Slash and Burn ...


Well-Known Member
I have the feeling this one will go on and on and on ... at least until WDW announces real changes ... and some kind of plan ... or vision for the future .... then, and I think it's years away, we could start a new thread looking forward to all the exciting things headed our way.

I think we all need to really be pulling for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit and Manta at Sea World. If these are successes like they really could be, then Disney will almost be forced to take action.


New Member
I'm going to demand pics with them wearing tiny mouse ears.

But I hearby nominate them as our official thread mascots.

All in favor?

I give you . . .



and BURN!



Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
That's a question for the powers/oldtimers here.

I have the feeling this one will go on and on and on ... at least until WDW announces real changes ... and some kind of plan ... or vision for the future .... then, and I think it's years away, we could start a new thread looking forward to all the exciting things headed our way.

But until then ... well, I think this one's got legs.
Nowhere near a record, Steve limits threads to 5000 posts, after that they create server problems. A number of threads have reached that level, this one has a long way to go to come close. :shrug:

Too many fans are ... well ... self-involved when it comes to what WDW does.
Honestly, isn't that just human nature? Not specific only to WDW fans. Ask a Cubs fan about the World Series... :lookaroun

[I was gonna say BoSox, but recent history messes up the reference]


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally Posted by WDW1974
Too many fans are ... well ... self-involved when it comes to what WDW does.

Honestly, isn't that just human nature? Not specific only to WDW fans. Ask a Cubs fan about the World Series... :lookaroun

[I was gonna say BoSox, but recent history messes up the reference]

Yeah, it is. I don't quite compare sports fans to Disney park fans (sports fans rip everything ... even when the team is winning!)

But with Disney fans, I just see so many who will justify things that lower quality for ALL so long as it doesn't bother them. There are so many things that I dislike at WDW and wouldn't mind if they disappeared -- TO ME -- but I'd argue like hell to keep them because I understand my wishes and desires and likes aren't the only ones.

I'm smart enough to realize that if Disney does enough things the right way, I'm going to be happy far more times than the opposite.

Does that make sense? (very tired tonight)

Oh and Slash and Burn rock!!!

Love 'em. They are now officially the mascots of this thread!


New Member
Ahh, good points that sum up this trainwreck...

Always like when someone takes the position of using "fanboy" as a derogatory term. A....hello....this is a Disney "fanboy" site...what do you expect?

Then there are discussion boards and opinions....
While you are defining them, consider this....
1) "Screaming" the same thing over and over, louder and louder while demeaning the poster rather than the post is not discussion.
2) An "Opinion" does not have to be defended. Right or wrong, I don't have give reasons why I think EE is the best thing Disney ever created or that it is an average coaster with an excuse for themeing that does nothing for me.
3) If you want to have a discussion on the merits or lack of in regard to Everest or anything else, that's fine. State those facts, concerns, thoughts, whatever....and stay away from petty semantics and unrelated comments on posters intelligence, verbal skills, naivete, or their mother and you might be taken more seriously.
4) A discussion does not have winners and loosers. If you are so intent on showing that someone is wrong, that their "evidence" is flawed, and that you are right....that is called an argument.
5) Unfortunately, while you may get confused, you rarely ask questions...your rebuttals are more like comments, insults and sullen restatement of your "facts"

While I fully agree with you that Everest is just an OK coaster with OK theming, I can't agree with your thinly disguised approach in belittling others and presenting yourself as the misunderstood enlightened superior.

Ummmm....who exactly is all this in reference too? :veryconfu You quoted two of us, so that's not clear. Most of what you've mentioned on your list is not stuff I've even remotely talked about....but I'm pretty sure Albino Pygmy hasn't either so I have no idea what you're talking about. :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
OK ... I can't help the fact I have connections. I can't help if that makes you or anyone else insecure.

It hardly makes me insecure. You have said that to others. We all have connections, some more that others. I have talked to at least one of the names you mentioned, I'm just not insecure enough to need to mention it especially every other post!

What can I say? Back to work ... plus I lose interest easily when people aren't getting it.

Oh, but they are getting it, many just refuse to concede their optimism to your cynical world view.

