Ah, the universal "I'm losing this debate and don't have any intelligent responses to your points" phrase! That's right up there with the ever popular, "Well you have a right to your opinion." I always get a kick out of how people always want to remind you of your constitutional rights whenever they are losing an argument. :hammer:
I could've mentioned that you didn't say a thing when you called the people of this site's opinions on the ride "smart" yet the reviews average 9.4.
OK, You don't like the whole "Well you have a right to your opinion" thing, fine. Let's bring it on down a notch by being real. Your opinion isn't worth a horse's rear. Mine isn't too.
But at least I tried to point out you're spending your free time arguing with a schmuck like me about a Roller Coaster.
What exactly do you want?
Want me to say your Opinion is right?
Already did, you rejected it. (smooth)
Want me to agree with you?
Well that sure would counter your patriotic constitution speech.
Want me to say you win the argument?
Fine, you win. People still love Everest no matter what you say, so the fight for Disney's soul is already over. What's an argument worth?
Want Disney to do something about it?
I'M not the one to talk too then.
Want your statement heard?
Already did that. Statement Heard.
Want to engage in the fine art of Debate?
Not with that attitude.
I don't know what you want, but I've said my peace and have too much respect for my friends who run and moderate the site to further divulge this thread further into my dark and twisted carnival, of the soul.
What's the argument and who's losing it? :shrug:
The Argument is "Frustration" and the loser is "My Sanity"
Oh well, whatever happens, happens.