Post your Disney Layouts here!


Well-Known Member
I love those, Jenn. Especially the "Say Cheese" one; that's a great picture of the kids. And I love how the stitching on the "details" page looks like a bullseye :sohappy:.

Thanks, Holly. I like that picture of the kids too. I can't really take credit for the stitching. It came with the kit like that. It was a toy story kit, so I guess it fits. :)


Well-Known Member
mouselvrmom, i love the digital pages! what software do you use? i just love the look and all of the cool stuff you can do with the digital medium. im very interested in where you buy these kits and what programs are out there for making such great pages.


Active Member
omg, how on earth did i miss your pages. jenn they are terrific. i really love the potatoe head one. i have to get some more digital kits.


Well-Known Member
mouselvrmom, i love the digital pages! what software do you use? i just love the look and all of the cool stuff you can do with the digital medium. im very interested in where you buy these kits and what programs are out there for making such great pages.

I don't use photoshop or anything like a lot of the gals on here. I didn't have that program and didn't want to buy it and learn to use it. So I bought a program called scrapbook max. It is a super easy program to use and you can use any digital media that you find on the web with it. I get a lot of freebie kits off the web and have found some really cute kits on ebay. That toy story one was from ebay.

omg, how on earth did i miss your pages. jenn they are terrific. i really love the potatoe head one. i have to get some more digital kits.

Thanks, Louella. :)


Well-Known Member
two more pages from my february trip...only one more page to go and i'm done with my february trip! :sohappy: and just in time for my upcoming september trip! :D






Well-Known Member
Ooh, I love those pages, Iwishiwasatwdw! I especially love the first two! Gotta love the space mickey! :D Nice pictures on the pages, too! Good job getting it done in time for your next trip! I'm not going to be so lucky! :lol:
I need to get my back side in gear and do this. I love all the pics and layouts. I have a whole scap book at home I got in May and still have not yet even touched :(....
Love all the layouts and pics, I cannot wait to be there. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Great pages!! I really like the use of the flags bordering the outside edges of your World Showcase pages. And the Mickey shaped flags are awesome!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Totally cool! Love the flag border--you must have gotten that from Disney, because only WS country flags are included. Love Space Mickey, too, and wall-e and eve! They are a great add to a M:S page.


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone for the kind words! :) i did indeed get those flag borders and mickey shaped flags while i was in wdw. i got them in a scrapbook pack from the scrapbooking store in dtd.


Active Member
WOW, everyone has done such a great job with all their pages. I sure wish I had some Disney pages to add but unfortunately all my scrapbook pages are Non-Disney, I guess that might be a good excuse to start planning a LONG overdue trip back to WDW !


Well-Known Member
I got the bug to get some more disney pages done before our next trip! I got all of day 10 done today. Woohoo! Of course I started with that day since I didn't have that many pictures, but still I got some done. I don't completely love all of them, but I don't really feel like redoing them either. I'm moving on. :lol:









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