demanding to be noticed. 74 and his never ending attention seeking clown show. :rolleyes:

Do we have a smiley with an online bulge?

Just wondering ... :xmas:


Active Member
I cant believe they had 7 months to put reflectors inside of a new black tube and instead of getting this


we have this embarrisment instead!


siiiigggghhhh :mad:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Um ... sorry, but I've been reading the report.

I don't see any major changes at all...

I'd love to know how a tired, old coaster with new paint and refreshed queue is somehow anything close to being labeled immense.

But judging by all the attention it is getting (as the fanbois show how they have the attention span of kitties chasing a flashlight beam), maybe I missed something.
You haven't been reading it well...and now you're changing your story like you usually do to try to protect whatever, if any, credibility you ever had. No you use the words "major changes" when in your last post you said "things got painted, it got darker, things got fixed," which is the lamest excuse for an explanation of this refurb you could ever dream up, and you're only doing to not look so freaking wrong. It's transparent. It's pathetic. It doesn't work on anyone with a brain.

It's blatantly clear that you said this refurb would be one thing, and it turned out to be much more than you thought it would be (and I know what you thought because you posted it over and over). It may not be what was originally planned, and we can all agree that is the case, but it also is nowhere NEAR the crap you thought it would be. You, and some others, were wrong about it, and it's as simple as that.

Again, you'll never admit it that they did even ONE thing you weren't expecting, and I fully expect a response of TOTAL denial. I can't imagine you'll change personalities and prove me wrong.

While I certainly wish we would've gotten some of the things on the original list, I'm very happy with the results of this shorter, budgeted down upgrade. It's clean, crisp, and the sense of story is back, as well. The retro futuristic feel (which seems to remind some of Horizons) can't hurt either. ;)

Thanks to Mr. Epcot and the other rider (name escapes me) for the updates today. The only true insiders of this project on this board are the people who were actually ON the inside, and today, that was you.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I don't see it. We got what we knew we were getting. There's nothing in Mr. EPCOT's report that suggests anything otherwise.

That's all I'm saying.

I'd rather talk about the Fantastic Four meet and greet at EPCOT or when the Sheriff will make UNI move Spidey to the MK!

That would be worth talking about!:xmas:

Oh, and the cynical Spirit in me can't help but wonder if the timing of this soft opening was designed to get the fanbois off the LoW deal and focused on other things ... always convenient timing. ......god......LOL ! :lol: I'm done with you.


Well-Known Member
Spirit, I too think it was to get people off of LoW.

There were already a few overturned desks barricating the offices of TDO until this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
That top one looks INSANELY cheap and pathetic.

and yet it manages to be a much better effect than what you see in the second picture. as Lee said, that picture was taken with the work lights on.. I thought you had ridden DL's SM :dazzle:

I think some of you need to take a deep breath, maybe step away from the computer and realize some people are going to dislike the refurb and some are going to love it. personal opinion :shrug: no need to get so worked up over it.


Park History nut
Premium Member
I cant believe they had 7 months to put reflectors inside of a new black tube and instead of getting this
Welcome to TDOs thinking.

On the whole, it is good groundwork layed for the future. I`ll see myself in 14 days, 19 hours and counting :D


Well-Known Member
Welcome to TDOs thinking.

On the whole, it is good groundwork layed for the future. I`ll see myself in 14 days, 19 hours and counting :D

Exactly. I'm also convinced this is the first phase. A "prefurb" if you will.

I dedicate this post to sirgoofy.:drevil:


Well-Known Member
Looks very meh to me. :shrug:

While the queue looks better, the actual ride sounds to be exactly the same.

Such a shame that the same management team that screwed up wiith the LoW situation is also given a very "meh" Space Mountain preview to keep our comments from returning to the LoW.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Very, very, very nice aesthetic changes to Space Mountain. It looks VERY sleek, very up to date, and very much "in" themed. I like it. The rest of Tomorrowland should look like this.

As we knew, the ride didn't and would not change that much. That's the shame here....We could have had a whole new, 21st Century Experience to MATCH 21st Century Aesthetics.

The same goes for the lighting. No excuse for not adding that...yet. But that might happen yet, seeing they are still cleaning, and this is still a soft opening.

My final thought? Great job WDI for making things look nice on a small budget. The work you did looks amazing. SHAME, however on TDO, and those who slash budgets, and those who get in the way of giving us a whole packaged deal.

Hope that there is more to come.:D....Can't wait to ride the damn thing.:hurl::lookaroun

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