Ok, so you say that the money could've spent better, but how much it cost dosen't matter.
That's good, because now what you say the money could've been spent on dosen't matter as well, since money dosen't seem to be the issue here.
*takes a drink*
Nah, I do that so people in their own worlds can hear me clearer.
*tales a drink*
But just up there aways you said that the average guest dosen't care about the cost?
Well, anyhoo, the ride is the most popular in the park, and in the top five attractions on properity for attendence and guest sastifaction, so looks like the "average guest" decided that they love the ride long ago, so you're in the minority out there...
*takes a drink*
I thought moeny wasn't the issue....hmmm.
ANYAWAYS, to use the -hic-. Excuse me.
To use the "MOVIE" metaphor, Company dumped alot of money into a "Artsy" director's lap to make a big movie. Money spent, Movie comes out, Critcs love it because it's artsy, regular people love if because it'a big glitzy action number. Along comes you, you think it's overrated, could've done more. Got it. Fair enough. So isn't THIS the point where I say "Fuhgeddaboutit, you keep on keepin' on" and you say "Fair's Fair, you think what you want no problem." we shake hands and go on our merry way and try and remember we have better things to be doing then arguing about a Roller Coaster a few days before a New Year?
*takes a drink*
*passes out drunk*