So This Is Love: A 2010 Princess Half Marathon Trip Report!

Hi everyone! We returned almost two weeks ago from a quick weekend stay at Disney’s Pop Century resort, March 5-8. I swear, I finish one trip report and it’s time to turn around and start another one. :D Seeing that my last report hasn’t moved down the page too far, I’m going to be brief with the introductions, as I think many of you might “know” us by now!

I’m Holly, and traveling with me is my love, Brett. Here we are ringing in 2010 from sea:


That picture was taken approximately 4 days after we signed up for the 2010 Princess Half Marathon! Now, I’m not a very princess-y girl and tiaras and sparkle really aren’t my thing. But after seeing the character pictures from last year’s inaugural event, the thought of meeting Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Pluto, Chip and Dale in their royal attire had me sold. Therefore, we’d been talking about this as a possibility since sometime last summer; however, we didn’t actually pull the trigger and make it happen until the end of December. Mostly this is because the first week of March is one of the two absolute busiest weeks of my entire year at work. Pretty much everything I do leads up to a week long event and then tapers off from it twice a year. Because of this I knew the only way to make it happen would be to leave after work on Friday and come home Monday (taking only one day off). When we got home from our cruise we made resort reservations, secured some ADRs, and started setting the plan in motion. Oh yeah… and we talked about a training schedule. Can’t forget that! :lol:

Speaking of training… :lookaroun Does anyone remember how well prepared we were for the 2009 Marathon?!? I’m not going to go back and count, but I’m sure there were numerous times throughout that trip report that I swore I’d never go into another one of these events under trained… yada, yada, yada. Yeah… about that. :rolleyes: The motivation to train in the cold weather we’ve been having just wasn’t there. I know, I know, we live in South Carolina... hardly the harsh weather many others have been dealing with. Plus, I’ll admit, neither one of us was truly respecting the distance, considering we’d already conquered a full 26.2 miles, it wasn’t hard for us to tell ourselves we’d be okay pushing through a “measly” 13.1. I’m sitting here shaking my head at myself as I type this.

Anywhoo… enough about our pathetic attempts at training, let’s get on to the good stuff. One thing is for sure, Brett was a real sport about it all. From the beginning, months ago, when I asked him if he’d be willing to run a race geared towards women all the way to the finish line where he’d endured my countless references to him as Princess Brett.

So this is love!!


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The mile markers for this race were, of course, all princess themed. One thing we thought was neat is that, at each mile marker, speakers were blaring music from the appropriate movie. Fun! We quickly found ourselves upon mile marker 1... Heigh Ho!


It took us about 12 minutes to get there. We did A LOT of weaving in the first couple miles. My best guess is that there were a large number of walkers registered in Corral D (the one that took off before us) and as we came up on them we’d have to cut left and right to get around them. I get especially frustrated with the people who walk three, four and even five across. Poor race etiquette, ladies!

As you can tell from the monorail beams, we’d already cut down to World Drive by the time we came upon mile marker 2. And look... I’m just now noticing the not so hidden Mickey:


I didn’t have my ipod with me, but all of a sudden it felt as if I did when the theme music from Pirates of the Caribbean kicked in. The musical score by Klaus Badelt is a fun little gem on my run mix; it pumps me up anytime I hear it. We looked up and saw a pirate ship moored in the median between the north and south bound lanes. Hmmm... Jack must be out, or better yet, Hector Barbossa!

Nope... when we got there the ship was surrounded by random pirates only. We had a feeling we might be passing by during a switch out. Darn!


A short time after passing the ship, cheers started erupting all around us. I looked to my left to see some wheelchair racers coming past, and then we saw two or three ladies within a few strides of one another coming down the southbound lane. Wow...they were almost at mile 10 and it had only been 56-57 minutes since they took off at 6am. Needless to say, it was impressive!

Next thing I knew, I was running along to a great 80’s beat... What?!? Holding Out For A Hero! Footloose, awesomeness! Why has this song not been on my run mix all along? I got really into it and started humming along:

“I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero til the end of the night
He’s gotta be strong, and he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero til the morning light
He’s gotta be sure, and it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life”

....then I heard Brett’s voice, rousing me from my 80’s trance, “LOOOOK!”

My response... “OH EM GEE! It’s Captain Phoebus!” Okay, so I didn’t exactly say OMG... there was, however, an excited expletive in my actual response.

