Well-Known Member
I don't know why you take this so personally. I wasn't talking down to you in any way. I was applying something that I am familiar with to making my hypothesis about the expectations of 7D mine train, which is the topic of this thread. Someone who is further along in the field that I am currently studying should understand where I am coming from in my analysis, and not be so sensitive to everything. I don't "really want to go there" as you suggested. And what is wrong with assessing situations like this thread by using methods of hypothesis you have acquired elsewhere? That's all I did, nothing more, nothing less.
In regards to people who say "disney is doing great things", that's an opinion not a fact. If they say disney is doing great things because of A, B, C, then it's less of an opinion and more of a fact because they have provided evidence for their statement. If they are passing off "great things" as a fact, then they are wrong, becasue as I said, greatness can be two different definitions for two different people. And any future projects I have heard on here being discussed besides Avatar are hypothetical things people wish the parks would get, like an expanded Pixar Place, Star Wars Land, Austrailia in AK, etc. Those are just suggestions for future projects. I've never heard anyone pass those things off as facts. I've only heard fan speculation and rumor so far. Making the same arguement I am making towards people with hope and speculation of future projects by telling them they don't have facts to support their claim is not necessary. Being a rumor or an aspiration already addresses the notion that there are no facts to back up those statements. But I don't hear people trying to pass off Pixar Place expansion as a fact. I could be wrong, but from what I have seen it's all just rumors.
And I haven't been on this site long enough (not even a month) to know who is trusted and who is not. So for the time being, I am going to take the "facts" that posters claim with no sources of support other than themselves, with a grain of salt. If I see a pattern of good posts, then I'll certainly be more inclined to believe what they say because they have proven themselves trustworthy.
First...hey Lee! Right on time.

Secondly, that's fine you want to use something you've learned in school. Actually, I think that's great. And I understand the way you were analyzing things totally. BUT...you basically came across as playing the "I've started college, I'm awesome, and no more than people on here" card. I'm not saying you were but stating things the way you did would have been like me saying "I'm an M3 medical student and on the first day of Anatomy I learned this this and this and this method is the correct way to do things." Sorry. That's how I perceived it and I apologize if it wasn't meant to come across that way. But there honestly was no reason you needed to say you were pre med or that you took biology to make your point.
Lastly, regarding my bolded part...apparently you haven't met JT or a couple other posters here yet. There are plenty of examples where it's been said "this or that" project has been happening when there is absolutely no evidence to the contrary. I'm sure it happens with people saying projects about Universal too...but for the most part, the projects that people have brought up in these threads are actually happening. People who are trusted and who do have access to that information have given confirmation...now, yes, you still have to take all info with a little grain of thought, but again, these are people who have probed their information worthy many many times.
Of course it's fun to speculate about whatDisney could do/is capable of doing, but again, they are just speculation. And really, that's what a lot of peoples' point is... Disney has no projects going beyond Avatar. Universal has several big confirmed projects. And you wonder why people worry/speculate that Disney could eventually be passed by, especially if they keep on the pattern they have of minimizing projects, not green lighting projects, and expressing a desire to cut down (again that IS a fact...Iger has stated that is what the next few years at Diseny are going to be focusing on. Cutting down and minimizing expenditures)