Sir, we can’t say THAT on a Disney Mic – a Feb 2012 TR!

a.k.a. The Adventures of Pascal TR


Welcome everyone to my very first trip report! Ahh!!! All week, I’ve been trying to be good and wait to start on my TR until I got my lesson plans for school done (they’re all due tonight), but… since I’m currently at work and am at a place where I can’t do any work on my lessons until I’m out of the office, I figured that posting the beginnings would be a good idea! :lol: As you may have read in my Pre Trip Report, this trip has definitely been a long time coming… a 4 year wait for me in fact! I was told that if I didn’t write my trip report for this trip, I would be “disowned, unfollowed, and shunned”… thanks for that one Kenzie! :p

In the midst of the trip, we got to celebrate both of our birthdays and Valentine’s Day, so it was a magical experience indeed.

So without further ado:

The cast:

There’s me, Courtney, who turns 23 tomorrow (AHHHH!) and this was my 19th trip to the World… and then there’s my wonderful BF, Dan, who turned 23 the day before our trip (Feb 12) and who is lucky enough (or not) to spend his first WDW visit with me!

There was a third member of our cast as well… a mischief stowaway by the name of Pascal!

The dates: February 13 through February 17, 2012

The resort: Pop Century

All packed!

My packing list – so I wouldn’t forget anything

With all of that being said… let the memories begin! :)


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Fabulous report so far, Kortni! Sounds like Dan is a believer already! :D And I love that Pascal was able to accompany you two. He's just so darn cute!

Oh, and that T-Rex food looks delicious...might need to make an ADR there at some point. :slurp:
Thanks Shannon!!! :D He's definitely ready to go back already. When we came home, he had his new car waiting for him... so when we got in it last night, he had made the "official mix cd" for his cd player and had a song from Aladdin and one from Lion King. I swear, that kid is trying to re-win my heart all over again.
Pascal made our trip... he was just too fun!

Good stuff! I know all about the early morning flight with no sleep. if it wasn't for the excitement we wouldn't have been able to function.

Happy birthday btw! You share a birthday with my husband. :D

Can't wait to read more!

Happy birthday hubby!!! :)
And that was SUCH a long day... seriously, it was 12 pages written in word document form!

:sohappy: Yay! Loving your trip report already..keep it coming!

Thanks Jorden! :) So sad we never got to have Dole Whips this month like we had originally planned though.

I'm enjoying reading your report!!!! I love how your boyfriend is just so into it! I'm sure that made your trip even more special!!!!
Looking forward to reading more!

There were moments during the trip where I would just stop and stare at him in awe. Like, we were walking through a shop and he'd pick up on the song playing on the radio before I could and would start singing along. Getting to share it all with him made this trip so magical.


Well-Known Member
Following along! Great TR so far :)

We were in line halfway down Sunset (the first show was still going, so the line started at BatB), so we decided to take photos while in line to pass the time. And I chatted with someone nearby (a CP going to see Fantasmic! for his first time), as well as tried to find a way to meet up with a friend of mine who works on the Great Movie ride (didn’t work).

Just curious, but who is your friend at GMR?


Active Member
yay an update! i think going to the second showing of fantasmic is definitely the best idea.

and I'm glad its not just me who is scared of Darth Vadar!!! lol


Active Member
:wave: Count me in!

You two are too cute, what a great way to celebrate your birthdays together! i love that you carry Pasquale around with you, so fun!!

Can't wait to read more!


Well-Known Member
You know I had something to say in comment...and by the time i just got to commenting I forgot :/...hold on lemme think a minute....

haha! I remembered :) I wasn't kidding ^ I seriously forgot lol had to scroll down and look at the posts to remember.

So you were the rebel spy and you didn't by the "I was the rebel spy" shirt! :(

And I love One Man's Dream too!!! :)


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:wave: Count me in!

You two are too cute, what a great way to celebrate your birthdays together! i love that you carry Pasquale around with you, so fun!!

Can't wait to read more!

Pascal actually went to school with me today... he's decided he needed to get an education in all of his spare time he's found since we came home. :lol:

Ah, Blaine! Great guy. I love working with him

He seems like such a fun guy... I was really looking forward to actually meeting him! Oh well, things don't always work out. :(

You know I had something to say in comment...and by the time i just got to commenting I forgot :/...hold on lemme think a minute....

haha! I remembered :) I wasn't kidding ^ I seriously forgot lol had to scroll down and look at the posts to remember.