Now before we go any further I have to share some back story regarding the dear Captain Phoebus. Back in November 2004 (it was only our 3rd trip to the World together), Brett and I were at the Studios one day and there were a ton of random characters moving about the entrance area. This was at a time when character greetings had just become the highlight of our trips and we hadn’t met a lot of them yet. I vividly recall meeting (the now commonly found) Mulan, Pocahontas and Meeko, Snow White, and Pinocchio. We also met two great randoms, Megara and Philoctetes! Also out that day was Captain Phoebus from the Hunchback of Notre Dame and he had NO line; he was just wandering about. I doubt many people even knew who he was. For years since then Brett and I have kicked ourselves for not taking the opportunity to meet him. The likelihood of seeing him in the parks again (what with all the homogeny and standardization of characters) is slim to none. To rub salt in the wound, when we returned from our January 2009 marathon trip I found pictures of both he and Esmeralda out on the half marathon course that weekend. Alas, he had eluded us again. But not this time!

Captain Phoebus finally made an appearance for us:


Oh yeah... John Smith, Prince Eric, Tarzan and Aladdin were there too. Notice the scantily clad Tarzan is standing directly in front of an outdoor space heater. :lol: We gave a shout out to Phoebus as we approached for our picture. What with the company he was keeping, I’d hasten to guess we might have been the first (and maybe only) people to do so all morning.


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We left the male leads behind and quickly thereafter found ourselves passing through the parking gates to the Magic Kingdom. We didn’t get to do this last year (because that course routes you out around the race track), so it was an exciting moment for me.


Mile marker 3 was just on the other side. The sun glare makes it hard to tell, so you’ll have to take my word for it, but it was now 7:07 am and shaping up to be a gorgeous day.


Just up ahead on our left were some of the race car drivers outside the track. I wouldn’t know any better because I’m not a race fan, but I don’t think it was anyone famous, just the guys who provide rides for the Richard Petty experience. There were lots of ladies in line to get pictures with the handsome men though. Eh... moving on... I’ve already got a man who’s willing to indulge me by running a princess race! What more can a girl ask for?! :D


We took some gels at one of the water stops in this area and soon found ourselves in the vast MK parking lot.


The port-a-potty lines were so ridiculously long that a lot of ladies were even veering off course for a bathroom break in the bushes. At one point, a little earlier in the race, Brett had done the same to avoid a ten minute wait; it’s so much easier for men. Things you don’t expect to ever do at the beloved Disney World?! Looks like Brett can check marking his territory in the bushes off that list. Something else we did a lot of that day that we wouldn’t do under normal circumstances is throw our trash on the ground. Bless those volunteers who come through picking up the paper cups and fuel wrappers. I always try to get them as close to a can as possible, but it ain’t easy when you’re chugging along. In the picture above, you can also see the assortment of throwaway clothes scattered about the edges of the course as people started to warm up. Someone will be through to pick those up as well. At least with these, they’ll be laundered and given out to local charities.

So where were we? Oh yeah, we’re still in the MK parking lot, now passing under a balloon archway:


Almost to the TTC we came across mile marker 4. Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme...


Running along the tram route, we passed under the entry to the TTC:


The TTC is a great place for spectators/family to see the runners and just on the other side there was a great group of young drummers:




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We made our way down a somewhat quiet access road back to World Drive. Eventually finding ourselves headed down under the water bridge that’s out in front of the Contemporary. It’s always funny to me when I hear people complain about going up the hill on the other side... it’s the only “hill” on the course other than the on/off ramps (which pose a greater issue in their banked curves). I kind of welcomed it, as it was a chance to work some different muscles. Good to see Tiana and Naveen made it onto the banner hanging down from the water bridge:


Cinderella and Charming were on mile marker 5 out in front of the Contemporary... they welcomed us with “So This Is Love...”


I was feeling great at this point in the run... my spirits were high, cardio-wise I was doing well, I’d been able to keep the cold at bay, and my ankles were only starting to twinge a little bit (I’d stupidly left my brace in the room). Then again I’m only five miles in so it should be a cake walk at this point. I sheepishly admit we didn’t run for more than 3 consecutive miles while “training” for this one. :lookaroun So feeling good at mile 5 was an accomplishment; albeit a small one. :lol: The interesting thing is my mind was playing little tricks on me, the last time I was in front of the Contemporary during a run, the mile marker was in double digits (at 10). The part of me that knew better was still comparing apples to orange with regards to the way I felt as we made our way to Main Street. At least this time around I’d be able to really enjoy the Magic Kingdom.

