Smoking in the parks

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
I have a beagle that I'd love for you to have. He won't stay in his designated smoking area.

Even when he IS in his designated area, he is not particular about where he does his business and he smells bad.

I think there is a reason the bad boys in the Disney comics were "The Beagle Boys!"

. . . but I blame all his faults on his smoking!


Active Member
Original Poster
While we are at it, why not form a whole new park for us smokers, and then yet another for the non-english speaking line cutters. Maybe even one for the people in ride lines that give you death looks for having a fast pass.
Hell, Disney would be HUGE!:fork:


New Member
Originally posted by bsandersjr
While we are at it, why not form a whole new park for us smokers, and then yet another for the non-english speaking line cutters. Maybe even one for the people in ride lines that give you death looks for having a fast pass.
Hell, Disney would be HUGE!:fork:

Holy cow! You would have thought someone asked Charleton Heston to get rid of all his guns! I am not a smoker, so I really do not know this answer. This is a serious question: Can smokers not just wait until when they leave the park to smoke? I really enjoy drinking beer but I can wait until after Magic Kingdom to drink it. I mean, I always thought smoking was a priveledge, not a "right". There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that says "Thou has the right to smoke or consume other tobacco products".

I have nothing against smokers. I don't care either way if people choose to smoke or not smoke. But c'mon, does your Disney experience go to hell because you can't have a smoke?


New Member
Originally posted by NashvilleMouse
I have nothing against smokers. I don't care either way if people choose to smoke or not smoke. But c'mon, does your Disney experience go to hell because you can't have a smoke?

Most smokers I know (I'm a non-smoker) get jittery for a nicotine hit during a movie. I'd hate to see the state they'd get into after several hours in a park.


Account Suspended
You people truly are missing the point. Smoking kills not only the smoker, but anyone around the smoker. Seeing someone's butt crack is not going to kill you. Smoking is deadly, and having smoking banned from Disney would be the best thing the company could do. The smokers in the world we live in will NOT be able to live their life killing other people. By smoking in public places, you are killing someone. So next time you pick up a smoke, take a second and think. You're killing the people around you when you smoke. Smoking not only kills you, but the people around you as well. Nothing should be allowed in a Disney Park that kills other people. Smoking is the one thing that others have no control over. It's not like eating fat foods, no one is forcing you to eat fat food. But smoking forces other people to breathe in the smoke, and that should be illegal. As a Disney fan, Cast Member, or anyone who cares enough about Disney to visit this website, YOU need to quit. If you are so ignorant to not even try to quit, when knowing that smoking is what killed Walt Disney, the man ultimately behind Disney, then you shouldn't be here.


Active Member
Original Poster
I'll bet half of y'all are involved in on the McDonalds complaints. You know, the one about the people complaining about gaining weight from eating there, even though it is a CHOICE. For all points you all make about smokers/smoking in the parks (some good, some retarded) there will always be an answer back. Maybe you should look at it this way : smoking sections or a free for all. Don't get me wrong, I can make it through a movie without getting frizzled, but I (and all other people who CHOOSE to smoke) are there to enjoy a vaction as well as non-smokers. So why interfere with the smokers vacation to satisfy the non-smokers. A designated smoking section is there to keep it "fair" and enjoyable for everyone.
Heck, you don't think that the engine exhaust you breathe in on a ferry ride, The Safari, or Tommorrow land speedway doesn't hurt you? Get real.


New Member
I'm not defending smokers but....

Originally posted by Bill
You people truly are missing the point. Smoking kills not only the smoker, but anyone around the smoker. Seeing someone's butt crack is not going to kill you. Smoking is deadly, and having smoking banned from Disney would be the best thing the company could do. The smokers in the world we live in will NOT be able to live their life killing other people. By smoking in public places, you are killing someone. So next time you pick up a smoke, take a second and think. You're killing the people around you when you smoke.

No one is missing the point, especially that point.

I grew up in a family full of smokers. My Dad, 9 uncles, several aunts, my brother, most of my friends, ALL smoked. I went to church bingo halls where the smoke was so thick you couldn't see the other end of the room. I've hung out in more smoke-filled bars for more hours than I care to disclose here tonight. I've been exposed to more smoke in my life than most reading this will ever be because of the ever-increasing ban on smoking in public places these days.

According to you, I should be dead, five times over.

I don't smoke and I believe a person's right to smoke ends at the tip of my nose. But they DO have the right to smoke until the day it's outlawed or the day they die. Until then, reasonable people must find a middle ground to satisfy those addicted to smoking and those overreacting to it. Smokers have taken some serious hits the last decade but it's never enough to satisfy some of us, is it? It's disturbing to see the condemnation not just of the smoking habit, but of the smoker him/herself.
Houston, we have a problem!


