scariest moment in WDW


Well-Known Member
I had the same thing happen to me - except the barf bag part. It wasn't that I was scared or thrilled, I just really felt like I was in big trouble and real panic was setting in. One of the worst experiences of my life. Fast forward a couple of years later, after avoiding the ride each time we went to EPCOT, I finally got the courage up to go on the "non spinning" side, because I really liked the concept of the ride - just not the sensation. I conquered my fear and did it okay, but I have not gone back since.

The first time I went on that I felt the same way. I was terrified because I thought that after landing on Mars we'd have to fly all the way back to earth. I know for a fact that I would not have lasted another 20 seconds on that ride.


Well-Known Member
Something like this happened to us once when I was about 12 and my sister was 8. We were in MK and all of a sudden, OMG, where is Rachel?? We actually had to call CMs and they called the lost child desk and apparently she stayed in some store not following us and by the time we noticed she wasn't there (totally NOT MY fault! I was 12!). The CMs took me through the BACKSTAGE!!! and to my sister to I could take her back to where our family was. Scariest moment for my family... but pretty awesome for me.

Terrifying/awesome simultaneously.


New Member
When I got into M:S and saw they provided barf bags. I have a phobia of vomit/vomiting so the thought of being in an enclosed space with someone vomiting and NOT being able to remove myself... My anxiety level was through the roof.


New Member
My scariest moment at WDW was this past October at Blizzard Beach. My Dad and I were 3/4 up the mountain on the Chairlift when it stopped. We were up in the air for a good 10 minutes before we made it to the top. I don't have a huge fear of heights, but when you're suspended mid-air and there's nothing below you to protect you from a fall it can get pretty scary.


Well-Known Member
My scariest moment at WDW was this past October at Blizzard Beach. My Dad and I were 3/4 up the mountain on the Chairlift when it stopped. We were up in the air for a good 10 minutes before we made it to the top. I don't have a huge fear of heights, but when you're suspended mid-air and there's nothing below you to protect you from a fall it can get pretty scary.

That would of definitely freaked me out pretty good. I like to say I dont have a fear of heights but maybe I do. I dont like being up high without any kind of support below me and especially if i'm not in control. Guess I'm a control freak too, lol.


New Member
That would of definitely freaked me out pretty good. I like to say I dont have a fear of heights but maybe I do. I dont like being up high without any kind of support below me and especially if i'm not in control. Guess I'm a control freak too, lol.

I live in the Northeast and ski a fair amount and am still a bit nervous on ski lifts. We had one collapse in Vermont this year. I can't imagine what it would be like if they had a collapse without snow below to at least break the fall.

(Suddenly the attendance at Blizzard Beach goes way down and no one knows why.)


My scariest moment was when I was about 13 years old and I was in the wave pool at Typhoon Lagoon. For some reason it wasn't very crowded that day and the pool was fairly empty. Not too far off there was this pretty girl about 17 years old or so with a younger boy maybe 8 or 9. They were presumably related and for some reason she thought it was hilarious to lift up her bathing suit and flash the boy she was who found it absolutely horiffic and I saw the whole thing happening.

Oh wait, that wasnt the scariest moment. At the time it was the greatest moment of my life!


New Member
First time to wdw and I was on BTMR. I am not a roller coaster rider. However, my big brother guilted me into to going on. I was 23 at the time. Riding between my dh and my 10 yr old niece. My brother and his wife were behind us. Over the first big drop, I hit the floor. My chin was resting on the lap bar. Needless to say I have not rode it since.


Well-Known Member
First time to wdw and I was on BTMR. I am not a roller coaster rider. However, my big brother guilted me into to going on. I was 23 at the time. Riding between my dh and my 10 yr old niece. My brother and his wife were behind us. Over the first big drop, I hit the floor. My chin was resting on the lap bar. Needless to say I have not rode it since.