Here’s a shot of the castle from the parking lot behind Main Street, not a common angle:


Running down Main Street is a real high! Especially with all the spectators to the left and CMs to the right cheering you on as you make your way towards the castle.



We’ll stop here for now… I hope to have the rest of the race up tomorrow sometime!


Well-Known Member
Wow Holly, I don't know if I am more jealous of the fact that you have the ability to run a marathon or the fact that this is your SECOND time running one at Disney. Very impressive. :) Loving the pictures and can't wait to for the rest. :wave:


Nice work as usual.

I was SHOCKED to see the squatters near the balloon arch, :hurl: since this was our first half, my wife and I didn't expect to see all these women doing their business in plain view. We have read different things in running magazines about the subject, but alway figured it was in emergency situations only.

I guess it's is just what's done while running long distances. :lookaroun In my video on YouTube you can hear me saying "Oh Man" really softly as I pointed out the ladies to my wife as we approach the balloon arch.

Anyways... Keep up the good work. You should be a columnist.



Well-Known Member
Loving it!

I kept checking back last night to see if you posted more! I was stuck in our hotel room on our way home from Florida with the sleeping kiddos while DH was downstairs working. Your TR was my entertainment! Thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
Didn't go out of town after all so I've been soaking every bit of this up! So far so good, Holly!

Gotta know! Did you buy the Daisy shirt?! That's one I'd call merchandising for. I love me some Daisy!

I can sympathize with your horrendous head-cold. Ain't it just miserable??? I hate doing Disney sick. I can't believe you still pushed on with the run. You're one tough cookie!

I hate that y'all had to cancel the Brown Derby. Poor you. :(

Oh! And I love how you call yourself a resort snob. I'm in that club with you. I know it sounds terrible but I understand the thinking. Pop Century is the only value we ever stayed in. I totally looooove anything that embraces or displays pop culture. I'm sooo into that stuff. But the last time we stayed there in early 2007 we had several bad experiences with fellow guests, encountered some pretty icky conditions, and noticed a marked difference in the overall feel when we visited various deluxe resorts. That's when we decided to make the jump to a deluxe to see if we liked it more. Our next trip we stayed at the Contemporary and the rest is history. We've not been back to Pop since. I love Pop. I'd stay there again. But I'd always rather stay at the Contemporary. It's my fav! :wave:


Well-Known Member
This is EXCELLENT! Your TRs always do the World justice. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well =( But you powered through like the true Disney princess you are! Thanks, Holly =)


Well-Known Member
Great TR as always, Holly! You and Brett look so cute in all the photos (again, as always!) I'm proud of Brett for running with you! What a prince! Can't wait to read the rest!


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Loving it!...:D

Well, thank you!! I always appreciate the feedback!

Wow Holly, I don't know if I am more jealous of the fact that you have the ability to run a marathon or the fact that this is your SECOND time running one at Disney. Very impressive. :) Loving the pictures and can't wait to for the rest.

I know, I'm very very lucky to get to do all these things at the World. We're considering the Wine & Dine in October... must take advantage of these things while I can.

Nice work as usual.

I was SHOCKED to see the squatters near the balloon arch, :hurl: since this was our first half, my wife and I didn't expect to see all these women doing their business in plain view. We have read different things in running magazines about the subject, but alway figured it was in emergency situations only.

I guess it's is just what's done while running long distances. :lookaroun In my video on YouTube you can hear me saying "Oh Man" really softly as I pointed out the ladies to my wife as we approach the balloon arch.

Anyways... Keep up the good work. You should be a columnist.


Hah... wait until you do the full marathon... they're ALL over the place, some don't even make it far off the edge of the course before squatting. It's not something I ever plan to do, but I don't really have a problem with others doing it. It's the nature of the beast, I guess. I've read/heard that some crazy people just let it go as they're running (not necessarily at Disney). Now, that's just plain gross! But I guess some people will do ANYTHING to establish a PR.

I really appreciate the compliments on my writing... thank you!

Come on now, bedraggled is not a real word! I don't care if you already showed it to me in a dictionary, it's preposterously fictitious!

