SM Closing for a Year?


Well-Known Member
My recollection was that the nose of the car extended a bit over the end of the track, with a slight hesitation before an abrupt turn, giving you the sensation that you were going to go over the edge.

I was definitely not expecting that the first time I rode a Wild Mouse coaster. Usually my screams are know, noise made for having fun. I actually reared back. Don't remember what kind of noise I made, but I know it wasn't manly. :lol:

wdwmagic: the land where no one can admit they might be wrong.

Yes, how true that is. The good news is we know who's the more reliable source here. Incidently, I rode my first Wild Mouse coaster a few years after my first time on Space Mountain. ;)


Well-Known Member
wdwmagic: the land where no one can admit they might be wrong.

And I'll give you a big "AMEN!" to that! It would seem that just becuase you can post "Yes" to a thread or some other non-contribution to a thread 90% of the time and thus increasing your post counts to the hundreds or thousands: YOU are now an EXPERT on WDW!! Congrats!! :sohappy:

Furthermore, it seems that there are VERY FEW people on these boards that ever look at the big picture or even logically discuss the subject at hand. If it came from Jim Hill Media, a cast memeber, or just about anyplace else other than wdwmagic: it's automatically treated as bird cage liner; and/or the person who posted the rumor is made to feel stupid and that they need to understand that shouldn't believe anything from xxxxx's website. :hammer:

These boards are no doubt an equal source of great information and self inflation through irrelevant post counts. Its almost like you have a bunch of ol-timers sitting around a wood stove spitting seeds telling each other how everyone else just doesnt know a damn thing and how gullible they all are to read "facts" on OTHER web sites. It's a real hoot actually and a non stop source of entertainment listen to these inane and self-certified corrections by some of the "senior" posters. Even if you last name is Iger, I have no reason to beleive you any more than somebody with 10 posts under their belt.

But getting back on topic, why can't they do a gut and rebuild in 6-8 months? Are any of you iron workers? Are any of you structural engineers? Are any of you project managers for construction sites? Are any of you heavy lift operators? No doubt none of you are. Yet right away people start dismissing this stuff impossibilities becuase its from another site or becuase it is being compared to how the SM rehab at DL went.

When comparing DL to WDW, its important to note: California is a union state while Florida is a right to work state. Right there, the cost and speed in which something is built is COMPLETELY different. Also, at WDW, they can basically write their own rules and do their own inspections vs. how DL is bound by the state of California and other local laws and juridictions.


Well-Known Member
this thread got way lame... how did it turn into a "so what going to happen with sm when it's down for refurb" into a "'s bumpy" thread....

all I wanted to know is if anyone had heard about the budget for the refurb.

and the right side (I guess that's beta) seemed alot more thrilling than the seemed like it had a lot more dips. We had a great time on it last night. I guess that had something to do with us being dressed as hillbillies and rednecks for NSSHP and acting the part on the ride....cowboys in space.. comment was just about as of topic as everyone's bumpy I take back my criticism.:zipit:

Pete C

Active Member
The only budget for this project that I have ever heard thrown around was 30 million. That was a while back though, and a rumor at that time so who knows.


Active Member
Here's a rumor posted today by DisneyDad61 over on the DIS boards. I'm not making any claims about its veracity, just passing it along. :)

Here's a rumor posted today by DisneyDad61 over on the DIS boards. I'm not making any claims about its veracity, just passing it along.

I have just gotten back from WDW last week and thought I would share some information I have heard from two - (2) sources whom I know that are quite familiar with Magic Kingdom.
On the subject of Space Mountain. I was told that indeed there is a pending rehabilitation and that, to a certain extent, the rehab is pending the finalization of some litigation surrouding the since closed "Skyway to Tomorrowland" elevated cable car ride.
From what I have been told, the rehabilitation will NOT be at all like the Disneyland version. The interior of WDW Space Mountain will be essentially gutted. The current 2 - track ride system within Space Mountain will be taken out and replaced with a 1 - track system. The coaster cars seating will be 2-across and not 1-across currently at WDW Space Mountain. (Disneyland has 1 track but the seating is 2-across) The roller coaster system will be an electro-magnetic pulse launch system very similar to the Rockin Roller Coaster system at Disney-MGM Studios. Meaning, that the take - off will be very fast but smooth.
Also, the entrance area to the ride will NOT be within the current Space Mountain structure but rather in the area that was formally occupied by the Skyway To Tommorrowland exit area right next to Space Mountain.
What I am told is that you will be launched from this location into the current Space Mountain structure. The rehab would be 6 to 8 months and not the noted 12 months in that I am told that the roller coaster track has already been assembled and dismantled in Arizona. So they already know what to do when the ride closes, thus cutting down the time to get covert the track system. Also, the sound and lighting sytem will be much-improved - obviously.

I am told that when the pending legal issues are resolved around the ride that the rehab work will begin quickly. This could be why we are not hearing "hard" dates for the rehab at this time.

Just a bit of rumor news I heard recently.....
Have a good day
This was stated way early in the thread but it hasn't left my mind. I know it's mostly a ridiculous idea but I like the idea of an exterior launch into the SM building. It would mimic reality of launching from a planet's surface into the dark expanse of space. Going from light to dark would certainly make the dark even darker. An interesting idea to say the least.


Well-Known Member
The only budget for this project that I have ever heard thrown around was 30 million. That was a while back though, and a rumor at that time so who knows.

lol. I guess that doesn't actually help in my mind! I can't exactly picture what 30 million dollars can buy in a rehab...or anything in disney for that matter! I'm just like wow that's alot of money! lol. thanks for finally kinda answering my questiong though! :wave:

Hoop Raeb

Formerly known as...
Lee, that is almost exactly like a coaster I used to ride in RI, at Crescent Park (it no longer exists, except for the vintage carousel) called the Flying Fish. The only difference was the car overlay (fish instead of mouse) and the climb was on the right, instead of left.

