scariest moment in WDW


Well-Known Member
First (and only time) I did Mission: Space, I had no idea it was going to lock you in and push you up so close to the screens, I felt SO claustrophobic and the "weightless" sensation was making me really dizzy. I thought for sure I was going to pass out. My friend beside me used her barf bag. When we got out we both had to sit down for a good while.

I had the same thing happen to me - except the barf bag part. It wasn't that I was scared or thrilled, I just really felt like I was in big trouble and real panic was setting in. One of the worst experiences of my life. Fast forward a couple of years later, after avoiding the ride each time we went to EPCOT, I finally got the courage up to go on the "non spinning" side, because I really liked the concept of the ride - just not the sensation. I conquered my fear and did it okay, but I have not gone back since.


Can someone explain the POTC ghost to me???
Never heard of it, but I'd like to know so I can look out :zipit:

supposedly, this "ghost" is supposed to be the ghost of a cast member who worked on the ride and was killed by a freak accident. and the urban myth is that before starting up the ride in the morning, some cast members greet the ghost by saying "hi, george" each morning, otherwise, it might end up malfunctioning.

back on topic, that snake at typhoon one is rather frightening. i know i would be scared out of my mind if i was on a tube, and then a snake were to be within the area. in a way, it almost makes me think of a bad Jaws and Snakes on a Plane crossover.


Well-Known Member
back on topic, that snake at typhoon one is rather frightening. i know i would be scared out of my mind if i was on a tube, and then a snake were to be within the area. in a way, it almost makes me think of a bad Jaws and Snakes on a Plane crossover.

If I saw a snake anywhere, I'd pretty much hurt myself trying to get away from it. LOL Imagine my shock if I were at Disney and a snake slithered/swam/whatever up beside me. You guys would be hearing stories like "There was this fat chick who passed out and busted her face open right in front of me on _____________". LOL


Well-Known Member
Though Lightening and Thunder do not scare me, the sudden unexpected happenings and catch me off gaurd. Once while I was driving behind Disney's Boardwalk Resort, lightening struck a few feet away from my vehicle. But the most nerve wracking point was when I was giving the boat tour at Living with the Land. We had just entered the first greenhouse after the dark portions, I had began my spiel when lightening struck outside the greenhouse.
It scared me enough that I let some colorful words slipout. I apologized and everyone on the boat said they felt the same way.


Well-Known Member
I got stuck on splash mountain in the top where its open above you and there was a boat behind us too and it started to pour rain and lightening really bad that when we got into the splash mountain they stopped us for 15 min they told us when we got off the lightening was so bad they couldnt let us down the splash ..... it wasnt scary just really annoying listening to the same sound track over for 15 min and being soaking wet too


New Member
When I was about 10, my family and I were at River Country. My dad and I went to go down one of the water slides. My dad sent me down first and then told me to wait for him at the bottom. The way I remember it, I got to the bottom and was waiting for my dad but a lifeguard yelled at me to move - obviously so as not to be in the way when the next person finished the slide. Not knowing exactly where to go at that point to wait for my dad, I decided to swim out to that fort/playground area out in the middle of the lake. As I got there, I turned to see my dad yelling at the lifeguard for help and diving down in the water looking for me. I was trying to yell at him to let him know where I was but by then multiple lifegaurds had jumped into the water looking for me. As I'm sure many of you remember, the water wasn't clear like a swimming pool. I started to swim back until I got my dad's attention. Of course, I wasn't allowed out of my dad's sight for the rest of the day. I can still remember the look of fear on my dad's face as he was looking for me and yelling for help.
i think 3 things are = scary for me. i think it was 2005 and there was a terrible lightning storm at night and we were in Epcot that night. we were scared as hell cause the storm was violent and there were 21 of us as we ran up the monorail station walkway lightning struck the dam overhang. next was last year MK was deff filled to capasity and there was no firework show that night for reasons i dont remember but they closed at 9 so thousands of people were leaving all at once. no joke the line for the monorail to the ticket center was down mainstreet and cast memeber were brutal. the next one was when i was in DHS last year and my cousin amanda and i were running at park opening to toy story mania in a attempt to get fastpass and she was knocked over and trampled by a stamped i was like ontop of a bench looking for her and i like dove into the crowd to get her and i got hit in the face by a guy who was in a big ______ rush. reminded me of the lion king


