Smoking in the parks


Well-Known Member
I also have several issues with this. First the smoking areas should be more off the beaten path. The one that is between Frontierland and Adventureland is in an area you have to walk right past. Also it is right next to a food cart, which makes for not the happiest of eating experiences.

2nd, if people followed the rules I would be cool with it. We were in Toontown Fair waiting for the train when a family (mother, father and mid-teen age son) were all smoking. I guess since they did it together it was a family experience and that makes it ok. :animwink:


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
This is probably my biggest gripe with WDW. While I appreciate the designated smoking areas, they are typically in walkways. Put them just off the beaten path, and that would do a lot to alleviate people's gripes. My other gripe is a lack of enforcement of the smoking area policy. My wife and I are quick to mention to someone smoking in a non-smoking area that there are places for them to smoke, and where they are isn't one of them.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dean[AU]
Passive Gum Chewing cant Kill
But to see the gum pass by in their mouths makes me hurl...:hurl:
Same as chewing with their mouths open...

BTW I'm a NunSmoker...:lol: :lol: :lol:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Come on peeps, show some love! That's right - smokers need love, too!

In the grand scheme, it hasn't been THAT LONG since a person could buy smokes in the Magic Kingdom itself! Is the "Cigar Store "Native American"" still keeping watch over Main Street USA? Probably not, I suppose.

Attitudes take a long time to change, especially in a place with so many guests from foreign countries where cigarette smoking is still very common in public places.

No, I don't smoke and I never have, but I somehow existed for many years sharing the parks with people who do smoke without it ruining my time!
I am really surprised by some of the comments here. Quite frankly, the whole idea of a designated smoking area OUTDOORS is silly. It's not like you are in an enclosed area. Quite frankly, I am far more annoyed with the parents who have kids that SCREAM and SCREAM, and they do nothing about it. It has become the thing in America to ban indoor smoking, so they force people outside. And now that they are outside, they force them to designated outdoor spots. Ridiculous. I don't even smoke (aside from the occasional cigar) and I feel this is ridiculous. You know what, breathing in enough methane will kill ya to, but there is no law against people farting in line and let me tell you, I have had that happen to me and it is far far worse than cigarette smoke. I remember when you could smoke just about anywhere. People are too touchy and too prissy today. Toughen up people.
I am really surprised by some of the comments here. Quite frankly, the whole idea of a designated smoking area OUTDOORS is silly. It's not like you are in an enclosed area. Quite frankly, I am far more annoyed with the parents who have kids that SCREAM and SCREAM, and they do nothing about it. It has become the thing in America to ban indoor smoking, so they force people outside. And now that they are outside, they force them to designated outdoor spots. Ridiculous. I don't even smoke (aside from the occasional cigar) and I feel this is ridiculous. You know what, breathing in enough methane will kill ya to, but there is no law against people farting in line and let me tell you, I have had that happen to me and it is far far worse than cigarette smoke. I remember when you could smoke just about anywhere. People are too touchy and too prissy today. Toughen up people.
Originally posted by SpongeScott
My wife is allergic to cigarette smoke--violent headaches immediately--and it's a constant battle to fight it in public.

There are people that have seizures when the aroma of peanuts hits them. I get nasty headaches from strong perfumes....are we going to ban those too? How far do we take this???


Active Member
Original Poster
Well, all I gather from here is that the biggest problem is the people who do not smoke. All act as if they are perfect with a perfect life, but I am sure you all have done, or are doing worse than smoking. Us "Smelly butt suckers" do not complain about having a designated area. So why do you. If thay ban smoking all together from the park/resort area, some a-hole WILL end up slapping a class action discrimination siut on the company, and no one wants that. I do agree with you one one part, I do smoke, and follow the "Park Rules". But one thing that eats me up more than anything is seeing someone break the rules. I would NEVER smoke in a non-smoking area, so why should other people? Foreign or not, if you visit a place with rules, follow them or get out. I also do not enjoy standing in a long line, just to see some moron who obviously can't speak english, can't read, or is just plain rude, light up right there.
Don't get me wrong, I do smoke, but I do have the common courtesy to put my half smoked cigarette out for the morons who don't smoke and CHOOSE to bring their wild children into the smoking section just for the simple reason that they need something to gripe about.
I am not there to "ruin" your vacation, don't put so much effort into trying to "ruin" some of ours.

Can't we all just get along? :lol: :fork:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dean[AU]
Do DL follow this?
Yes....ALL (*) the parks follow the same rule...

(*)Disney parks in Anaheim, Orlando, Paris Tokyo and in a few years HongKong.