This my love, is why I am the scrabble master! :lol: Bedraggled is a mighty fine word, if I do say so myself.

Loving the pictures! I'm hoping to do one of the Disney marathons sometime in the future

Thanks, Joanna. For some reason I was thinking you were signed up for the January Half. I hope nothing serious kept you from participating in that one. Knowing that you're a big character fan, I think you're really going to love participating in one of these things.

Loving it!

I kept checking back last night to see if you posted more! I was stuck in our hotel room on our way home from Florida with the sleeping kiddos while DH was downstairs working. Your TR was my entertainment! Thanks! :)

Thanks, erstwo! Yuck, returning from vacations is never fun. I hope the rest of your week was as fabulous as your quick Disney visit.

Didn't go out of town after all so I've been soaking every bit of this up! So far so good, Holly!

Gotta know! Did you buy the Daisy shirt?! That's one I'd call merchandising for. I love me some Daisy!

I actually didn't buy it. LOVE LOVE LOVE the shirt, but call me cheap, because I have trouble spending $34 on a t shirt I probably won't get much wear out of. Although, now I'm kinda regretting that decision... so I'm thinking I'll have to pick it up next time.

I can sympathize with your horrendous head-cold. Ain't it just miserable??? I hate doing Disney sick. I can't believe you still pushed on with the run. You're one tough cookie!

I hate that y'all had to cancel the Brown Derby. Poor you. :(

I know, right?! We haven't eaten there in forever. It's now on the list for next time.

Oh! And I love how you call yourself a resort snob. I'm in that club with you. I know it sounds terrible but I understand the thinking. Pop Century is the only value we ever stayed in. I totally looooove anything that embraces or displays pop culture. I'm sooo into that stuff. But the last time we stayed there in early 2007 we had several bad experiences with fellow guests, encountered some pretty icky conditions, and noticed a marked difference in the overall feel when we visited various deluxe resorts. That's when we decided to make the jump to a deluxe to see if we liked it more. Our next trip we stayed at the Contemporary and the rest is history. We've not been back to Pop since. I love Pop. I'd stay there again. But I'd always rather stay at the Contemporary. It's my fav! :wave:

I love resort-hopping almost as much as park-hopping! I'm all about value and in the beginning we spent all of our trips at the value resorts, but I'm quickly finding it's worth it to pay a little more. I still can't pull the trigger on rooms that are well over $200 per night... so luckily we've got Brett's parents and get to check out all the DVC resorts that way.

I never thought I'd like the Contemporary as much as I did when we stayed there in September 2008, which was made possible by a super fantastic conference rate. So I can completely understand your love of the place. It's in a class by itself!

This is EXCELLENT! Your TRs always do the World justice. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well =( But you powered through like the true Disney princess you are! Thanks, Holly =)

Aww, thanks Kenzie!! What a sweet thing to say.

Great photos, loving the report so far, keep it coming:)

Thanks, lisak... I hope to have the rest of the run up later today!

Great TR as always, Holly! You and Brett look so cute in all the photos (again, as always!) I'm proud of Brett for running with you! What a prince! Can't wait to read the rest!

Why, thank you, plaz10. I love that Brett had no qualms about running a princess race. Although, I knew he wouldn't... it's one of the reasons I love him so!


Well-Known Member
Crap! I forgot this part! Dunno why I thought of it when I checked back in for an update. I think there's just no explanation for my brain. Period. Anywhoo....

You mentioned the chilly temps and how you thought of the January marathoners. When we were there watching them I was in total awe of their determination, too. As the trip went on when we'd see the folks walking around wearing their medals we'd strike up conversations with them. I, in particular, was interested in what it was like for them, how they found it within themselves to push thru such conditions, and hear their stories. One lady in particular that we chatted with on the bus back from a park one afternoon described how she managed the cold. Pre-race she said it was insane. She said it was absolutely freezing and there was even some icy precip. She said she got up close & personal with several people because a lot of the racers literally huddled together, embracing one another trying to get warm. People pulled garbage bags from cans, did all sorts of crazy stuff to protect themselves. She talked about the small group of like 4 local young college-age girls she got really well acquainted with because they let her join their warm huddle. Bless their hearts. I asked her if at any point pre-race or on if she thought to walk away. Her answer was, "Nope. Not at all. I only thought to survive it the best I could. I knew I wouldn't willingly quit. If I fell out that was one thing but I wouldn't walk away because I couldn't take it." She's my new hero and I told her so. I know to some the logic is insane. I mean, why would you subject yourself to such misery just to run a stinkin' marathon? It's not like you're gonna win some fabulous prize or a big ol' chunk of cash. But to me, that's what impresses me most. They do it because they have the determination not to give in. They do it because the challenge makes them stronger. People with that strength of spirit impress me. Completely. It's hard to explain.