My recollection was that the nose of the car extended a bit over the end of the track, with a slight hesitation before an abrupt turn, giving you the sensation that you were going to go over the edge.

If you have fond memories of this ride, you need to visit Busch Gardens Tampa. Cheetah Chase is basically the same ride profile. The sad part is, the ride will never be as good as you remember it.


Well-Known Member
Which SM are we talking about here? Space or Splash?
Space, here's the "info" Take it with a grain of salt.

Screamscape said:
Screamscape sources tell us that currently the planned rehab of Space Mountain is now on schedule to begin in June 2008 and will last until April or May of 2009. So you may want to get your fix of Space Mountain goodness now, because Tomorrowland is going to be a fairly boring place to be this summer.


A little space birdy just whispered in my ear that the time frame for Space is looking like a June closure, being down anywhere from 12 to 18 months.
Likely including:
Major station work.
New trains.
New track is still in play.
New effects.
New pre/post.
New control systems.

Take it with a spoonfull of salt, as always...but this source is a pretty good one. Until I hear differently, this is what I'm going with.:cool:
Actually, much of this should be known to CMs over there, so any of those guys can feel free to chime in at anytime.


Active Member
A little space birdy just whispered in my ear that the time frame for Space is looking like a June closure, being down anywhere from 12 to 18 months.
Likely including:
Major station work.
New trains.
New track is still in play.

New effects.
New pre/post.
New control systems.

Take it with a spoonfull of salt, as always...but this source is a pretty good one. Until I hear differently, this is what I'm going with.:cool:
Actually, much of this should be known to CMs over there, so any of those guys can feel free to chime in at anytime.

Come on DL-style Space Mtn.!!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
A little space birdy just whispered in my ear that the time frame for Space is looking like a June closure, being down anywhere from 12 to 18 months.
Likely including:
Major station work.
New trains.
New track is still in play.
New effects.
New pre/post.
New control systems.

Take it with a spoonfull of salt, as always...but this source is a pretty good one. Until I hear differently, this is what I'm going with.:cool:
Actually, much of this should be known to CMs over there, so any of those guys can feel free to chime in at anytime.

Wow, that would be GREAT news!! :sohappy::sohappy:

But... You need to stay away from the "spoonful of salt" phrase. Next thing we know, you're going to suggest they're going to add two-sided pop-up heads to Space. :lookaroun:lol::D


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, in this case, the first couple of posts WERE about Splash Mountain, with a little bit of Jungle Cruise thrown in, then switched over to almost all Space Mountain, then segued into a discussion of "which is the world's roughest coaster/attraction" which began a debate of "is or isn't Space Mountain a specific type of coaster" with speculation about what the rehab might be, and how it would effect other attractions.

Why would anyone have the least bit of troble following the thread? :lookaroun;)

You also forgot that SM could conceivably stand for Splash Mountain or Space Mountain. I was confused at first thinking that they had extended the length of Splash Mountain's refurb.

A little space birdy just whispered in my ear that the time frame for Space is looking like a June closure, being down anywhere from 12 to 18 months.
Likely including:
Major station work.
New trains.
New track is still in play.
New effects.
New pre/post.
New control systems.

Take it with a spoonfull of salt, as always...but this source is a pretty good one. Until I hear differently, this is what I'm going with.:cool:
Actually, much of this should be known to CMs over there, so any of those guys can feel free to chime in at anytime.

That is fantastic news.

Pete C

Active Member
Major station work.
New trains.
New track is still in play.
New effects.
New pre/post.
New control systems.

Lee, you are getting me excited man!! With all the refurb love that DL/CA is getting these days it would be nice to have a blockbuster refurb announcement of this magnitude for our side of the coast. If any ride deserves it, Space Mountain does.


But... You need to stay away from the "spoonful of salt" phrase. Next thing we know, you're going to suggest they're going to add two-sided pop-up heads to Space. :lookaroun:lol::D

Oohhh...sorry. Surely don't want to get lumped in with that nonsense.

Anyway...salt will be useful here.
As I said, the source is pretty solid, but you never know these days. Lots of bad info floating around. I'll feel a tad more secure with it when a Space CM confirms at least some of it.


Well-Known Member
Oohhh...sorry. Surely don't want to get lumped in with that nonsense.

Anyway...salt will be useful here.
As I said, the source is pretty solid, but you never know these days. Lots of bad info floating around. I'll feel a tad more secure with it when a Space CM confirms at least some of it.

I'm a little surprised that you think the CM's would be in the know on something like this... Usually it seems like CM's have a lot of crazy info, most of which doesn't pan out.

What makes you think this might be a little different, especially when possible closure is still a good way away, and details of what might get done aren't clear yet? I mean, is there something different this time around that would lead you to that conclusion?


I'm a little surprised that you think the CM's would be in the know on something like this... Usually it seems like CM's have a lot of crazy info, most of which doesn't pan out.

What makes you think this might be a little different, especially when possible closure is still a good way away, and details of what might get done aren't clear yet? I mean, is there something different this time around that would lead you to that conclusion?

My info on this doesn't come from a park CM, so I can't say for sure what they know or don't. My source simply stated that he was under the impression that people on the ground were already informed of the coming closure and some of the details.

This refurb has been bounced around for so long, on again - off again, that it's possible that the information has been floating around for quite some time in some circles.:shrug:

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