THAT'S what I have a problem with. It's that kind of thinking, that MK is mostly for kids, that is ruining that park. It's turning into a character-laden, kid-centric bore. It get's us terrible attractions like Stitch.
Space Mountain has terrified many kids, and adults, to the point where they have left the park for the day. Doesn't mean the ride shouldn't be there. That is what warning signs and height requirements are for.
The goal is, and should be, something for everyone...not everything for everyone.
Take your kid on AE and he get's freaked out? Tough. Too bad. I really don't care. I am simply unwilling to sacrifice entertainment that I enjoy and find to be unique, original, and lots of fun just because it makes some little kid cry.
How come when you make intelligent, articulate, rational posts like the one above people don't hate you?
What's scary is when people begin believing, and they already do, that the MK is a park for children. Walt Disney's cryogenically fozen melon would be 'sploding at such talk.
This is the company that made a name by traumatizing children and adults with films like Dumbo, Bambi and Old Yeller.
Now, everything has to be made so as to be acceptable to a five-year-old ... and not a particularly mature one either!
It absolutely isn't what the MK is about.
But for today's audience, it has to make little Brittany or Brandon smile ... no matter what. So why have live entertainment with real quality UNION entertainers like at Diamond Horseshoe or the old Kids of the Kingdom even? Why have steel drum bands in Adventureland, blue grass trios in Frontierland or Fife and Drum corps in Liberty Square? Place a 17-year-old in a foamhead suit with two handlers and a line for autographs. Why have shops that antiques, themed merchandise, exotic wares when you can just have Grumpy tees, Tink sweatshirts, Mouse ears, pins and HSM soundtracks at EVERY store?
It's all about dumbing the product down and conditioning the guests to expect less all the time while paying more.
The MK is absolutely the worst when it comes to it because it used to be so wonderful and has lost so much. ... It now really is Phil Holmes' Magical Disney-Pixar Character Park. The sad thing is when people try and convince themselves or others that the place was always like this or that this is the right way to run the place.