Also, we talked to one guy who said it wasn't that cold to him because he'd been training in Germany (usually temps around 5 degrees) for 6 months. :eek:

Really?! People were squatting in the bushes?! Or plain sight even?! Okay. I know I have in the past had to do the au'naturale thing in the woods thing. I'm sure most folks have. ((Well, not my mother but she's just weird & doesn't ever go outside.)) But in plain sight at Disney World?! Were there not enough potty stations? That's horrible!


Well-Known Member
Woohoo, we're starting the character portion!! :sohappy: :lol:

I had a friend that ran in the January marathon and even though we're from Minnesota and she had to run outside in our frigid temperatures, she said it was pretty miserable being sleeted on while running that many miles in Florida no less! :eek::lol:

I would so love to get myself up to doing a half marathon at Disney! I keep saying that this spring I'll start runnning with Lexie and work my way up. Of course, I have quite a way to go since I can't make it the 1.3 miles around our neighborhood without stopping to walk once. :lookaroun:o

Can't wait to read more! :D


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Crap! I forgot this part! Dunno why I thought of it when I checked back in for an update. I think there's just no explanation for my brain. Period. Anywhoo....

You mentioned the chilly temps and how you thought of the January marathoners. When we were there watching them I was in total awe of their determination, too. As the trip went on when we'd see the folks walking around wearing their medals we'd strike up conversations with them. I, in particular, was interested in what it was like for them, how they found it within themselves to push thru such conditions, and hear their stories. One lady in particular that we chatted with on the bus back from a park one afternoon described how she managed the cold. Pre-race she said it was insane. She said it was absolutely freezing and there was even some icy precip. She said she got up close & personal with several people because a lot of the racers literally huddled together, embracing one another trying to get warm. People pulled garbage bags from cans, did all sorts of crazy stuff to protect themselves. She talked about the small group of like 4 local young college-age girls she got really well acquainted with because they let her join their warm huddle. Bless their hearts. I asked her if at any point pre-race or on if she thought to walk away. Her answer was, "Nope. Not at all. I only thought to survive it the best I could. I knew I wouldn't willingly quit. If I fell out that was one thing but I wouldn't walk away because I couldn't take it." She's my new hero and I told her so. I know to some the logic is insane. I mean, why would you subject yourself to such misery just to run a stinkin' marathon? It's not like you're gonna win some fabulous prize or a big ol' chunk of cash. But to me, that's what impresses me most. They do it because they have the determination not to give in. They do it because the challenge makes them stronger. People with that strength of spirit impress me. Completely. It's hard to explain.

Also, we talked to one guy who said it wasn't that cold to him because he'd been training in Germany (usually temps around 5 degrees) for 6 months. :eek:

Really?! People were squatting in the bushes?! Or plain sight even?! Okay. I know I have in the past had to do the au'naturale thing in the woods thing. I'm sure most folks have. ((Well, not my mother but she's just weird & doesn't ever go outside.)) But in plain sight at Disney World?! Were there not enough potty stations? That's horrible!

Yeah, one of my colleagues ran the Goofy this year. Before he left for the trip he found some industrial size trashbags from the facilities lady in our building. :lol: He said he ran the first couple miles of the half with the trash bag on!

There are some other runners right here on the forum who withstood the weather and persevered!

As for the port-a-potties... they're out in abundance; however, there were some serious lines at many of them. And I guess people just didn't want to risk losing so much time waiting in line. I didn't use any of them, but Brett said they were really nasty, too. Women. :eek:

Woohoo, we're starting the character portion!! :sohappy: :lol:

I had a friend that ran in the January marathon and even though we're from Minnesota and she had to run outside in our frigid temperatures, she said it was pretty miserable being sleeted on while running that many miles in Florida no less! :eek:

I would so love to get myself up to doing a half marathon at Disney! I keep saying that this spring I'll start runnning with Lexie and work my way up. Of course, I have quite a way to go since I can't make it the 1.3 miles around our neighborhood without stopping to walk once. :lookaroun:o

Can't wait to read more! :D

You can totally do it, Jenn! Many of the people who finish these things are unable to run half a mile when they first start working towards it. There's hope! :sohappy: I still say I'm going to actually train for one of these and RUN the whole time. We'll see when it happens though.

