First of all, it's amazing that so many people have a negative opinion regarding this CONCEPT that is only in the TESTING phase for, as far as we know, only intended for ONE attraction so far. haha.
Anyway, I'm glad they are at least thinking about something new. Personally, I'd prefer that the existing queues were just extended. For example, the queue for RnRC tends to extend outside during busy times .. it's not much fun just waiting outside. So, why not enclose that covered area and add TVs, pictures, theming, etc??
Think about a queue like Indy in DL. That queue is huge and incredibly detailed .. don't need a three ring circus there. My point is, if there is room to apply the 'three ring circus' idea then why not just extend and/or retheme the existing queues? This way you don't necessarily need extra CMs or ongoing costs.
Either way, it sounds like the FL expansion may be perfectly suited for the new concept, what with the various new mini-lands, towns, etc.