That's the attitude that leads to "it's ok if I steal this plush, it's only $12 and they'll never miss it anyway" and "It's ok if I jump the turnstiles, everyone else is paying so they won't miss the money. Anyway they make billions." You can say "they make $X!" all you want. It doesn't excuse that fact that it's stealing.
As for the oral contracts from CMs: When did those ever constitute official policy? It's much like the food policy, you're really not allowed to bring it in but nobody enforces it. This is similar. Official policy was to not allow soda refills after the stay, but they didn't enforce it.
Seriously, tell me y'all knew my birthday was coming up and you got together and decided to give me that time honored staple of Disney fan discussion boards: the inane, never-ending, wholier than thou, moral compass aligning DISNEY REFILLABLE MUG THREAD.
Thanks for the present, but you really didn't have to. I'll try and go easy on you since I see you're a college kid. No, my 'tude doesn't rationalize stealing. I abhor it as a general principle and having had items stolen from me, I wouldn't wish that on others. But please take your righteous indignation and, as the kids used to say in ancient times, please stick it where the sun don't shine. This issue is about as important as folks arguing about taxing the rich a bit more while the NSA spies on us all and creates a second government in the shadows and the people ignore it and wave the flag on the 4th.
You have an issue with what you, and many others ignorantly refer to as soda thievery, yet where's the anger over a policy that allows people to steal whatever they wish from WDW shops? Yes, WDW has an active policy of basically allowing shoplifting because they feel that it would be too ugly and too difficult to control it. FWIW, I don't believe it is right. I find it morally repugnant that a wholesome company believes that it's ultimately cheaper and better for PR to not chase folks out of shops in the MK.
You are right, stealing is stealing. But there are degrees. If someone steals a nickel from me I'm not going to be too upset. If they drive off in my Benz, then I might be a bit more perturbed.
But your point is fundamentally flawed because people who bought mugs pretty much anytime in the 1990s right on into the early part of the last decade were told they were good on all future visits by MANAGEMENT at the locations. Not one person, not one location. Over and over again for over a decade. That was policy. You can accept it or not, but that is reality. There was absolutely NO written or verbal policy to the contrary that came from TDO. None. Idiots who enjoy arguing this point (please, don,t pray for my soul in church this week, thanks!) have tried to come up with a policy that never existed to justify their self-righteous condemnation of us 'soda thieves.' i was told when the first written policy came out that it was the result of a mid-level food and beverage manager reading online Disney forums and realizing how many folks did bring back their 'lifetime loyalty cups' ...that's when it became an issue for TDO. They suddenly realized 'we should be charging these loyal guests everytime they come' ... That's when they came out with an actual written policy, but they also told management throughout the resort to grandfather anyone with old mugs in, and the reality was and is that no $7.55 an hour CM is going to fight with a guest who is blatantly using ANY liquid-holding container to take Coke. Someone who costs the company perhaps a nickel isn't worth a CM's job or a fistfight at the Port Orleans food court.
And, again, you are wrong in your policy regarding food. You absolutely can bring in outside food to any WDW park. I don't like it at all. Snacks are one thing, but when folks are making sandwiches on MSUSA it screams out Wal-Mart to me. But Disney had a huge issue with its food prices being too high and instead if lowering them some and encouraging people to spend, they just kept raising them and said 'let them bring in what they want.'
Now, you wanna go back and forth? You.ll make my B-Day more MAGICal, but you won't win the Internet for the day.