Seas with Nemo and Friends: anglerfish not working


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Something I have always wondered....Chum is a brutally easy effect. Far to simple for it not to be working. I know the default position when an effect is not working is that TDO is the devil and they will not fix it because it would take away from the money the use to kick puppies and all, but maybe there is another reason we are not aware of that it is not working. Could it be something as stupid as it was too close to the ride vehicles or its system was messing with something else?

Perhaps. It was indeed a good effect when it worked.

I'm fairly certain the issue with the shark (I thought Chum was the hammerhead not the thin shark I'm talking about) was that it frightened too many kids so they toned down the movement.

Ah, the Alien Encounter problem. Maybe.


Well-Known Member
Chum definitely moves, you just have to look really closely to see it. I agree that it was likely toned down at some point, as there really isn't a reason to have him moving as little as he does now.

The anglerfish has been pretty solid during most of my vacations until last month. We rode twice spaced by a few days and both times he was static. You have to admit that his "B" mode is even worse than the Yeti as he is just sitting there randomly with the crazy sound effects still blaring!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. Universal's Kuka arms on Forbidden Journey work every day and they have 46 of them on the track lol

Sum of All Thrills uses the same tech as well does it not?

Any major downtime on that attraction?

As I stated in my earlier post, those robots ARE the attraction and maintenence spends 100% of their time on them which is why they work on a day to day basis. The angler fish is simply a scene in the attraction and doesn't effect the ride itself. Priorities are in play here.


Premium Member
As I stated in my earlier post, those robots ARE the attraction and maintenence spends 100% of their time on them which is why they work on a day to day basis. The angler fish is simply a scene in the attraction and doesn't effect the ride itself. Priorities are in play here.

Yeah, but it's one of the few physical effects at all in the attraction.. most everything else is set pieces and projection. What else is it 'sharing' maintenance time with that it can't get the TLC?


Well-Known Member
As I stated in my earlier post, those robots ARE the attraction and maintenence spends 100% of their time on them which is why they work on a day to day basis. The angler fish is simply a scene in the attraction and doesn't effect the ride itself. Priorities are in play here.

That logic is flawed because not only do all 46 Ride Vehicles use a Kuka Arm system at Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey but all the Dementors attacking scenes in the attraction also use Kuka arms and I have yet to ride where a single one was missing or not working.


Well-Known Member
That logic is flawed because not only do all 46 Ride Vehicles use a Kuka Arm system at Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey but all the Dementors attacking scenes in the attraction also use Kuka arms and I have yet to ride where a single one was missing or not working.

Or maybe it's because that the Seas with Nemo and Friends Kuka Arm was built and designed years before the Forbidden Journey arm was...


New Member
June 26th to July 5th... It was dead....

Well, since my wife made dinner reservations pretty much the entire week in Epcot, and I have a 5 year old....

Was not up during this visit.

What I don't get, if I have anything, whether it be my car, phone, watch, or monorail :lookaroun if something breaks more than once, for the same thing, I usually look to find a way to permanently fix the problem. If this means I have to replace the car (Cadillac NorthStar Engine fail), or create/weld something to make it stronger so be it.

What I don't do is just re-start the device, and if it works, just chalk it up to 'meh' and move on... (not that I totally believe this is what is happening....)

How can it be more cost effective to have ride effects that often break down, requiring constant maintenance vs. figuring out what the root cause is and replacing/modifying ?

I know that with the current operating schedule, all anyone has time for is a 'reset' but there are off-peak times.... And a number of the issues aren't 'just happened'.

(I keep posting like this and I'll have to eventually retire and try to get into the maintenance shop, then eat words/posts.... or not....)


Well-Known Member
Or maybe it's because that the Seas with Nemo and Friends Kuka Arm was built and designed years before the Forbidden Journey arm was...

Believe it or not there used to be a time when Disney would fix, plus and improve on their effects when the ability least get working.

And if you think that is an excuse Kuka was being used by Legoland even before Nemo used it. It is unessential effect laziness in their eyes. All there is to it.


Active Member
It was not working on June 14th. I was really disappointed because we had a first timer with us who is a mechanical engineer and really into seeing how things work and move.


