RUMOR - Journey to the Center of the Earth


New Member
I say it sounds like a cool ride where ever they plan to put it. Put it in the middle of the Race Track in the WDW parking lot for all I care. Just bring in more top notch rides! No more flying carpets or flying elephants or flying triceratops. Bring in more high quality "Disney" style rides and spread em all out. I sometimes think we get a little to engrossed in the themes and the impacts to skylines. I don't get all caught up in the experience of traveling from one ride to the next. Once in the queue, my ride experience begins whether it's Dinosaurs in AK or slow Race Cars in Tomorrowland. Where the ride is doesn't really effect my experience. Ok a big mountian behind Cindy's Castle would be ugly but a big Volcano over by Camp Min-Mic, I don't see that as a big deal. In this Eisner day and age, we know we're not getting things done the way Walt would have liked it so at least we should get excited about the prospect of new rides. Just me thoughts... :D


New Member
i think the 20K is a very good area and needs some big to be placed there. i have a question guys.. can a fifth gate be put in behind MK?.. Becouse if the can disneysea could go in there and it saves room to link the parks with some kind of segway


Premium Member
Definately bring Journey to WDW. I watched the ride video alone, and I was blown away. AK wouldn't be a good fit, however. Adventureland seems like the best place. The 20k site would be a good place as well, but I don't think the attraction could fit there. Also something about an e-ticket attraction (thrill ride that is) being in Fantasyland seems rather odd to me.


New Member
I personally think Journey would fit nicely in Animal Kingdom. In the book and on the ride, the crew disecovers many life-forms and other cool stuff underground. Now, since Journey would be too Similiar to Everest with the drop sequence, then maybe Journey will get a new design more themed to animals.

The Magma Worm though is the coolest AA to ever exist anywhere. It looks like it is CG with its fluidity.


Well-Known Member
I think that Journey to the Center of the Earth and the TDS 20,000 Leagues could go where Dinorama is now,creating a new mini land and would also have a ride that goes around Mysterious Island as in the book(and the Ray Harryhausen Movie) there were a bunch of giant animals. Also in JTTCOE, I would add in the Dinosaurs and Mammoths (and monkey people) from the book into the ride, maybe before the Lava Worm scene.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
So people are complaining that there are no "real animals" in Journey to the Centre of the Earth and has no place in Animal Kingdom...a theme park where the major corporate symbol is a 6 foot mouse that has opposable thumbs and wears pants.

Juuuust want to make sure we're all on the same page. Is all I'm saying.


New Member
Animal Kingdom is supposed to have fake animals. As in Dragon's Tower was going to be and in Everest.

Journey has more animals that Everest for one thing.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand the problems you all have with mythical animals. There has been a dragon dead center on the Animal Kingdom logo since it was released in the mid-90s. The glow worm is not a plant...nor a fungi...nor a eubacteria or archaebacteria...certainly not a's an ANIMAL, and you are traveling to a research facility to study them. It sounds about as realistic sending guests into a volcano to find mysterious creatures as it does throwing them in a time machine to see dinosaurs or into a mine train to go to the legendary Shangri-la. The Jules Verne theme would have to change, but that is a pretty superficial theme to this ride, anyway, which could be easily removed. The last thing they will do is put this ride over by Dino-Rama (and it will never replace Dino-Rama--PERMANENT), which would cause the same problem MGM has--it's very polarized with E-Rides on Sunset Blvd. The purpose of putting it in the west side of the park would be to balance Kilimanjaro and this new mountain with Kali, Everest, Dinosaur, and Dino-rama. Camp Minnie-Mickey has always been rather temporary...I don't even think the Imagineers themed it...I'm sure Festival could fit in next to this ride about as much as Tarzan fits in Dinoland ;)


Well-Known Member
Has anyone seen the ride though video of the attraction over at www/ ?

