Honest question, no sarcasm attached...
How do you feel it should of spent?
I'm neither a Disney Imagineer nor a Disney accountant, so I'm afraid I can't provide a line-by-line accounting of how I think the money should actually have been spent. But let me ask you this: Have you ever seen the price tag for an expensive movie, then seen the actual movie and come away thinking that the movie could have been a lot better...especially for what they spent on it?
That was the point of my statement. I've seen Disney (and Universal too for that matter) build much more impressive things for the money spent. Epcotservo mentioned the $120 "MILLION" (the all caps presumably to emphasize just how much money that is). Part of the intent of my response was also to point out that if someone finds an attraction somewhat lacking (or even an all out disappointment, as a lot of people do with EE) then pointing out how much money was spent to build it isn't going to suddenly change their mind.
Having said that, here are a few suggestions I would make on how the attraction could have been different (and I assume this would not have made a huge difference in how the $120 mil was spent, but again, I don't claim to have intimate knowledge on that matter...I'm just a paying guest who knows what entertains me versus what I consider kind of lame):
- For starters, I would not have placed the yeti where it currently is. It's supposed to be the "most sophisticated AA ever built" right? If that's true, why not give us a better look at it? Why essentially hide it by putting it in a spot where we only get to see it for like 2 seconds? Doesn't add up if you ask me. If it really is such an impressive and sophisticated AA, and such and awesome sight to behold, then I think a better place for it would have been in one of the spots where they do the track switch. Would doing so have changed the price tag for the ride? I can't imagine how it would have.
- Get rid of the cheesy projection of the yeti shadow. It screams "cheap". Alternatives for what they could have done instead (and spent about the same amount of money on) are too numerous to list.
- Maybe a little less "elaborate queue" and a little more ambience on the actual attraction itself. The queue just adds to the over-buildup of expectations. Seems to me they could have taken what they spent on props for the queue and spent that on props for the ride instead.
-Get rid of the plastic bird on a stick. Hey, come to think of it, that would actually SAVE money!