Post your Disney Layouts here!


Well-Known Member
new pages are here! yay! :D








Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Love them WishIWasatDisney! They are so fun!! I love the food page - yummy!! And your paper on the first page is adorable!! Oh yes, and the arrows! I'm a sucker for chipboard arrows, I'm sure I overuse them!

I'm so excited people are starting to post pages again!!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Woohoo... multiple posts since the last time I opened this thread! What's the world coming to? We've actually got scrapping going on :lol:. I'm working on some too, but can't post the pages because they're for Brett's mom's book. And I never know if a certain someone is lurking out there :wave:!!

Fran... more gorgeous pages. And add me to the group that is loving the Donald Duck page, so colorful! Your Wave page has me excited... we'll be eating dinner there in another three weeks!

WishIWasAtWDW, I love all your foodie pictures. But I think my favorite pages are the Studios layouts. The red and yellow really pop off that white background!


Great pages WishIWasAtWDW, love all the animal prints on the AK pages, and the food does look good!

Thanks everyone who said nice things about my pages!

Holly, when are you going? We'll be there July 5-9.


Well-Known Member
We'll just miss you, Fran. We're checking in on Saturday (7/11) for 9 nights... I'm so excited because we've never stayed that long; we almost always do 4 or 5 day trips.

Are you all packed, considering you leave in just over a week?! I bet your little guy is so excited! Have fun :sohappy:.


LOL we're being backwards from you, we usually go longer but are doing a quickie this time!

No, I don't pack til the night before, I don't get giddy til we are there, usually in bed the first night and everyone sleeping and then i do bouncing in my head... "we're at Disney!!!" LOL!!

He is excited, he keeps asking me if it's July 5th yet... I'm like after the fireworks! Last time we didn't tell him about the trip, we woke him up before dawn and said we were going to Disney today... which was weird for him, since it was a school day! He thought we were fibbing at first! But the time before, last summer, the night before he was so excited... he was up til midnight (and we were driving and leaving at 4am).... he couldn't sit still long enough to fall asleep! Eventually he fell asleep in the living room on the couch.


Well-Known Member
I love the idea of surprising your kid(s) with a trip. I'm totally going to do that once I have kids. Although I'm sure it can't be easy... I have enough trouble keeping my mouth shut when I want to surprise Brett with something!!


I love the idea of surprising your kid(s) with a trip. I'm totally going to do that once I have kids. Although I'm sure it can't be easy... I have enough trouble keeping my mouth shut when I want to surprise Brett with something!!

I think we'd have a hard time keeping it totally secret... but he pretty much knew we were going back, he just didn't know when, so he was a little startled when we woke him up before the sun saying surprise!

We considered doing a surprise again this summer but we're taking my stepson too and he has some issues and we didn't think he'd take to that kind of a surprise so well. Plus my son kept asking when we were going back, to the point of annoyance, we caved in and told them. We told them pretty cool too tho.... we happened to get another Disney DVD in the mail and we said let's watch it and after DH was like "so should we go back" and the kids said "yes" and DH said OK!

I got out the calendar and we decided when would be a good time to go... luckily it corresponded exactly with our room reservations! :D


You girls have been busy!!!!!! :)

All the new pages look awesome. Thank you for sharing with us.

I will confess that I have indeed scrapbooked but have not taken the time to actually post anything I have done. (I know...bad Jessica...bad bad girl)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Jessica! Shame on you!:lol:

Jenn!! WOW!! You have gotten so good at digital scrapbooking!! I love your pages!! The stiching everything! I need to go to the dark side of digital!!


Well-Known Member
I love those, Jenn. Especially the "Say Cheese" one; that's a great picture of the kids. And I love how the stitching on the "details" page looks like a bullseye :sohappy:.

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