Ride videos!!!!


New Member
Originally posted by hitogoroshi
Where can I download them??? They are not on Popkid´s site!! Do I have to get on his FTP directly???

I'm sorry if I confused you. I don't have these movies on popkids site yet. Because of my lack of a high speed modem, I've been unable to upload them there yet, but i should be getting on very soon, so I'll be able to post them then.

Sorry to dissappoint you:(


New Member
Original Poster
Hey Woof!!! No disappointment at all!!! I´m glad you´re doing this for all of us!!! Thanks for your work in advance!!! Can´t wait!!! Pleaase let us know, when the videos are up!!! :sohappy:


New Member
Just wondering..where's popkid? I'm eager to get more fun Disney media onto my computer (and make my modem cry).

Thanks to all those who've submitted their stuff!


New Member
Didn't Journey into Imagination with figment start it's soft openings yet? The official opening is this saturday. Did anyone get a video of it. If someone does, PLEASE post it as soon as possible!:D


New Member
I started quite late in this column can anyone sort of write an index for it saying what attractions are each page. Just a thought as I don't want to look through 50+ pages of excess. :lookaroun

General Grizz

New Member
Hey - woofboy!

Midweek (next Tuesday or Wednesday), I will be getting in 2 or three copies of the new ride and I will patch them together for WDWMagic and Figment's Imagination.

Don't worry, I will make sure they capture EVERYTHING...then if not, I'll go back and shoot the rest! :)


New Member
hey everyone,

look who's back!

sorry to be mia, been busy with some projects that have been going on here lately, but things are calming down, and i'm going to get back to cleaning up the ftp as well as uploading some long promised video clips...

haven't really gotten anything new lately tho, but i still have some gems to share...

now lets see, where did we leave off...


Well-Known Member
Glad you are back popkid. I actually reactivated my DirecTV last week and I noticed that the Disney special is on the Travel Channel again tonight. Does anybody still want it? I can upload it if anybody hasn't seen it. (like me:)) My buddy couldn't figure out how to record from his dish the last time it was on so I never was able to upload it before.:hammer:


Well-Known Member
I would love to see the Travel Channel special. Our stupid cable system dosen't get the Travel Channel so I would really enjoy that.


New Member
that would be great if you could get that special - i missed the first few minutes (just the intro bit) but i was still planning on uploading what i have...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by popkid
hey Now,

cool - glad you think so... this means many more to come...

I'll do the rest of the COP acts tonight, though I do have bad news - during the last scene I ran out of tape :(

I also have the old version of COP which I'll upload if anyone is interested.

I'm working on spaceship earth right now, but it's a bit dissapointing. video is very dark when watching on a PC, but I'll see if there's anything I can do. same problem with pirates of the carribean, and the haunted mansion.

also, stay tuned for horizons and journey into imagination :)

anyone have any special requests?

I DO I DO I DO :) :) :)

I would absolutely LOVE a movie of Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Pirates, Tower of Terror, Dinosaur, Imagination, Horizons, and Spaceship Earth...sorry I'm kinda askin' a lot :)


Well-Known Member
Help Popkid! I'm having issues capturing the TC special. It took me awhile but I finally figured out that it is because I have WINME and I'm therefore hitting the 4gig limit. Is there a way to auto-break the capture into multiple files? I don't have the time to sit here and baby sit this thing while it is capturing. I'm using Virtual Dub with a ATI All in Wonder 128. (which I'm sure is causing enough problems as it is!) Let me know if there is an easier solution. Otherwise it may take me until the weekend to be able to sit through the entire show so that I can pause the VCR and set a new capture file. Thanks!

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