So you were the rebel spy and you didn't by the "I was the rebel spy" shirt! :(

And I love One Man's Dream too!!! :)

yeah yeah yeah, I know. We barely looked around in the gift show that ride, and I was going to get it later when we came back on again. But I got a different shirt instead.


Active Member
Sat at work.. waiting for an update!!! :D

Lol I love that you were the spy..:)

When I first went to florida when I was 11, I thought Darth Vadar would come onto the flight thing we were on... i was terrified ! lol

Need an update! lol x


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Sat at work.. waiting for an update!!! :D

Lol I love that you were the spy..:)

When I first went to florida when I was 11, I thought Darth Vadar would come onto the flight thing we were on... i was terrified ! lol

Need an update! lol x

lol, yes ma'am... I'll post the first 1/2 of Valentines for ya here soon. :)


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Tuesday February 14, 2012 – Valentine’s Day!

Tuesday February 14, 2012 – Valentine’s Day!

Well, today was our first day waking up on property, and I had set the phone to ring at 7am. I swear, Dan jumped literally 5 feet in the air (he did every morning) when the phone went off… this morning I noticed it the most because he woke me up at 5am to see if I was ok (I was having a really bad nightmare that I can’t remember at all) and he had pulled me into him to try to get me to sleep better (cue: awww).

But his jumping made me laugh more than anything.

We kinda laid in bed for another half hour (this is a new morning ritual, I like sleep so it takes about 30 minutes for me to become even semi-conscious), and then Dan turned on the tv to find out… Boy Meets World plays on ABCFamily at 7:30 every morning! That’s my favorite show, so Dan figured out that the best way to get me to wake up is to keep the show on for me. :) So, after the episode was over we got ready for the day (which my dress alone took about 15 minutes to figure out. Oi!), and I put up our little Valentine’s decorations…


And then we were off to the Magic Kingdom to catch the monorail. The one thing Dan was looking forward to trying (ok, one of TWO things… sorry Dole Whip!) was Tonga Toast, so I had decided this was the perfect day to head to Poly for him to do so.

Dan on the bus (I love the sign behind him)


Monorail waiting


Dan’s first monorail!


At this point, I realized I had made a dreadful mistake the night before on my lack of sleep… I never charged my camera’s battery, and it was now flashing at a very low level. And, of course, it doesn’t just take AA batteries, so I was kinda screwed. Never fear, I got a couple of shots in… and PhotoPass saved the day for the rest, so there’s still some hope for the day!

We got to Poly, and wandered around trying to find Captain Cook’s so we could use our first QS credits on food… and decided it was so nice out that we should sit outside with our breakfast!


We made friends while we were there.


Then it was back on the monorail to spend our first official Valentine’s Day together in the Magic Kingdom. Ready for an onslaught of PhotoPass? Because, that was exactly what our walk down Main Street consisted of!



(at least you know we allowed Pascal to come on our date day, right?)



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Then, we walked up closer to the castle so I could get one more picture in before my camera decided to fully die on me (Dan’s reaction to the castle the first time: “Well, there she is. Though the scrim is taking away from it, but oh well.”).


Bye bye poor camera! I’m sorry I didn’t charge you :(

Next we got my favorite Valentine pictures of the day…



(I spy Pascal's tail!!!)


And, for the best one of them all…


So, this picture makes us look all cute and in love (Which is why I absolutely adore it), but… the reality of it was we were laughing about how silly we felt posing for it! I think Dan might have also tickled me in the side in this picture as well, he can be a jerk like that at times! :ROFLOL:

First stop, Tomorrowland (which is how I work MK every time I come in… and this is the only part of the park that we never got pictures of at all). We headed straight for Space, grabbed our first fast passes of the trip – Dan was interested in how it actually worked – and then hopped in the standby line to go ride it. I was so upset, I wanted to try to get the SM picture of us in the tunnel, but my camera would not turn on at all. :( Oh well.

Dan loved it, so many ‘Wahoo’s in my ear since he sat right behind me. After we got off of Space, Dan saw that he had a phone call from someone with a Florida area code. He checked his voicemail to discover that a friend of his family’s was living in Orlando, and she and her husband wanted to take us out to dinner later in the week. He made to call her back, and I noticed a perfect photo opportunity and took it….


Looks like he lost me to two other guys! :lol: Nah, I went back to Dan after the boys tired out from jumping up and down over my birthday button.