OMG.... Wow.... I don't blame you! And I hope you reported that to the CM when you got off. That could be majorly dangerous.

forbidden donut

Well-Known Member
Back in '05 at Pop century on my last night before going home I was awakened out of a sound sleep by a bug that had crawled into my ear! :eek:
It crawled in deep and from the sound of it he was trying dig his way (quite loudly) through my ear drum.
Now I probably should have called the front desk and they would have gotten some medical help or something - but for some reason (I was kinda freaking out at the time) I thought it would be too silly a problem to bother them with.
While trying to decide what to do I remembered that I had an air blower - its like a hollow rubber ball with a pointy end and when you squeeze it it blows a puff of air out -I use it to clean dust off of my cameras image sensor.
I filled it with warm water at the sink and squirted it into my ear - washing the bug right out (a real MacGyver moment if I do say so myself!).
Anyway I sent the little guy on a tour of Disneys sewer system - I never saw a bug like this before or since, it looked like a pinto bean with legs. :veryconfu
Needless to say I didn't get any more sleep that night!


In 2009, I was in DHS with my parents and we were on our way to go see Fantasmic. On the way, we found a child that was asking everyone if they saw his parents. He came up to us and asked us the same question and we were so terrified for him, so we stayed with him and tried to locate a cast member, but we luckily found the parents. I wonder what would of happened to him if we didn't walk by... :(:(


Well-Known Member
In 2009, I was in DHS with my parents and we were on our way to go see Fantasmic. On the way, we found a child that was asking everyone if they saw his parents. He came up to us and asked us the same question and we were so terrified for him, so we stayed with him and tried to locate a cast member, but we luckily found the parents. I wonder what would of happened to him if we didn't walk by... :(:(

Hopefully somebody else would have been as concerned. Just reading about him made me all anxious. I'm very glad you were able to help him out!


New Member
Back in '05 at Pop century on my last night before going home I was awakened out of a sound sleep by a bug that had crawled into my ear! :eek:
It crawled in deep and from the sound of it he was trying dig his way (quite loudly) through my ear drum.
Now I probably should have called the front desk and they would have gotten some medical help or something - but for some reason (I was kinda freaking out at the time) I thought it would be too silly a problem to bother them with.
While trying to decide what to do I remembered that I had an air blower - its like a hollow rubber ball with a pointy end and when you squeeze it it blows a puff of air out -I use it to clean dust off of my cameras image sensor.
I filled it with warm water at the sink and squirted it into my ear - washing the bug right out (a real MacGyver moment if I do say so myself!).
Anyway I sent the little guy on a tour of Disneys sewer system - I never saw a bug like this before or since, it looked like a pinto bean with legs. :veryconfu
Needless to say I didn't get any more sleep that night!

That really creeped me out.


Active Member
Probably about 10 years ago now, my family and I had just filled a raft for Kali River Rapids in Animal Kingdom when the ride had an emergency shut down for either a failure or lightening in the area (prob. the later, I can not remeber exactly). Or raft stopped just beyond the dock right before the lift hill. Then it began to poor...

45 minuets later of huge stinging drops of rain the cast members finally figured out how to get us off of the ride. We had apperently stopped in a location where they had to lower the water level in the ride and pull us through a gate to an exit location. We were the last boat evacuated.

Initially it was frightening because we were so out in the elements but then it became slightly ironic that we were so close to the loading dock but so far from being evacuated. We recieved free t-shirts for our troubles.


New Member
Kids being pushed by their parents, screaming, into a roller coaster that they dont want to ride ALWAYS freaks me out.

How insensitive are those people?!


Active Member
Oh by far the scariest thing to ever happen to us was on our first trip there back in 2007. Our middle son was about 3 years old and he ran off!!! I was in a total panic!! The place was packed and our child was missing!!! OMG my heard stopped beating for about 5 minutes while we were frantically looking for him. It happened while our youngest son was at the barber shop getting his first haircut. Our middle son had wandered over to the Merchantile to try on the hats. Thank God that was where he was, as he had walked just inside the store and we found him. It was very scary, we were getting close to calling a CM and personally asking them to put WDW on lockdown.

So yeah, not just the scariest moment @ WDW, probably one of the scariest moments of my LIFE!

Same thing happened to to us when our DD was 7 or 8. My sister, nephew, DD and myself were at Disney by ourselves that year. We were near the guest services area in Epcot. I was looking at the map trying to get my bearings. She was there with us one minute and not the next! The absolute worst 5 or 10 minutes of my entire life!

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