Seven Dwarf's Mine Train ride expectations?

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
I dunno ... is it? That sorta makes one a bi-parks fan ... what did HSM teach us about the best of both worlds (was that a subliminal message)?

If it's wrong, oh well. I love both Disney and Universal and I'm going to continue to visit both, especially after riding Transformers. Best ride ever.


Well-Known Member
Tortoise and the Hair. Yes, Walt Disney World may be the long time champ but competition only means something if it is taken seriously. Walt Disney World is not trying to stay on top, they are napping, arrogantly confident that the gap will never close. That is not a recipe for something better, only disaster. Plenty of companies have been the long reigning king of their industry only to fall well below their height or, even worse, cease to exist.

Just feel like repeating for emphasis.

Great American leading companies now either don't exist or exist in smaller/less significant footprints than they once did.

To arrogantly think that WDW will always exist or exist as it does it utter lunacy (although I do wonder how many folks here would commit suicide, no not kidding, tomorrow if the place shuttered).

And Disney has been running the Florida property since the mid-90s under a VERY different business model than it did for its first quarter century. And, NO, it most definitely isn't what's best for fans,guests and cast.


Well-Known Member
Was talking about the people displaying their insecurity by needlessly bashing the guy with the prominent podcast.

The man is a snake oil saleman who comes off like a total slime ... and he is being compensated very well for being pro everything Disney ever does and not acknowledging that parks like UNI and SW and BGT even exist.

I don't know what having a prominent podcast amongst Disney fans really means. I guess it's sorta like being the quarterback of a high school JV football team. You get attention. You're told you're special. You get get things others don't. But 99.9% of the world doesn't know you exist.


Well-Known Member

Just recently found this in a box while moving. Maybe I should make it my avatar...

Oh, you are such a ... you have an award?!?!? from 2004??!? Hell, Lost wasn't even on yet ... free dining was just about to be offered for the first time ... my house was worth a few hundred grand more than it is now (hell, I had TWO homes back then) ... FB and Twitter didn't exist ... Michael was still running Disney ... Roy wasn't dead ... and we all were content in the absurd belief that Wall Street wasn't the greatest fraud ever brought upon the American people.

A lot happens in eight years ... I don't trust you as far as I could throw you, myself!:D

Most trusted insider ... sure. You probably won that by sleeping around. Or seranading fanbois with Disney showtunes with your amazing singing voice. You wanna go up against me now? I've been known to take down far bigger fish ya know?:)


Well-Known Member
I think you should make that your avatar...congrats on your award! :)

I have a comment in regards to the 7DMT plans and your reference to the SM refurb. Most (all?) who are disappointed with the SM refurb are people 'in the know' who are aware of what it maight have been, as a result of being involved in the project or learning of plans from people such as you and Martin. It's cool that you have this insider info, and I enjoy reading it, but I'm okay with the refurb because relative to what was there before, it's quite a bit better imho. If we are disappointed by what might have been (if we are even aware in the first place) with respect to any thing in life, we can drive ourselves bonkers.You know: "If only our hockey team had landed this goalie, if the new museum hadn't had its budget slashed by $5 million, if our office had hired that manager, if our city would have been selected for the new IMAX we were expecting instead of the smaller theater upgrade...if, if, if...". What a crappy way to go through life.

Most people likely wander around in their daily lives oblivious to what might have been all around their local supermarket, airport, school, mall. amusement park, zoo, etc. A very, very, very small percentage of WDW guests (or those at any theme park) ever have any idea of what the potential was for any of the attractions. They simply judge based on what was actually created. Even of the few who do know what plans initially were, some will be disappointed by what could have been, but many are probably like me. In the real world, budgets get changed, plans and personnel change and I judge what actually exists. :)

The truely greatest amongst us in society are never satisfied and always looking to improve things. Not improve their bottom lines or their companies (although that often is the byproduct of vision), but improve things for us all.

Satisfaction can be a very bad trait. ... I am a perfectionist and that often leaves me unhappy. But I'd be much worse if I could just settle for getting by. ... You know sorta the way WDW has been since the dawn of the 21st century?


Well-Known Member
To a point..yes. But there is a great deal of land now being used that was NEVER accessible to any guest. All the land behind Ariel's Grotto all the way to Magic Kingdom Drive and east over to the edge's of the old 20K is new land that was NEVER part of the park itself.