Without further ado... the characters!


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As for the port-a-potties... they're out in abundance; however, there were some serious lines at many of them. And I guess people just didn't want to risk losing so much time waiting in line. I didn't use any of them, but Brett said they were really nasty, too. Women. :eek:

Without over-exaggerating at all, I still have terrible nightmares about one of the ones I used. :hurl:


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We followed the path right towards Tomorrowland and I heard Brett shout out “It’s Pluto!” I must look down at the ground in front of me a lot when I run because Brett would always spot characters before I did. :lol: Funny enough, just a month or so ago over on the scrapbooking boards, I mentioned to Jenn (mouselvrmom) that my favorite Pluto outfit we’d ever seen was of him geared up for space with his jet pack and goggles... which was about five years ago. And here he is!


I had all intentions of making a pit stop at the restroom just outside the Merchant of Venus until we ran past it on the Tomorrowland concourse. Do you know how many stalls are in one of those bathrooms? Well there was a line about 15-20 deep OUTSIDE the restroom. I’ll pass.

Up ahead we saw Dee and Dum out in front of the Mad Tea Party.


After that quick picture we circled right around the spinning teacups, making our way towards the carousel and castle. When we got there, there was the craziest, longest line I’d seen all day. When we realized it was for Cinderella and Prince Charming we lost a little enthusiasm. Nah... we’ll pass. Brett took these two shots before we took off through the castle.



After blazing through the castle and doing our best to place some room between ourselves and the ladies in front of us so we’d get a good ASI photo (which we did, click the link to see them all), I looked back in front of the castle to see if Mickey and Minnie were out. You see, I’d found pictures from last year of Mickey and Minnie (in royal attire) posing for photos at what I surmised was the front of the castle. They weren’t there, so we moved on. Little did I know, we’d missed them. They were set up on the backside of the castle right where the above picture was taken. Turns out they were in the middle of a switch when we ran by. This happened to us a lot on this race (Jack Sparrow being one of the other instances that we know of). Of course I didn’t find this out until we returned home and I started searching for pictures. I will fully admit that it made me sick to my stomach when I saw the pictures and realized we’d missed them. Heartbreaking. :cry: To some of you I may sound overdramatic, trivial, and silly, but this is why we run these things.


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We came upon mile marker 6 as soon as we cut towards Liberty Square:


Jessie was out in Frontierland with no line so we stopped for a quick pic:


And Clarabelle Cow was out by Splash Mountain, just before we made our way backstage:


I was practically holding my breath as we rounded the corner to the backstage area, because last year this is where Donald and Daisy, Chip and Dale, and Goofy and Pluto were... all decked out in black tie tails and finery. Daisy, in her sequined yellow dress, was part of my motivation for getting up and doing this thing, but alas, she wasn’t out. In front of their respective floats were Peter Pan, the Genie, and Gepetto. We chose to bypass them and keep on going.

Floridian Way was eerily quiet; definitely the quietest section of the whole course. I think it’s because everyone was kinda coming down off the high they experienced in the Magic Kingdom and settling in for the last 10K. There wasn’t any music, just the rhythmic sounds of feet hitting the pavement.

Mile marker 7 was upon us before we knew it:


People began livening up a little as a small handful of characters were set up between mile markers 7 and 8. Right now I can only recall seeing Belle and the Beast and Maleficent. Looking back, I don’t know why we didn’t stop for Maleficent. She had a super long line, and we’d met her once in the past, so we just kept on moving. I think I was still feeling a little letdown by the lack of classics at the Kingdom. Other than Pluto, there were none (keep in mind I had no clue we'd missed the mice). I kept hoping we’d catch up with them when we reached Epcot though. Maybe that’s why we didn’t stop for Maleficent. :shrug:

As we approached mile marker 8, the colors of the wind started to get me out of my funk... I love that song.


Shortly thereafter we came upon Meeko (sans Pocahontas – I’m guessing we caught him with her mid break). We stopped for a quick picture:



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