Save the Adventurers Club


Well-Known Member
Sounds more like a restaurant on that description.

I would bet my life on the idea that if they have an Adventurer's Club, it won't be anything like the one we had. Humor and presentation is really different over there than what we're used to. The culture is just so radically different.

You haven't lived till you've sat through a poor Jungle Cruise skipper stumble her way through mother-in-law jokes that they clearly didn't understand. Honestly, it made it that much funnier. :lookaroun:lol:

Anyway... The different culture would demand that it be something completely different over there.

What will be more interesting is if an English speaking person will get anything out of it. I mean, to tailor it to something that works for them might mean that it doesn't really "work" for Westerners. Should be interesting to see what they come up with.


Well-Known Member
Why did I know this thread would see lots of action after the HKDL announcement?

And why does Joe Rohde being moved from a park with nothing new coming to a DVC/hotel resort on Oahu (a lot closer to HK than O-Town!) make so much more sense with the Mystic Manor concept going through (yeah!!!) and AC being added, albeit as more of a dining experience?

But I have to say to AC lovers at TSFKaPI that I think this is the final nail ... I think those props are headed piece by piece to Lantau come fall.

While it might make sense to reopen in O-Town as more of similar (dare I say, dinner show) concept, when has TDO shown any vision?

But HKDL is just giving me more reasons to return, even if I am somewhat disappointed in some of what is being added.


Why did I know this thread would see lots of action after the HKDL announcement?

And why does Joe Rohde being moved from a park with nothing new coming to a DVC/hotel resort on Oahu (a lot closer to HK than O-Town!) make so much more sense with the Mystic Manor concept going through (yeah!!!) and AC being added, albeit as more of a dining experience?

But I have to say to AC lovers at TSFKaPI that I think this is the final nail ... I think those props are headed piece by piece to Lantau come fall.

While it might make sense to reopen in O-Town as more of similar (dare I say, dinner show) concept, when has TDO shown any vision?

But HKDL is just giving me more reasons to return, even if I am somewhat disappointed in some of what is being added.

I feel the same way, except for being disappointed in the HK additions. Other than Toy Story I think they sound like home runs.


Active Member
Last rumor I heard for "our" Club was that it would be transformed into something that sounds just like that description.
Could be one of two things:
- Right description, wrong place. (Hope not.)
- We're both getting the Club 2.0. (Hope so.)

From everything I had heard way-back-when, the restaurant version of the club seems to size up completely with that description. If anything, I'm thinking that they really are considering making our venue a dining space--they are desperate for tenants for Pleasure Island, and this is one way to attract other potentials; to fill one dead space and bring some additional traffic will certainly help find other suitors.

Just wondering Lee, do you see the similarities to Mr. Hightower (and his vast adventurer's collection) and the storyline of Tower of Terror that seems to be mentioned in Mystic Manor's description? I immediately pictured something similar based on the brief synopsis given... And I'm certainly not opposed to seeing more Hightower in Disney!


Just wondering Lee, do you see the similarities to Mr. Hightower (and his vast adventurer's collection) and the storyline of Tower of Terror that seems to be mentioned in Mystic Manor's description? I immediately pictured something similar based on the brief synopsis given... And I'm certainly not opposed to seeing more Hightower in Disney!
I don't know it for a fact, but I would not be surprised at all if the Hightower character/storyline didn't carry over into Mystic Manor.
Makes sense, plus it (in a vague way) puts more Rhode in the parks. I'm really hoping for this restaurant thing to move into the AC/BET building.


Well-Known Member
I don't know it for a fact, but I would not be surprised at all if the Hightower character/storyline didn't carry over into Mystic Manor.
Makes sense, plus it (in a vague way) puts more Rhode in the parks. I'm really hoping for this restaurant thing to move into the AC/BET building.

I thought that there was some sort of restriction on putting things from TDR into other parks. Perhaps there isn't one on the Hightower story?

The AC restaurant in the AC/BET building would make me very happy. There were rumors of an announcement in July...perhaps they were waiting to announce the HKDL expansion first.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
I thought that there was some sort of restriction on putting things from TDR into other parks. Perhaps there isn't one on the Hightower story?

The AC restaurant in the AC/BET building would make me very happy. There were rumors of an announcement in July...perhaps they were waiting to announce the HKDL expansion first.:shrug:

That makes sense to me. I also find it VERY interesting the AC is being used INSIDE a park. I think you should be encouraged.


New Member
Yeah, the Toy Story land is a little iffy for me.
The coaster for sure. A lightly themed shuttle coaster? A Disc O?
Kinda weak compared to the Haunted Honey Hunt next door.
Agree here. And I thought it sounded weak even for WDS over in Paris.:shrug:
Also placement... why is it near Adventureland?:lookaroun

And on the note of concept art, this stuff looks ok.
I'm still flipping though my Art of WDW book. It seems as if they don't make park art like that anymore.:(
They better!:mad:

Edit: One more thing. I hope Hightower is not part of Mystic Manor. Keep him seperate at DisneySea. For this mansion, I hope for something origianl ala Phantom Manor.