Account Suspended
See, that's the problem... We'll never actually know how many years smoking takes off of your life. And the smokers don't consider it like it's killing the people near them. Do yourself a favor, and take a look at the morgue of a cancer center where someone's lung tissue is out. Then you'll see what I mean.


New Member
Re: I'm not defending smokers but....

Originally posted by Tramp
No one is missing the point, especially that point.

I grew up in a family full of smokers. My Dad, 9 uncles, several aunts, my brother, most of my friends, ALL smoked. I went to church bingo halls where the smoke was so thick you couldn't see the other end of the room. I've hung out in more smoke-filled bars for more hours than I care to disclose here tonight. I've been exposed to more smoke in my life than most reading this will ever be because of the ever-increasing ban on smoking in public places these days.

According to you, I should be dead, five times over.

I don't smoke and I believe a person's right to smoke ends at the tip of my nose. But they DO have the right to smoke until the day it's outlawed or the day they die. Until then, reasonable people must find a middle ground to satisfy those addicted to smoking and those overreacting to it. Smokers have taken some serious hits the last decade but it's never enough to satisfy some of us, is it? It's disturbing to see the condemnation not just of the smoking habit, but of the smoker him/herself.
Houston, we have a problem!

Sorry to hear that you were a victim of child abuse.


New Member
I think the designated smoking areas is a perfectly fair idea on both sides. I have never noticed smokers at disney... don't even know where the areas are... and I am very sensitive to it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disney2002
I think the designated smoking areas is a perfectly fair idea on both sides. I have never noticed smokers at disney... don't even know where the areas are... and I am very sensitive to it.

Wow you've never noticed them? I definitely have noticed them but whatever they don't bother me as long as I don't get a whole cloud of smoke in my face (which has happened on occasion). I must admit my cousin's boyfriend did a naughty thing which I told him at the time was very wrong to do. When we went to WDW in Dec we got non-smoking rooms and he was one of those people that stepped outside to smoke and figured it was ok, which duh it wasn't. We all tell him to stop because the smell left on his clothes is nasty and my cousin doesn't appreciate the breath :lol: and we even brought up the fact that Walt Disney died from smoking. Still hasn't quit and I am not surprised because his whole family smokes so whatever. My parents, uncles, aunts, and grandparents use to smoke, but once my parents had me and my siblings and my uncles and aunts started having kids, they quit cold turkey. Gradually my grandma quit but when she was smoking she'd do it outdoors so that was good I guess. Ok enough drifting :hammer:. As long as smokers stay in their designated areas I'm fine, but I know others aren't and hey everyone has their opinion.


New Member
Originally posted by Bill
Do yourself a favor, and take a look at the morgue of a cancer center where someone's lung tissue is out. Then you'll see what I mean.

My folks ran a pub in England, if you want another indicator of the crap in cigarettes try cleaning out the air filters :hurl:
Something everyone needs to remember here is, there has been propaganda on both sides of the "smoking" fence over the years. The tobacco companies for years denied any harm from cigs, yet the government has went all out claiming the harm in them(while being more than happy to soak in all the tax revenue from tobacco taxes). Here's something to think about. If smoking alone was the ONLY way to get lung cancer, why do non-smokers get it? If the only way to get heart disease was from smoking, then why do non-smokers die from heart attacks? Propaganda is a far worse enemy to all of us smokers and non-smokers than any habit we form. Here's something else to think about... if you was locked in a garage with 20 chain smokers for 8 hours would you die? No you wouldn't, but being in there with a car running would kill you. Car exhaust is far more dangerous and more harmful to people than tobacco smoke ever will be but you don't see the non-smokers running out to buy hybrid cars to clean up the air. Most lung disorders became much more prevalent once automobile usage went up. Are cigarettes good for you, absolutely not, but they are far from being the worst problem in our society today. It's just an easy target for people to gripe about. I could go on and on about things that can kill you much quicker than cigarettes such as pain-killer addictions, unprotected ______, alcohol abuse, etc. but my point is this... unless you live a totally perfect life, don't drive a car, don't take drugs or drink, or any other thing bad.. then don't stand up and cry foul when your not perfect either.


Active Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Just A Big Kid
Here's something else to think about... if you was locked in a garage with 20 chain smokers for 8 hours would you die? No you wouldn't, but being in there with a car running would kill you. Car exhaust is far more dangerous and more harmful to people than tobacco smoke ever will be but you don't see the non-smokers running out to buy hybrid cars to clean up the air. Most lung disorders became much more prevalent once automobile usage went up. Are cigarettes good for you, absolutely not, but they are far from being the worst problem in our society today. It's just an easy target for people to gripe about. I could go on and on about things that can kill you much quicker than cigarettes such as pain-killer addictions, unprotected ______, alcohol abuse, etc. but my point is this... unless you live a totally perfect life, don't drive a car, don't take drugs or drink, or any other thing bad.. then don't stand up and cry foul when your not perfect either.