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Upon return, Dan was off his phone and decided he was a bit upset about missing out on the picture with Chip and Dale (I’m pretty sure this was the moment that I knew I had him hooked… he’s definitely coming back!). They developed a line by this point, so we decided to skip going back to them and jumped on the Peoplemover, which is my favorite part of Tomorrowland. Dan was highly impressed by it, and it helped us decide our next few moves while we waited for our fast pass times to be up. When we were coming back to the station, Dan noticed a crowd of people and asked me one very important question, “Can we PLEASE go meet Buzz????” :D His eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store, it was so cute!

Well, Buzz had gone for a break when we came out, so we went over to his ride instead. I creamed Dan at it (woohoo) by like 50,000 points or so, a feat I was proud of, and then we decided to go to the laugh floor for a little bit. I sent in a joke (Have you read Buzz’s new book on anti-gravity? You can’t put it down!), and we enjoyed the show. After, we went back to Buzz and got in line. We were the last ones in before he went for another break.


Everyone just wants to steal me away, I swear.


Finally, we were off to ride Space once more (“Wait, we already rode this, why are we doing it again?” he has much to learn!), and then we walked through Fantasyland. I was rather upset about this as well, I really wanted to get some shots of the construction, and especially of my Beast’s castle (Sigh), but I couldn’t do anything about it. So, we settled on a phone picture that got uploaded to Facebook instead…


My aunt’s comment on it was priceless… “Dan’s looking good!!!” :ROFLOL: I
enjoyed it way too much.

We decided not to ride anything in Fantasyland, because the area was definitely overcrowded compared to the rest of the park… so we made our way to Haunted Mansion and enjoyed the new queue. It was awesome, because the regular line had a much longer wait than if you went through the interactive queue. People should have just went through the graveyard, we were able to walk right on instead of waiting 20 minutes!

I loved the changes they made to HM, and there were scenes that I had no idea were coming. Dan laughed every time I went “where’d this come from?!?” and he laughed even harder whenever I hid my face from the popping heads (shudder). Such a wonderful guy, isn’t he?

We walked over to Splash next, which had a line posted saying 45 minutes. We stood in the line for 10 of that, and didn’t move an inch… so we jumped out, grabbed fast passes and got in line to meet these guys instead:


While in line, Jess had texted me saying that Tom and Sarah Bricker were in MK for the day as well, so I popped onto twitter and saw that they had been on Splash a mere hour before us! Maybe they were still in the area? We were definitely gonna keep a look out!

By the time we got through with them, our FP were ready to be used (it’s bad when the standby says 45, and the FP says come back in 30) so we went back over to Splash. The people we were originally behind were still in the outside portion of the line, and the announcement was made while we waited that standby’s line time was increased by an extra hour!!! I’m pretty sure we made the right choice, because we waited 15 minutes for our ride.

Riding Splash definitely reminded me why I love the Magic Kingdom, it’s one of my favorite rides. I remember being 5 years old, and crying my eyes out because they wouldn’t let me on Splash, even though I was tall enough to ride Space and BTMR. And Song of the South is wonderful, so I’m even more in love with the ride now than I was as a kid, regardless of anything being broken or whatnot.

Next, we decided we should ride 1 more ride (it was around 1pm or so) and then head back to the hotel – I wanted to charge my battery before dinner! Of course, that ride was Pirates. Again, wonderful wonderful wonderful. What else is there to say?

I wanted to make sure Dan tried the Dole Whip before we left the park for the day, so we made our way over… on the way there, I saw a couple standing in a corner eating and did a double take. It was the Bricker duo! How exciting! So, as a stalker-fan that I am, I made my way over and introduced myself as well as Dan. Tom and Sarah were both so nice! I felt like I was talking to someone super famous, which made me feel awkward. Add on top of it that my camera was dead, and I was talking to an amazing photographer.. oh the thoughts going through my head about how terrible I was right then! But thank you so much you guys for talking to us, it was exciting!

After saying goodbye, we got in line for the deliciousness and I called Jess freaking out (“Guess who I just met??” “I told you they were nice! Wasn’t Sarah so pretty?” etc etc), so that chat lasted a little bit much to Dan’s amusement. After we got off the phone, we got our desserts and made our way towards Main Street once again. But not without stopping at another PhotoPass opportunity!


Oh look, Dole Whip! :lol:


Awkward looking at each other shot…


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