New Member
In 2005, my parents and I went to see CoP. As we sat down, we noticed a very loud boy sit down with his parents in the seats closest to the entrance. He was about 6 (I would guess) and I don't believe they spoke any English.
Just as the first narration began and the "Now is the Time" song was about to be sung, the boy stood up, opened the door and stood with one leg outside and one leg inside just as the theater began to rotate. The theater came to an immediate stop and a cast member screamed "PLEASE REMAIN SEATED AT ALL TIMES! PLEASE REMAIN SEATED AT ALL TIMES!" over the speakers. One of the parents dragged the boy by the arm and sat him in his seat as the rest of the guests stared :eek:


Take Remain Seated Seriously in the Carousel of Progress

People get upset when cast members at the Carousel of Progress get frantic about people remaining seated during the attraction. Unfortunately because the theatre rotates, a person could get caught between the wall and the stage if they were in the wrong spot. I believe years ago a cast member was crushed to death where the wall touches the stage (the wall section there is now a break away wall). So, when guests get up and move about, they don't realize how dangerous it may be to them to be doing so. For the cast members it must be like watching someone climb over a crash bar on a roller coaster preparing to drop over a hill.

My brother and his family once walked out of the Carousel during a scene and were surprised when the cast members literally followed them down the ramp and told them how dangerous leaving the attraction like that was.


Well-Known Member
My scariest adventure happened on my first trip alone to WDW. I spent my first day having fun in all the parks. The next morning I woke up at the POFQ not feeling well. I was supposed to do the Expedition Everest Challenge that evening but I got worse as the day rolled along. By evening I still was not doing well so I contacted the hotel doctor who informed me that I needed to hit the 911 button on my room phone. The great awesome fantastic Disney Fire Department took me on my first ever ambulance ride to Celebration Hospital where I had many tests run. The whole thing was scary with being thousands of miles away from home and ill. Fortunately I was just passing another kidney stone and was well taken care. WDW made the whole experience a little less scary by taking good care of me at a really bad time.

Disney Rocks


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Let's see...

  • Stuck seeing a scene in Carousel of Progress about 5 times
  • Overloaded boats on It's a Small World causing us to wait 30 minutes for the ride to finish
  • Ride stopping every 10 seconds on dinosaur, at one point paused for 30 seconds next to the carnitorus... :O
  • ride stopped listening to the doors knocking in the haunted mansion for about 10 minutes



Well-Known Member
This was years ago, but the scariest and mindblowing thing to happen to me was seeing a total moron publicly urinate in front of the Chinese Theatre in DHS.

Really you couldn't find a bathroom Buddy?

I think the guy was either Turkish or from some backward country with no decency laws.
I saw a little kid urinate in front of Small World, and that was just confusing, not scary.


Active Member
I saw a kid peeing right in the middle of a walkway...right out in front of the Living Seas.

I think my scariest moment at a Disney park was when I rode Journey into Your Imagination for the first time.


Active Member
Oh by far the scariest thing to ever happen to us was on our first trip there back in 2007. Our middle son was about 3 years old and he ran off!!! I was in a total panic!! The place was packed and our child was missing!!! OMG my heard stopped beating for about 5 minutes while we were frantically looking for him. It happened while our youngest son was at the barber shop getting his first haircut. Our middle son had wandered over to the Merchantile to try on the hats. Thank God that was where he was, as he had walked just inside the store and we found him. It was very scary, we were getting close to calling a CM and personally asking them to put WDW on lockdown.

So yeah, not just the scariest moment @ WDW, probably one of the scariest moments of my LIFE!

Something like this happened to us once when I was about 12 and my sister was 8. We were in MK and all of a sudden, OMG, where is Rachel?? We actually had to call CMs and they called the lost child desk and apparently she stayed in some store not following us and by the time we noticed she wasn't there (totally NOT MY fault! I was 12!). The CMs took me through the BACKSTAGE!!! and to my sister to I could take her back to where our family was. Scariest moment for my family... but pretty awesome for me.


Well-Known Member
My scariest moment was 12 years ago. I was pregnant with our second daughter, my husband and I took our oldest daughter who was 3 and our niece who was 5 at the time. We were at Magic Kingdom watching the parade & fireworks. My husband ran to get me a water right before the parade...he couldn't get back to us. When the last of the fireworks finished the mob of people pushed through and my niece got pushed along with the crowd. I was in a complete panic...thankfully through the kindness of strangers a very large man (6'8" 260-280lbs)saw what was happening and managed to push through the crowd, grab my niece and hold her up on his shoulders so she could see me while he brought her back to me...she still talks about that to this day. After that we left our single stroller at the resort and rented a double stroller so that couldn't happen again.

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