I know it's only a video and you can only tell so much, but it didn't impress me. I'm hoping that is mainly due to the quality of the video and not actually "being there" to experience it (which is obviously the best way).

But am I missing something?

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
KevinPage said:
Has anyone seen the ride though video of the attraction over at www/ ?

I know it's only a video and you can only tell so much, but it didn't impress me. I'm hoping that is mainly due to the quality of the video and not actually "being there" to experience it (which is obviously the best way).

But am I missing something?

In the video, you can't really take in the beauty of the ride and see all of the AAs there. There certainly is more to the ride that you can't see too well in the video.


I saw the magma worm in action for the first time last night in a video. Wow. What an amazing AA. I would want the attraction just so I could see that. It's so fluid and realistic. Those people in Japan are lucky.


New Member
Well I know Clones tend to take a lot less time to build, and do you think it would be cheaper to build too? Now, if Mount Promethius was built, would the area it would be in be named "Beastly Kingdom" because the rumors are that that is where it is going.

And if the mountain does get finished. You think production of "Dragon's Tower" will start up again?


Well-Known Member
Beastlie Kingdomme is certainly a possibility here, if they wanted to add a distinctly medieval European flair to it (which I would LOVE...Disney would do a knock-up job at that theming), and I still refuse to give up the addition of a dragon to Animal Kingdom. The dragon is still on the park icon and his head is still on the park's main entrance, so who knows--I would think they would have removed those dragons if there still weren't plans to add one. This may be the ride that ends up having a dragon in it. I'm picturing a mountain behind a medieval castle with a research company that makes its home in the castle setting out to explore the volcano...which would be an awesome retheming of this ride and would keep with AK's modern theming.


ISTCNavigator57 said:
Beastlie Kingdomme is certainly a possibility here, if they wanted to add a distinctly medieval European flair to it (which I would LOVE...Disney would do a knock-up job at that theming), and I still refuse to give up the addition of a dragon to Animal Kingdom. The dragon is still on the park icon and his head is still on the park's main entrance, so who knows--I would think they would have removed those dragons if there still weren't plans to add one. This may be the ride that ends up having a dragon in it. I'm picturing a mountain behind a medieval castle with a research company that makes its home in the castle setting out to explore the volcano...which would be an awesome retheming of this ride and would keep with AK's modern theming.

Good idea. What if they changed the Magma Worm into a Dragon? Would it make that much of a difference? They would probably have to drop the Jules Verne theme, but it would still be a great attraction.


Well-Known Member
SirGoofy said:
Good idea. What if they changed the Magma Worm into a Dragon? Would it make that much of a difference? They would probably have to drop the Jules Verne theme, but it would still be a great attraction.
I'd actually prefer the dragon. You know a Disney dragon would ROCK :) Plus, it wouldn't be a direct clone then.


New Member
Why not use the magma worm? Then the attraction can be the way it is, and a future dragon themed attraction can still be used :sohappy: :) :slurp:


ISTCNavigator57 said:
I'd actually prefer the dragon. You know a Disney dragon would ROCK :) Plus, it wouldn't be a direct clone then.

A dragon would definately rock, but the Magma Worm is the most beautiful AA I've ever seen. It wouldn't take that much to change it to a dragon. They would have to add wings and change the head, but the rest could almost stay the same.


Well-Known Member
SirGoofy said:
A dragon would definately rock, but the Magma Worm is the most beautiful AA I've ever seen. It wouldn't take that much to change it to a dragon. They would have to add wings and change the head, but the rest could almost stay the same.
right, and then people wouldn't complain about another clone coming to wdw...


Park History nut
Premium Member
Lets hope a dragon that is less tempermental than Fantasmic!s. Its great when its working properly, but memories of my first EVER Fantasmic! viewing, 4 hours after a 10 hour flight as we couldn`t wait to finally see the show, were of the poor creature coming half out of the cave and thats it. No wings. No fire. Cue Maleficents rise again, whilst poor dragon just sits there...

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