scariest moment in WDW

I am the type who is easily scared by "spooky" things. I know that the Haunted Mansion isn't that scary but the first time I went on it, when the hitchhiking ghosts tag along, I didn't know to expect it and I screamed my head off.

And yes, I was an adult at the time. :)


Well-Known Member
It was June/July 2009...mid-day. I was headed for the Main Street Train Station with a group of friends. A family with a teenage son who was special needs was having a fit in Town Square because he had to leave the Magic Kingdom and the crowds of people weren't making it any better. It started to get a little rough so with the help of Cast Members they decided it would be best to go up to the quiet train station to calm down.

We were essentially following this group, naturally looking on, but trying to be polite and not stare. We made it to the station platform, but things were getting a little more violent inside. The teenage son was taller and bigger than his mother and was starting to put up a fight. Security was called in. Again, my friends and I tried to not be drawn to the camotion when all of a sudden we heard glass breaking. The teenage boy managed to punch out a pane of glass in one of the windows of the train station. It was very close to my friends and I and you could even see the blood on the shards of glass from where the teen punched through. Security had to help step in and control the situation for the family and we were were all evacuated from the train station.

It was sad to witness such a situation, especially not understanding what was going through the special needs teenager's mind, but it was also very scary too.


Active Member
I was staying at the "new" Caribbean Beach Resort with my then 5ish year old daughter (she's 27 now) We went to the big pool, and after I bent over to put our towels etc I looked up and she was gone!

I figured she had just jumped into the pool (she was a good swimmer) but after scanning the area, I couldn't see her. I wasn't panicked, because I thought she was probably waiting to go down the slide.

After checking everywhere and not finding her, I got scared and told the lifeguard, who immediately contacted security.

Long story short, it took them about 2 minutes to find her playing in the sand, on the other side of a hedge that surrounded the pool area. If I had just started yelling, she would have heard me. :lol:

She swears she told me where she was going, but because I was looking away I didn't hear her.

Funny, but a similar story happened about 8-9 years ago. Your daughter lost sight of you and you jumped out of sight in flash! If I'm not mistaken, when she finally found you weren't you in Le Cellier making new friends? :animwink:

The Mom

Premium Member
Funny, but a similar story happened about 8-9 years ago. Your daughter lost sight of you and you jumped out of sight in flash! If I'm not mistaken, when she finally found you weren't you in Le Cellier making new friends? :animwink:

Tim! Good to see you.

And I'll bet you were a little scared when your co-workers told you your "mom" was in the restaurant. ;)


New Member
My scariest moment was riding Astro Orbiter. I decided to take my rocket up to as high as it would go, and when I finally made it, I heard an extremely loud *pop* and the rocket started to shake on me.

What made it scarier was that after our ride was finished, they closed it down for the rest of the day for "maintenance." :eek: Coincidental or what?

You broke the Astro Orbiter. Bad tourist!


New Member
My scariest moments were in the old Skyway. My wife is fearless and was bouncing back and forth from side to side taking pictures. (Pictures, by the way, you could never get today.) I was in a panic, holding on to the center bar, as if that was going to keep me from falling. The pictures came out great, but I still remember the terror.


Well-Known Member
I checked out of the Beach Club and saw my room key charge bill affter a week..... yikes

Oh, you beat me to it!
I think most of us have had this terrifying experience!:cry:

The kids parents let him "go" in the corner of a Cast Member area? Now I believe I have heard everything. Savages.
We were in EPCOT in the area between Mission Space and Test Track, but closer to the bathrooms there near the huge store. There was a family standing there. Mom picked up her son who was around 3 or 4, stood him up on one of the flower planters and had him ______ on the flowers there. We were pretty disgusted with them, mostly because the bathrooms weren't but 50 or so feet away. Some people just ain't got no home learnin'!


Well-Known Member
I am the type who is easily scared by "spooky" things. I know that the Haunted Mansion isn't that scary but the first time I went on it, when the hitchhiking ghosts tag along, I didn't know to expect it and I screamed my head off.

And yes, I was an adult at the time. :)

Did they follow you home?

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