forbidden donut
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  • Hi there :)
    I have to tell you that I absolutely love your avatar!
    We saw him on a commercial last trip when I was feeling kind of sick and my boyfriend made a thousand jokes about him and it made me feel better!
    So funny!!
    Hey neighbor!

    So I just noticed well be in Disney at the same time! We fly out of O'Hare on December 5th and fly home on either the 13th or 14th. Keep your fingers crossed for both of us we dont get enother enormous storm. About two years ago we flew out the day after the HUGE snow storm and then in May it was pouring rain but the rain stopped a couple of hours before our flight! Nothing keeps me from Mickey!
    Appliance Direct! Is that still on on the Disney teles? I havent been for a couple of years, and if its not on when i go this summer i will be gutted lol.
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