Well-Known Member
I have ridden about 15 times, and saw the shark move twice. I assumed that effect has just been consigned to the "never-will-work-again" bin, like Luxo over at Pixar Place.

Wasn't Luxo turned off for licensing reasons?

As I stated in my earlier post, those robots ARE the attraction and maintenence spends 100% of their time on them which is why they work on a day to day basis. The angler fish is simply a scene in the attraction and doesn't effect the ride itself. Priorities are in play here.

That logic is flawed because not only do all 46 Ride Vehicles use a Kuka Arm system at Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey but all the Dementors attacking scenes in the attraction also use Kuka arms and I have yet to ride where a single one was missing or not working.

One broken vehicle can be taken offline so there's that. Additionally, the huge spike in attendance at IOA is the result of Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. Universal knows that they can't afford any down time on the attraction. Sadly, because the same isn't true for The Seas with Nemo and Friends maintenance is allowed to slip a little.


Well-Known Member
I feel that the angler fish effect should be the seen as the most important effect in the attraction, because, well, it is. Its the only thing in the ride that might make people say "hey, thats kinda cool."

Therefore I do find this unacceptable for it to be down this long.


Well-Known Member
November- - week before and of Thanksgiving- - not working 3x.

May-- 1-6 -- not working 2x.

June/July- - last and first weeks respectively- -not working 4x.

As far as Chum-- Have not seen him work since Jan 2009.


Well-Known Member
I feel that the angler fish effect should be the seen as the most important effect in the attraction, because, well, it is. Its the only thing in the ride that might make people say "hey, thats kinda cool."

Therefore I do find this unacceptable for it to be down this long.

It's an impressive figure as are the projections into the tanks.


Well-Known Member
That logic is flawed because not only do all 46 Ride Vehicles use a Kuka Arm system at Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey but all the Dementors attacking scenes in the attraction also use Kuka arms and I have yet to ride where a single one was missing or not working.

You are compairing a ride system to an effect. Ride systems are worked on constantly. This is not a fair comparison.

Yeah, but it's one of the few physical effects at all in the attraction.. most everything else is set pieces and projection. What else is it 'sharing' maintenance time with that it can't get the TLC?

The ride itself, load/unload belts, saltwater air (an leaks) corroding the ride. Only 3 maintenence people are staffed at a time in Nemo. A Kuka arm is also programed by a computer, which none of them of are allowed to use. A qualified Kuka programer has to do it.
I never go in expecting it to be on. Same thing with the jumping Brer Rabbit on Splash Mountain.

Are both of these the same technology? Cause if they are I'd consider replacing them.


Well-Known Member
You are compairing a ride system to an effect. Ride systems are worked on constantly. This is not a fair comparison.

The ride itself, load/unload belts, saltwater air (an leaks) corroding the ride. Only 3 maintenence people are staffed at a time in Nemo. A Kuka arm is also programed by a computer, which none of them of are allowed to use. A qualified Kuka programer has to do it.

No you are not reading my posts. While the ride system does utilize Kuka technology so do many of the effects within the ride. Such as the Dementors and the branches of the Whomping Willow.They ALL work for any of the many rides I have taken and I have never heard of them being down.


Well-Known Member
November- - week before and of Thanksgiving- - not working 3x.

May-- 1-6 -- not working 2x.

June/July- - last and first weeks respectively- -not working 4x.

As far as Chum-- Have not seen him work since Jan 2009.

It worked for us in mid-April of this year, but this is the first time we've ever seen it operational. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
No you are not reading my posts. While the ride system does utilize Kuka technology so do many of the effects within the ride. Such as the Dementors and the branches of the Whomping Willow.They ALL work for any of the many rides I have taken and I have never heard of them being down.

:brick: I'll put into simple terms since you didn't understand my point: Nemo DOES NOT use Kuka for it's ride system, only a prop. So time is rather spent on their ride itself.


Well-Known Member
:brick: I'll put into simple terms since you didn't understand my point: Nemo DOES NOT use Kuka for it's ride system, only a prop. So time is rather spent on their ride itself.

The point he's making is that Forbidden Journey uses Kuka's for PROPS as well - the dementors and the Whomping Willow. These are seldom down, hence the comparison.

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