Well-Known Member
That makes sense to me. I also find it VERY interesting the AC is being used INSIDE a park. I think you should be encouraged.

Well, this certainly explains why they weren't willing to part with the rights and intellectual property associated with the AC.

If the AC doesn't return to WDW in some capacity, you just have to wonder why they wouldn't reopen it where it's popular but build one in a park with a shaky future in a culture that may not appreciate it. Both resorts could have one. Disneyland fanbois must be foaming at the mouth...they've wanted their own for so long.


Ready to appologize to WDW1974 since you claimed he was a liar that the AC props were being shipped off to Asia?

Nah, I'm not. (Can't speak for JT)
74 said they were already gone, at least some. That is not accurate.
(To be fair, not his fault, he got the info second hand.)

Personally, I'm still not convinced the stuff is going anywhere.:cool:


Well-Known Member
Nah, I'm not. (Can't speak for JT)
74 said they were already gone, at least some. That is not accurate.
(To be fair, not his fault, he got the info second hand.)

Personally, I'm still not convinced the stuff is going anywhere.:cool:

Right, there is nothing saying that the props of our AC are going over there or if the AC over there will be visually or conceptually similar to ours.

I do recall a rumor that there was some cataloguing of artifacts and props and some filming done before the club closed. I wonder if that is related to this project. Perhaps that was done to make replicas for HK.

I hope you and Adam are correct. I wouldn't mind a dinner show if it meant I could still visit the AC.


I do recall a rumor that there was some cataloguing of artifacts and props and some filming done before the club closed.

I was there the night when they were doing the filming so I can confirm that part of the rumor. They had a camera crew filming the library shows as well as some of the interactions in the main salon.


Well-Known Member
I feel the same way, except for being disappointed in the HK additions. Other than Toy Story I think they sound like home runs.

I am not disappointed in much of what the HK SAR ordered Disney build ... and they did. They wanted unique attractions ... major attractions ... and they largely got that.

Manor will be a Mansion in only the most basic concept possible. The Grizzly Mine Train Coaster is really a combo of a smaller version of DCA's mountain mixed with BTMRR, mixed with EE, mixed with Geyser Mountain.

Two major E-Tix right there.

Add in the Adventurer's Club, whether it is straight from Orlando or more of a dinner show type venue (what I think they'll do) and that's another.

Toy Story Land is largely harmless (although I worry about the height of thet coaster wreaking havoc with sightlines) ... the original plan for the park was to have a smaller version of DL's Toontown sans Roger Rabbit ride ... so this to me was simply a fair swap and likely saved WDI a lot of money since DSP is getting it already ... that money may have gone into one of the other two new 'lands'.


Well-Known Member
I don't know it for a fact, but I would not be surprised at all if the Hightower character/storyline didn't carry over into Mystic Manor.
Makes sense, plus it (in a vague way) puts more Rhode in the parks. I'm really hoping for this restaurant thing to move into the AC/BET building.

I was told Joe worked on Manor before it was put on ice ... my guess is the whole land may well be 'his' when all is said and done ... and Hightower's tales could certainly be told in HKDL.

Again, moving Joe to an almost complete (in terms of design) DVC/Hotel property that is much closer to HKDL is very telling.

This all really is exciting. ... Too bad it wasn't there three years ago (or at least in time for my visit last year!)


Well-Known Member
Nah, I'm not. (Can't speak for JT)
74 said they were already gone, at least some. That is not accurate.
(To be fair, not his fault, he got the info second hand.)

Personally, I'm still not convinced the stuff is going anywhere.:cool:

I believe the info was 100% accurate when it was given ... as in that was the plan. I still think it is based on what was announced today.

But I really would love to be wrong about it ... those items can be replicated or similar ones bought/built ... and the fact no one seems to want to sign up with Disney as a tenant can't hurt.

I still won't believe it until they say it, though ... and being a realist with TDO I'll still err on the side of no way is it happening and gladly be mistaken later!


Well-Known Member
I believe the info was 100% accurate when it was given ... as in that was the plan. I still think it is based on what was announced today.

I know I do not have as much clout as some on here, but I wanted to throw this out there. I was told by someone who is with the company (I won't say who, private sources and all) that had the ability to talk to Joe about the AC. In December this person told me that Joe had personally told him that the props in AC were heading to Asia. Of course, those plans seemed to have changed, but you can take that for what's worth.

M. A. Pleasure

New Member
Dear Adventurers,

Kungaloosh! and how have you all been? I would like to start by letting everyone know that I am doing well and though lost in the Antarctic back in 1941, I did survive. Mostly thanks to the group of sea turtles that gave me a lift back to Florida. Merriam I'm sorry to say, did not make it back, but I shall let that story go for the moment.