I always play well with others ... well, no I don't. But that's largely because I seem to threaten people and make them feel insecure (if it makes you feel any better the same thing happens in the real world often with people who make a whole lot more money than I do and who have a whole lot more power too!) and they respond by cheapshotting me and I don't just let it go (although I'm learning to).

^ :lol:You didn't need to write this last paragraph, I already knew this was the way your professional life is. I know you very well whether you know it or not.

I edited your post for clarity and brevity and inserted my comments. I appreciate you responding in as reasoned a way as possible. And I have noticed you are conforming to what folks (including me) come here for and it is hardly to praise all things disney no matter what.

OK, I'm done critisizing you but it was fun while it lasted. I mostly like to see if those that dish it out can also take it. Keep the info coming.



Liker of Things
Premium Member
Honestly, isn't that just human nature? Not specific only to WDW fans. Ask a Cubs fan about the World Series... :lookaroun

[I was gonna say BoSox, but recent history messes up the reference]

As a Cubs fan, I have decided to ignore the existence of this "World Series" that you speak of. :lookaroun


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I think we all need to really be pulling for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit and Manta at Sea World. If these are successes like they really could be, then Disney will almost be forced to take action.

I agree with this 110%. My fear is that with the current organizational structure Disney has in place for us tourists (i.e. DVC membership and huge discounts for multi-day vacations) that relative theme park quality may not impact attendance for a while. Then, when it does, it will affect it big time and long-term once people find out there are better values nearby. It all argues for park investment now. Even if money is tight and th projects move slow, we all know that pics of dirt mounds will keep people intrigued for years.


Well-Known Member
I know it's purely anecdotal...

I agree with this 110%. My fear is that with the current organizational structure Disney has in place for us tourists (i.e. DVC membership and huge discounts for multi-day vacations) that relative theme park quality may not impact attendance for a while. Then, when it does, it will affect it big time and long-term once people find out there are better values nearby. It all argues for park investment now. Even if money is tight and th projects move slow, we all know that pics of dirt mounds will keep people intrigued for years.

This is purely anecdotal, with no "hard facts" to back it up, but it's still true: :(

In walking through the parks (mostly the MK), I have heard many, many Guests complaining about the lack of food options, the "terrible Stitch ride," and the overall condition of FL and TT Fair. Many of these complaints mirror what the fans have said here, especially about the lack of decent attractions in FL. I can only report so much before I look like a troublemaker, and my dept. can't do much about it anyway. Plus, most Guests don't bother to take their complaints to GR. But Guests are noticing, and I'm hearing this stuff more and more frequently.

Maybe the Internet is making them more savvy about what's available world-wide, and WDW is getting more repeat Guests from the DVC than they were expecting. :shrug:

Anyway, only one thing can be done: if you really notice these issues yourself, go to GR and file a polite, informative complaint. Don't let them twist your words into something positive, because they're trained to do that. It makes the managers' jobs easier.

Just nicely point out facts: "We used to enjoy the food options here at the MK, but since the DDP, we can't get into any restaurants, and the counter service options are all the same greasy food. I remember when the MK used to have...can you bring it back?" etc.

This is the only way WDI and other departments will get the data they need to prove to the accountants that the investments are necessary.

People love to compare DL to the MK and say that DL is better. It wasn't always that way. DL had to get its act together because most of its Guests are locals who flooded GR with complaints and tirades when the quality slipped in the late 90s–early 2000s.


Active Member
I will share with you a conversation I had with a co-worker about a year ago, I had not worked with this person very long, even though we have both been with there for more than ten years when she heard I was headed to WDW. Her advice was DON'T. She had taken her eight year old there a few months before and said it was not her idea of fun to stand in line for 90 minutes to ride something she could at a carnival. She said the minute she drove on property, she got the feeling the entire purpose was to separate her from her money. Trash cans were overflowing, the food was expensive and mediocre, and souvenirs were priced outrageously. She said she would certainly never be going again


Well-Known Member
I will share with you a conversation I had with a co-worker about a year ago, I had not worked with this person very long, even though we have both been with there for more than ten years when she heard I was headed to WDW. Her advice was DON'T. She had taken her eight year old there a few months before and said it was not her idea of fun to stand in line for 90 minutes to ride something she could at a carnival. She said the minute she drove on property, she got the feeling the entire purpose was to separate her from her money. Trash cans were overflowing, the food was expensive and mediocre, and souvenirs were priced outrageously. She said she would certainly never be going again

When did she go? Some of these complaints have always existed during the busiest times of the year.