So...there is an element of expansion involved.

Another point: This land will accommodate a lot more people than 20K ever could have thought about. So, it is an expansion of capacity as well.

It is but a small one ... Toontown Faire was included in this and quite a few people could fit in there ... even more back when they had a stage show with the foamheads. I think the biggest 'expansion' will be in walkways, frankly.

Oh, and I could just about KILL the dude who told me to come over to check this thread out about 40 minutes ago. I have to be up for work in seven hours and that's not good!


The man is a snake oil saleman who comes off like a total slime ... and he is being compensated very well for being pro everything Disney ever does and not acknowledging that parks like UNI and SW and BGT even exist.

I don't know what having a prominent podcast amongst Disney fans really means. I guess it's sorta like being the quarterback of a high school JV football team. You get attention. You're told you're special. You get get things others don't. But 99.9% of the world doesn't know you exist.

His podcast is about wdw though. So why would he bring up other parks in the area if the podcast itself is supposed to be about wdw? I don't see him as a snake oil salesman. I see him as a guy who started his podcast simply because he was passionate about something, and that evolved into a podcast that has won best travel podcast 6 years in a row, according to his website. Although his views might be slanted in a pro-disney fashion, I truly have learned a lot from him about the history and details of wdw. I enjoy going to the parks myself and noticing the details he points out on his podcasts. He does do his homework, I'll give him that. I can look past things I might not agree with him about, and just realize the fact that at heart he is a fan like any one of us, he is just a very pro-disney fan. He has taken his passion for wdw and developed it into something that promotes disney, while also supporting himself along the way.


Well-Known Member
Lou's opinion's not withstanding, he has a strong grasp on Disney history and those shows are definitely worth listening to.

Ah, but you have to take the source into consideration. I will never listen to the man.

And I'll put my grasp of history (as well as Disney as a company behind the scenes) up against his any day ... and I'd say the same about my buds Lee and Martin too.

I won't help the business of someone who I feel shouldn't be in business. And I won't tell anyone else they should support that type of person, that type of product either.


Well-Known Member
His podcast is about wdw though. So why would he bring up other parks in the area if the podcast itself is supposed to be about wdw? I don't see him as a snake oil salesman. I see him as a guy who started his podcast simply because he was passionate about something, and that evolved into a podcast that has won best travel podcast 6 years in a row, according to his website. Although his views might be slanted in a pro-disney fashion, I truly have learned a lot from him about the history and details of wdw. I enjoy going to the parks myself and noticing the details he points out on his podcasts. He does do his homework, I'll give him that. I can look past things I might not agree with him about, and just realize the fact that at heart he is a fan like any one of us, he is just a very pro-disney fan. He has taken his passion for wdw and developed it into something that promotes disney, while also supporting himself along the way.

But I think you missed the point everyone was trying to make... at this point in time, he is now essentially paid to promote Disney. He receives perks so long as he keeps the criticism in the very low to non existent level. He may very well think all those things about Disney but he also might not but says so anyways because otherwise he wouldn't get paid. Hence...being a snake oil saleman. He's going to say whatever he needs to get to get his pay day. All his words need to be taken with an incredible grain of salt because again, he is being paid to put a positive spin on everything whether he agrees with it or not. I wouldn't consider much of what he says that trustworthy even if he does provide interesting Disney history facts.

Now, you could say, no Disney would never do that type of thing...but every company, Disney included, does his type of thing. I think EmpressLily had a good example in another thread. They all do it. It's well documented. Especially as social media continues to play a bigger and bigger role in the way news is communicated.


Well-Known Member
His podcast is about wdw though. So why would he bring up other parks in the area if the podcast itself is supposed to be about wdw? I don't see him as a snake oil salesman. I see him as a guy who started his podcast simply because he was passionate about something, and that evolved into a podcast that has won best travel podcast 6 years in a row, according to his website. Although his views might be slanted in a pro-disney fashion, I truly have learned a lot from him about the history and details of wdw. I enjoy going to the parks myself and noticing the details he points out on his podcasts. He does do his homework, I'll give him that. I can look past things I might not agree with him about, and just realize the fact that at heart he is a fan like any one of us, he is just a very pro-disney fan. He has taken his passion for wdw and developed it into something that promotes disney, while also supporting himself along the way.