Originally posted by TheDisneyBoy
There are people that have seizures when the aroma of peanuts hits them. I get nasty headaches from strong perfumes....are we going to ban those too? How far do we take this???

Well, as far as the peanuts go, this is the reason we now get pretzels on the airplane and a sealed bag of nuts on the side of our McDonalds sundaes.

Perfume can be bad but I think it is usually less of a problem. My grandma has a very hard time with perfume, but can end up in the hospital if she has too much exposure to cigarette smoke. And this was a woman who was an addict herself for decades. ( was my other grandma, who is no longer with us.)

Cigarette smokers need to follow the rules and non-smokers need to remember that smoking is a hard habit to kick. I think the designated areas are a happy medium.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Erika
Well, as far as the peanuts go, this is the reason we now get pretzels on the airplane and a sealed bag of nuts on the side of our McDonalds sundaes.

Perfume can be bad but I think it is usually less of a problem. My grandma has a very hard time with perfume, but can end up in the hospital if she has too much exposure to cigarette smoke. And this was a woman who was an addict herself for decades.

Cigarette smokers need to follow the rules and non-smokers need to remember that smoking is a hard habit to kick. I think the designated areas are a happy medium.

Very well PUT Erika!:sohappy:

I am old enough to remember when you could smoke ANYWHERE at anytime...even in Hospital Rooms and Pharmacies.

Grocery stores had ash trays at the end of each isle.
Banks had ashtrays at every tellers desk.
Airplanes had a built in ashtrays on every seat.

I myself, remember standing in the many of the queue lines at Disney World smoking and it was perfectly alright, and no one ever complained.

We have come a long way as far as non-smokers rights to enjoy cleaner, fresher air is concerned.

I wish we could all snap our fingers and make everyone quit smoking at the same time...but that isn't going to happen so let's
not dump on Smokers and their bad habits but rather try and be a little understanding of how hard it is to quit smoking once you've started. Unless you have been through it, you have no idea how hard it is to quit smoking.

If you feel you need to blame anyone..blame the Tobbacco companys. They are the ones that told us for years that Tobacco was harmless and non-addicting.


New Member
Originally posted by TheDisneyBoy
There are people that have seizures when the aroma of peanuts hits them. I get nasty headaches from strong perfumes....are we going to ban those too? How far do we take this???

Well, smoking can be banned. You can't exactly have a smell check to see who's wearing perfume. You can see someone light up a cigarette.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mrtoad
I also have several issues with this. First the smoking areas should be more off the beaten path. The one that is between Frontierland and Adventureland is in an area you have to walk right past. Also it is right next to a food cart, which makes for not the happiest of eating experiences.

2nd, if people followed the rules I would be cool with it. We were in Toontown Fair waiting for the train when a family (mother, father and mid-teen age son) were all smoking. I guess since they did it together it was a family experience and that makes it ok. :animwink:

I totallly agree, that smoking place has to go, not out of the way enough. I must admit that I morn the loss of many out of the way places to stop and rest, now desinated smoking spots. I however am happy to give them up if it means by staying out of them I can stay away from smoke.

One of the reasons I like WDW is it is a better place for staying away from smoke then other places. One very strong reason I haven't visisted Europe and many other places is I know if the smoke wouldn't actually kill me, it would really make me mad and spoil the vacation. I am hoping non smoking laws will greatly progress in the next 10 years.

Pefume and farts don't smell as much as smoking, and people don't pass gas just to bug people around them, it isn't like they can control it. Besides people who smoke smell, even when they aren't smoking. They just are used to it.

Thank you to the people who respect the rules. Remember everyone who does smoke will someday quit. If you stop before you die, you and your loved ones will be much happier.


New Member
God, in some cases, just who cares.... just move, i mean Disney is not just a non smokers paradise (i dont smoke but i feel i have 2 defend here) but smokers like it 2....... Just move if it bothers u, that or if ur just walking past, well guess what, ur just walking past. Some people r makin it out 2 b like it's a huge crime. Just let them smoke..... It can't all b perfect where people always smoke in their designated areas, or people always throw everythin in the trash.... Just cause i do things the right way doesnt mean some1 wont litter or smoke in a non smoking area..... I mean i understand it bothers people that others smoke, but u rnt the only 1 paying 2 get in2 the park..... I agree there r rules, but not every1 follows everything 2 the letter. If it's that bad, move, i mean 5-10 min of smoke will not kill some1 unless they have a condition, and if so, they should tell the person, unless they r a total @-ss then they would prob move. I again agree that people should follow directions, but banning smoking in WDW is idiotic, i'm sry but i feel that way.

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