Well said, great point.


Here is something else to think about.

A lot of younger people read these boards, and downplaying the evils of smoking may not be the wisest thing.

Working in the dental field I have seen some pretty nasty images of oral cancer, people whose jaws had to be half removed, holes in their faces, etc not only from smoking but also from chewing tobacco. This year in the US, 30,000 people will be diagnosed. In 5 years, half of them will be dead. BTW, 8 out of 10 oral cancer patients are smokers.

Then of course there is the gum disease which is less dangerous but extremely prevalent, and I'll tell you that almost every patient who ends up losing teeth is a smoker. In fact, I've been doing this 10 years and I can't think of a single gum-disease related extraction we have done on a non-smoker.

Kids are starting younger and younger, despite all the information that is out there these days. I'm not sure where they are getting cigarettes at 10 years old, but that's a whole other story.

Yes, I acknowledge your right to smoke, and yes, I have agreed that the smoking areas are the best idea. I understand "propoganda" but please don't give kids more reasons to justify a life-altering and potentially deadly (and expensive!) habit. :wave:
Originally posted by Bill
You people truly are missing the point. Smoking kills not only the smoker, but anyone around the smoker. Seeing someone's butt crack is not going to kill you. Smoking is deadly, and having smoking banned from Disney would be the best thing the company could do. The smokers in the world we live in will NOT be able to live their life killing other people. By smoking in public places, you are killing someone. So next time you pick up a smoke, take a second and think. You're killing the people around you when you smoke. Smoking not only kills you, but the people around you as well. Nothing should be allowed in a Disney Park that kills other people. Smoking is the one thing that others have no control over. It's not like eating fat foods, no one is forcing you to eat fat food. But smoking forces other people to breathe in the smoke, and that should be illegal. As a Disney fan, Cast Member, or anyone who cares enough about Disney to visit this website, YOU need to quit. If you are so ignorant to not even try to quit, when knowing that smoking is what killed Walt Disney, the man ultimately behind Disney, then you shouldn't be here.

Just like smoking a lot MIGHT cause cancer, eating a lot of red meat INCREASES your risk for heart trouble. Should we ban the burgers at Cosmic Ray's? And as for your Walt comment, it was simply a choice he made himself. And I have to be honest, I know people who haven't smoked a thing in their whole life, and they fell victim to cancer in their 40's. On the other hand, I know people who do a pack a day and are in their 70's. It's genetics....go figure. People should stop whining. Did you people whine like this in the 60's, 70's and 80's?
Originally posted by Just A Big Kid
Something everyone needs to remember here is, there has been propaganda on both sides of the "smoking" fence over the years. The tobacco companies for years denied any harm from cigs, yet the government has went all out claiming the harm in them(while being more than happy to soak in all the tax revenue from tobacco taxes). Here's something to think about. If smoking alone was the ONLY way to get lung cancer, why do non-smokers get it? If the only way to get heart disease was from smoking, then why do non-smokers die from heart attacks? Propaganda is a far worse enemy to all of us smokers and non-smokers than any habit we form. Here's something else to think about... if you was locked in a garage with 20 chain smokers for 8 hours would you die? No you wouldn't, but being in there with a car running would kill you. Car exhaust is far more dangerous and more harmful to people than tobacco smoke ever will be but you don't see the non-smokers running out to buy hybrid cars to clean up the air. Most lung disorders became much more prevalent once automobile usage went up. Are cigarettes good for you, absolutely not, but they are far from being the worst problem in our society today. It's just an easy target for people to gripe about. I could go on and on about things that can kill you much quicker than cigarettes such as pain-killer addictions, unprotected ______, alcohol abuse, etc. but my point is this... unless you live a totally perfect life, don't drive a car, don't take drugs or drink, or any other thing bad.. then don't stand up and cry foul when your not perfect either.

I own a 2003 Toyota Prius, if that means anything. I LOVE it too. So's my EPCOT car!!! LOL!


New Member
Originally posted by Just A Big Kid
Are cigarettes good for you, absolutely not, but they are far from being the worst problem in our society today. It's just an easy target for people to gripe about

An easy “target” maybe, but it’s also easy to not smoke in front of someone that may be damaged by it.

An individual can not easily go out and buy a new hybrid car, but they can show consideration for others by, for example using the smoking areas in the parks. As I mentioned already I thank all the folk who do this.

Just because cigarettes are not the worst evil in society is not an excuse to avoid doing anything about and try and push blame elsewhere.

I don’t hate smokers, I hate smoking.

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