For those wondering why I have remained in hiding all these years, it was because I wanted observe how my sons Stewart and Henry could manage my beloved Island. I was most hopeful that they would continue to build my fortune and I would officially bequeath the Island over to them, but alas, I was most upset to watch them run it into the ground, and Hurricane Connie in 1955 did not help matters either. There was a brief moment, on Dec. 24th 1949 when I revealed my survival to one person, and that was my beloved wife Isabella on her deathbed. Once again, a story that I shall let go for the moment.

After 1955, I wandered the Earth, yet again in search of Adventure, until 1989 when I most overjoyed to find out that the Walt Disney Co. rediscovered my Island next to The Disney Village Marketplace, (it took them long enough, they found my Paddlewheeler "The Empress Lilly" back in 1971, and for some reason stayed out of the overgrown jungle next to it for 18 years)! Not many people know it, but Walt was my Uncle (Yes, I named my Paddlewheeler for Aunt Lillian), and an unaccredited Founding Member of my Adventurers Club, so imagine my surprise that his legacy was refurbishing my legacy! The reopening of my Island as a night time entertainment complex brought a tear to my eye, and believe me, the reopening party was almost as electric as when I beat Edwin, Charles and Eliel in that game of Dominoes! My Island was once again a center for "Fun for all, and all for fun"! Everything seemed to be going so well. . .until Sept. 27th 2008.

As we all know, someone in the upper echelons of the current Walt Disney Co. decided that it was time that the party ended. No matter what the outcry of the public (by the way, thank you to everyone who signed petitions, wrote letters, e-mailed, and some who even laid your jobs on the line to try to make the Walt Disney Co. see reason and to let them know that there is a market for grownup entertainment at Walt Disney World). I can not express how revolted I was (and still am) to see "Celebrate Tonight" pop up in front of buildings that once housed quality entertainment. From my understanding, there are still many out there who are holding out hope for the return of my Island as a nighttime entertainment kingdom, and rumors have been flying since this time last year, but through my sources I have learned terrible news.

Starting in October of 2009, the Walt Disney Co. will begin to dismantle my Adventurers Club as well as Motion. Now I know what everyone will start shouting for Kevin Lansbury blood, just like last year. However, while he was the person who had to make the announcement of the Island's closure, and did very little to oppose it, he is not the one we need to barrage. No, my friends, the person who needs to be stopped is Jay Rasulo, Chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. He was the one behind closing Disneyland's Downttown Disney Grown Up entertainment district, closed Pleasure Island under the belief that there needs to be more family atmosphere in Walt Disney World (as though 98% of the property is not all ready), and now continues to destroy Walt Disney Co. heritage.

For those who may think that I am being a little to strong with bringing Disney heritage, did you know my Uncle Walt was heavily influenced by my Adventurers Club? Just take a look at these photos of Walt's Club 33.




Notice how the Trophy Room looks very similar to my Club? Also note this Vulture.


He was the star of the trophy room. This was an animatronic California Turkey Vulture which was designed to talk to guests while they dined. Walt himself would be hidden in the sound room and could control the vulture and listen to guest's conversations through microphones hidden in the dining room lamp fixtures.



This way, for example, if someone mentioned in conversation that they would like a glass of champaign, in moments a server would drop of the glass, with the guest never knowing how the order was placed. The screens covering the mics are still in the lamps but the wiring and mics have long been removed. Once again Walt's legacy influenced the re design of my legacy, for we all know that this is the same technology that was used for the Adventurers Club's representations of my friends from 1937 such as Arnie, Claude, Beezle, Babylonia and Colonel Critchlow Suchbench.

It has also come to my attention, that there is and Adventurer's Club being opened in Hong Kong Disneyland, if my Club is being gutted to make this, I do not relish the idea of The Walt Disney Co. sending my hard earned artifacts oversees. So, Adventurers, I know it has been tried before, but now I see only two people who need to recieve a lot of mail, e-mail and phone calls. I thank Master Gracey for having done the research for this last year, but I will place them here for easy referance (The phone numbers were found after some internet searching, and their authenticity is questionable, but worth a shot):

Mr. James A. Rasulo
Walt Disney Parks & Resorts
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521-4873

(818) 560-4200

and his only superior

Mr. Robert Iger
Chief Executive Officer
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521-4873

(818) 650-6400
(818) 560-1000

Let them know that we do not want Hong Kong Disneyland to benefit from our suffering. Let them know we are tired of Disney heritage being dismantled for no apparent reason. Let them know that the Adventurers Club was more than just a stage show, but a special place where everyone who entered the main Salon was welcomed and treated like old friends. Let them know that if guests concerns are not heard and acted upon, there will another vote of no confidence similar to that of Michael Eisner. Let them know that we want our night time escape back, and a half hearted, poor quality street party does not suffice. And above all, Let them know that Adventure has been calling our names and we will not accept traveling to Hong Kong to answer the call. Time is running short my friends. Please help me save my Island's most unique building, the artifacts that line its walls, and a return to the once superior entertainment that The Walt Disney co. was famous for.

Merriweather A. Pleasure

P.S. If you are questioning as to how this 136 year old Adventurer is still able to type (let alone breath), I did indeed find the Fountain of Youth just after the "Dominoe" tragedy.

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