As for the food...well, within the last few weeks, I've eaten at several restaurants throughout Epcot, and my food was ICE COLD upon being served everywhere except Japan and China. And that includes Chefs de France. If I were a first-time Guest paying for the DDP, I'd be outraged.


Active Member had to go there...:(
Besides, I'm pretty sure the AC closing is one of the signs of the end times.
The day the AC closed is truly a day that will live in infamy.
I've heard rumors that Joe Rohde is putting together a band of Mercenaries to reclaim the AC for it's many fans!
I'm going to demand pics with them wearing tiny mouse ears.

But I hearby nominate them as our official thread mascots.

All in favor?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally Posted by WDW1974
OK ... I can't help the fact I have connections. I can't help if that makes you or anyone else insecure.

It hardly makes me insecure. You have said that to others. We all have connections, some more that others. I have talked to at least one of the names you mentioned, I'm just not insecure enough to need to mention it especially every other post!

What can I say? Back to work ... plus I lose interest easily when people aren't getting it.

Oh, but they are getting it, many just refuse to concede their optimism to your cynical world view.

I always play well with others ... well, no I don't. But that's largely because I seem to threaten people and make them feel insecure (if it makes you feel any better the same thing happens in the real world often with people who make a whole lot more money than I do and who have a whole lot more power too!) and they respond by cheapshotting me and I don't just let it go (although I'm learning to).

^ :lol:You didn't need to write this last paragraph, I already knew this was the way your professional life is. I know you very well whether you know it or not.

I don't 'name drop' because I'm insecure. When I mention someone's name, I do so because I either want to state where my information came from or let people know that when I am getting information from folks at Disney that it isn't coming from busdrivers, boat captains, CPers and that strange smelling dude who always visits WDW on Sundays. Now, it may not make you insecure if I tell you I know folks like Joe Rohde, Richard Sherman or Michael Eisner ... but you have to be smart enough to realize that some people feel like if they lived 100 years more they could never meet any of the above, let alone speak with them multiple times one on one. So, yeah, I do think that makes some people feel insecure.

As to my cynical world view, well, guilty as charged. The world is largely a beautiful place filled with very ugly people ... I'm not all that up with people and have many reasons for feeling why I do but have no desire to discuss them here. And as for the world in general, anyone who has lived through the past decade and feels good about where we're at as a nation right now is more than high on pixie dust, I'd say. For the vast majority of people the past two years have been one roller coaster ride where you just keep going down.

As to your final 'red' comment, how well do you know me? Did we used to date? :eek:Or are you just one of my friends that's part of the magic of TWDC?

I edited your post for clarity and brevity and inserted my comments. I appreciate you responding in as reasoned a way as possible. And I have noticed you are conforming to what folks (including me) come here for and it is hardly to praise all things disney no matter what.

I don't like to conform. I like to stand out. But you should know that if you know me so well.

But I'm glad to know that you believe most people don't come here to praise Disney at all costs. That's what I was initially told when I came here. It does seem there's more critical thinkers here than I first thought.

There's still far too many management apologists in my mind. I would only ask of them what they really think they're accomplishing by doing so. Even if you're generally pleased by WDW now (obviously I am not) why tell Disney that? What incentive are you giving them to ever improve things and give you new and more exciting reasons to visit? That's why I don't get it. I love DL right now, but I'd rather criticize the areas that need work (and there are plenty ... like most of T-Land for instance) because I don't want Ed, Michael and the Anaheim 'leadership' team to believe they're pleasing me. I want them trying to earn my business every day!

OK, I'm done critisizing you but it was fun while it lasted. I mostly like to see if those that dish it out can also take it. Keep the info coming.


Take it? I can more than take it. But I'd rather discuss Disney. I'm not all that interesting ... since you know me so well, you should know that ... or am I?

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