First, he was a lawyer ... in NJ. That alone tells me more than I care to about the man. ... I give him credit for being one of the first people who realized they could make loads of money by leeching onto WDW Co. and then do 'free' PR for them. He has made himself a personality to groups of Disney fans who apparently need someone like him telling him that their addictions are OK and they should spend more. ... He exists to simply enrich himself and that's painfully obvious ... if folks want to buy into his hokey act, then they should know what they are getting into.


But I think you missed the point everyone was trying to make... at this point in time, he is now essentially paid to promote Disney. He receives perks so long as he keeps the criticism in the very low to non existent level. He may very well think all those things about Disney but he also might not but says so anyways because otherwise he wouldn't get paid. hence...being a snake oil saleman. He's going to say whatever he needs to get to get his pay day. All his words need to be taken with an incredible grain of salt because again, he is being paid to put a positive spin on everything whether he agrees with it or not. I wouldn't consider much of what he says that trustworthy even if he does provide interesting Disney history facts.

I'm not talking about what he says and how he views things. I pay no attention to that. But when he brings Imagineers and other notable guests onto the show to talk about disney history and the history of attractions, I find that very informative. I learn a lot about things I overlooked in the past and I enjoy seeing them when I go down. And I'll take the guest's word over his anyday.


He exists to simply enrich himself and that's painfully obvious ... if folks want to buy into his hokey act, then they should know what they are getting into.

I will certainly give you that. When he started charging people on itunes for his product, that's where I realized he's not just in it to give people a podcast, he is in it to make money. While I don't think he is a slime for doing that, I would never purchase any of that stuff so that he can enrich himself. When his podcast goes into detail about attractions and things of that nature I will listen, because usually he has a guest on who does most of the talking and provides the information. That's the only time I will listen in full, without having to block out any pro-disney bias that even to me is ubsurd. I love wdw. I'm a big supporter of it even when it might seem unpopular on here. But in no way would I go as far as he does in his views (or the views he is being told to have)


Premium Member
You can still learn from a ... You just gotta know where the line between the play and reality is.

The Disney parks blog is obviously there to promote their product and lasso the audience. I still read it because there is value to be had- just ignore all the faking it parts :)


Premium Member
People don't have to agree with me, I really don't care.. But that is how I see it... Not expanding the land at all, just reclaiming land they already used... Now, it if became part of Tomorrowland, then I'd say expansion since Tomorrowland would be expanding...

So... Since holidayland sat where eventually nos was built... You don't consider the addition of NOS an expansion of Disneyland either?

Or the 67 tommorrowland since the parks boundaries didn't change, yet the park itself and the attraction count and even buildings completely changed?

NFE changes far more in fl than just the guest boundaries


Oh, you are such a ... you have an award?!?!? from 2004??!? Hell, Lost wasn't even on yet ... free dining was just about to be offered for the first time ... my house was worth a few hundred grand more than it is now (hell, I had TWO homes back then) ... FB and Twitter didn't exist ... Michael was still running Disney ... Roy wasn't dead ... and we all were content in the absurd belief that Wall Street wasn't the greatest fraud ever brought upon the American people.

A lot happens in eight years ... I don't trust you as far as I could throw you, myself!:D

Most trusted insider ... sure. You probably won that by sleeping around. Or seranading fanbois with Disney showtunes with your amazing singing voice. You wanna go up against me now? I've been known to take down far bigger fish ya know?:)


Well-Known Member

Oh, how sweet. I think you're gonna make me cry on my plush I am so happy that you noticed.

I just think you as an 'insider' are like ... well, like the Casey Junior Kids Pee While You Play Fountain ... very overrated, slightly dangerous and ... um ... all wet!:D


Oh, how sweet. I think you're gonna make me cry on my plush I am so happy that you noticed.

I just think you as an 'insider' are like ... well, like the Casey Junior Kids Pee While You Play Fountain ... very overrated, slightly dangerous and ... um ... all wet!:D
Yes. Slightly dangerous, but Mostly Harmless. (Anybody get that?)

Why am I awake, anyhow...*yawn*


Well-Known Member
Nervous energy because I think you sense something big is about to happen. Something life-CHANGING?:D

Okay, now I'm curious... something we can expect an announcement for in the next few days? I assume you're referring to the same thing as your signature...

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