SM Closing for a Year?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
SM has 2 service docks, on the NE and SE sides. Each is a set of double doors slightly larger than a regular door.
i figured as much... but i had never seen them so that compeled me to ask. :D thanks for the info

As seen here:

But, a major refurb requiring new track will require a much larger DL had.
well, how big was it. lol, thans for the visual

ok, ill ask the most open ended question today, what type of door or opening did DL have. a bigger loading dock type?


ill ask the most open ended question today, what type of door or opening did DL have. a bigger loading dock type?

Nah, more like a huge hole they cut in the back side of the building.
I have photos at home that I'll put up later if nobody beats me to it.
Or, you can probably search for them, the photos that Lutz had before being forced to pull them down.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Nah, more like a huge hole they cut in the back side of the building.
I have photos at home that I'll put up later if nobody beats me to it.
Or, you can probably search for them, the photos that Lutz had before being forced to pull them down.
hmmm, unfortunately miceage doesnt support an archieve (so says the bottom disclaimer).... i am looking forward to seeing this big hole. :D


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
in natural form... i find this that answers my question clearly (about the WDW doors) a bit better angle :rolleyes: i had never paid to close attention to it.



Park History nut
Premium Member
I think on the aerial supplied by Lee, the set on the left are one set of dock doors, the set to the right are normal emmergency exits. The second dock doors are further round to the north. They are each double doors, hinged to at the frame and opening outwards from the center - though larger than normal doors.

At least they were in `75 :D


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I think on the aerial supplied by Lee, the set on the left are one set of dock doors, the set to the right are normal emmergency exits. The second dock doors are further round to the north. They are each double doors, hinged to at the frame and opening outwards from the center - though larger than normal doors.

At least they were in `75 :D
your dating yourself martin. :lol: in 75' i was still in a trimester.


.... i am looking forward to seeing this big hole. :D
Well...since nobody beat me to it....


Lutz go hassled for posting them at the time, but maybe the PTB won't mind now. Obviously credit the photos to Miceage...or whoever managed to take them and send them.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Well...since nobody beat me to it....


Lutz go hassled for posting them at the time, but maybe the PTB won't mind now. Obviously credit the photos to Miceage...or whoever managed to take them and send them.
thanks lee. those are awesome... especially the one that you can give perspective to the track etc. NICE


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow, DLs building is so much smaller. I knew it was smaller, but wow WDW's is positively gargantuan by comparison!

Agreed! It wouldn't take too much of a modification, if any, to use those doors for removing the current tracks and adding a new track. By the way, Screamscape has a new report today concerning the future direction of SM at WDW. VERY interesting stuff! Although I disagree with his thought that Vekoma would be contracted to replace the track and keep the current configuration. That IMHO would be a terrible mistake. WDW needs a SM that is a cutting edge, family friendly and designed to last the next 35 years. :cool:

Pete C

Active Member
And here is is:

Rumor - (10/26/07) Screamscape sources tell us that Vekoma may have been signed on to produce not only all new track for Space Mountain, but new trains with an on-board soundsystem as well. Apparently the final budget for the Space Mountain rehab isn’t set yet, but apparently it was decided that the more length and expensive direction is the way they really need to go. I still can’t say for sure if this will be a move to replace 100% of the ride’s track, but I can hope so. If so, the new version of the ride will likely keep the same basic layout that they currently have. We’ve also heard something about a big change may take place to the lengthy exit ramp as well.


My family and I went on SM in DL and we weren't impressed. The light and Red Hot Chili Peppers projections on the ceiling just ruined the ride. It had been about 10 years since I went on DL's SM and I missed the old version.

I hope WDW doesn't ruin my son's favorite ride in the "whole wide world".

I'm all for refurbs but I hope they keep two tracks, the darkness and the small trains.



Well-Known Member
My family and I went on SM in DL and we weren't impressed. The light and Red Hot Chili Peppers projections on the ceiling just ruined the ride. It had been about 10 years since I went on DL's SM and I missed the old version.

I hope WDW doesn't ruin my son's favorite ride in the "whole wide world".

I'm all for refurbs but I hope they keep two tracks, the darkness and the small trains.

That was not Space Mountain! That was Rockin Space Mountain.


My family and I went on SM in DL and we weren't impressed. The light and Red Hot Chili Peppers projections on the ceiling just ruined the ride. It had been about 10 years since I went on DL's SM and I missed the old version.

I hope WDW doesn't ruin my son's favorite ride in the "whole wide world".

I'm all for refurbs but I hope they keep two tracks, the darkness and the small trains.


Rockin' Space Mountain was just a seasonal event. It's now back to its darkened interior, Michael Giacchino scored glory. :)


Active Member
And here is is:

Rumor - (10/26/07) Screamscape sources tell us that Vekoma may have been signed on to produce not only all new track for Space Mountain, but new trains with an on-board soundsystem as well. Apparently the final budget for the Space Mountain rehab isn’t set yet, but apparently it was decided that the more length and expensive direction is the way they really need to go. I still can’t say for sure if this will be a move to replace 100% of the ride’s track, but I can hope so. If so, the new version of the ride will likely keep the same basic layout that they currently have. We’ve also heard something about a big change may take place to the lengthy exit ramp as well.

Hmm.... I'll be interested in seeing how this will turn out.


Active Member
In the Parks
let's hope it wasn't seasonal! I'm praying it was more of a "one-time deal".

I second - third - forth - fifth - so on and so and so on and so on - that!

And here is is:

Rumor - (10/26/07) Screamscape sources tell us that Vekoma may have been signed on to produce not only all new track for Space Mountain, but new trains with an on-board soundsystem as well. Apparently the final budget for the Space Mountain rehab isn’t set yet, but apparently it was decided that the more length and expensive direction is the way they really need to go. I still can’t say for sure if this will be a move to replace 100% of the ride’s track, but I can hope so. If so, the new version of the ride will likely keep the same basic layout that they currently have. We’ve also heard something about a big change may take place to the lengthy exit ramp as well.

And as rumor's go - it doesn't sound like this refurb is going to be a short and sweet one! Wooohoo!
Give SM all the love it deserve's and bring on an updated attraction to make the MK shine! Whether that's 12 months or 24 months (not that I want it down for two years, but if that's what it takes to bring SM back to it's top form - then I'm all for it!).


Give SM all the love it deserve's and bring on an updated attraction to make the MK shine! Whether that's 12 months or 24 months (not that I want it down for two years, but if that's what it takes to bring SM back to it's top form - then I'm all for it!).

I agree completely.

Pete C

Active Member
My ultimate refurb would keep a two-track format, but make one side a family profile and one side an "intense" profile. It looks like this approach is working for Mission Space, why not Space Mountain? The layout would be generally the same, but just make the intense side have just a slightly altered design with a touch more speed, steeper drops, tighter helices to give more airtime, more positive Gs, etc. I just think that if you have two sides you might as well take advantage and give both families and thrill seekers what they want. The only downside would be over time people preferring one side to the other leading to long lines for one side. However, given how many families visit WDW for the first time every year it would probably work out just fine.

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