Pavillion Layout (Renderings Inside)


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Ok, please, this coming up is Saracasm. Don't take it literally.

Who told you guys two entrances (or at least an outside one) was a horrible idea ;).

He just validated my points. LOL! I'll discuss when get back around 8. - The WeirdOne :D


New Member
I love the idea for the wind chimes, I left a HUGE space for shopping In the layout. and the Fountain is a nice addtion..Would you like to design it?

About the Two entrances...If you look to the layout on page 5, you'll see that There aren't TWO Queue entrance, only one, there is a 'Lobby Area' That the two entrances enter, then you enter the queue, THERE IS ONLY ONE QUEUE.

Next, the main reason Test Track is Prown to stretching line is because the INdoor Queue Space is very limited, and It breaks down alot..This Ride is using a system that is used in 2 other rides, and is proven to work quite well with little break downs, plus this ride has AMPLE indoor queue space, there will be no need for an outdoor line, though we can get a system ready in the unlikely even that it happens (You know, some 'temporary' queue's That can be set up and taken down quickly) Strollers? This ride is going to have a height requirement of 48" to 52"...Do you really see that many 4ft tall kids in strollers now a days (Or any days for that matter)? Seriously now..Stroller usage will be VERY Limited, almost non-existant..How many strollers have you seen outside of Dinosaur or Test Track?

As for people not being able to find the places..You don't give them enough credit..Sure, there will be a few stupid ones, but the majority will be able to figure it out. That was one of the reasons why I wanted the entrance People would be ABLE to find the E-ticket ride without having to fumble there way through a 3-story pavillion! If you want confusion, THATS true confusing! The Entrance would be hard to find! Having it this way will truly work. I promise.

YES! PLEASE REDO THEM!!!! I'm saving up for TurboCAD (A much simpler, LEARNING CAD..hopefulyl I can play around with it..) But unti then..PLease..oh please redo em'!

Computers and read-outs and Red squalls? GREAT! That'll set the mood :)

The 40 Foot thing meant from the Outtermost wall of the pavillion
To the hole where the Mobile will be placed is a total of 40 ft. In order to put in a ramp, you're gonna have to have ANOTHER Circle around it,
Which I think would make for some neat fountains :) From the wall to THIS hole would be 32 feet..So People willhave a total of 32 feet of shoulder room in the pavillion, on the first floor, 40' feet on the second, and 40 feet on the third..It'll make mroe sense when I get my pictures of the mobile up..WHICH I PROMISE I will get! I'm sorry it's taking so long!!

I also don't understand the quote you slappe don there, WeirdOne, But I'll wait till the explanation..

Happy to Have you Aboard, DisneyExpert! For Awhile, I thought only me, FigmentDream, WeirdOne, and FIgment1986 came back! Nice to see another face :)

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Chad
Strollers? This ride is going to have a height requirement of 48" to 52"...Do you really see that many 4ft tall kids in strollers now a days (Or any days for that matter)? Seriously now..Stroller usage will be VERY Limited, almost non-existant..How many strollers have you seen outside of Dinosaur or Test Track?

*Cough* Baby Swap *Cough*

As for the fountain.. i was thinking that could be a collaboration between me and Weirdone... maybe. Since we are the two who seem to be lobbying for it the most, lol. BTW, what about the mosaics? Also, glad to be here. AND- We really need to have a live chat sometime, it would make this much easier if we could do it real time...


Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
::Looks at diagram::
Oh! I get it now! lol... ok... never mind :rolleyes: Now that I really look at it, it doesn't seem so bad. It actually makes sense. As long as the two entrances are on opposite sides from each other. I thought the outside entrance was right next to the pavillion entrance, heh. That's why i thought there would be so much confusion and congestion over which door is which.

Well WierdOne already answered this but yes if you look at my original diagram there is plenty of room to move around the "pit".

Chad I like the way you set up the lobby structure, although you still have not commented on my revisions of the second level of the mobile, not to sound , but I was not sure if you noticed it or not.

My only comment about an outside fountain would just be that it may be hard to represent weather w/o making it similar to the mobile. That is why I proposed the "weather globe" idea. However I would have no objection to an exterior fountain if it is done properly.

I think in addition to the wind chime shop we should also have some sort of a scientific shop to get kids interested in meteorology, like selling rain meters, kid friendly barometers and such...other shops will also be needed as well...


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Chad, that quote was my unique way of saying, I TOLD YOU SO. LOL, but yet again, I am wrong. I better go back to counting my eggs.

Chad, another thing, all things are prone to break downs (escpecially EMV rides) so we better plan accordingly to have extended queue that can be makeshiftly put in case of a constant breakdown.

Also, Chad, what about Wheelchairs, will this ride be able to accombidate them with or without transfer? Will the queue be able to utilise ramps and not stairs or will be have to put an elevator for wheelchairs too?

Chad, I'll find some time to re-do them. I've been busy yet again lately since DisneyExpert was allowed online because we are planning EPCOT's 25th anniversary (sorry, no details are to be given at this point.) But, hopefully I might redo them tonight/tomorrow.

Also, I vaguely get those numbers you put there now, just give me a couple hours, and I'll decifer it so I can plan out the new building. MOBILE DRAWINGS better be up soon. We're waiting...

DisneyExpert - I'd love to do the fountain with you, if all goes well. Second, I love the idea of the outside made of masoics (sp?). It would be great. I'll put the windchimes shop in there somewhere when I re-do the drawings. I promise.


Also, CHAD, VERY IMPORTANT - Ok, looking at the queue picuter for StormRider, if the showbuilding and the preshows and such are all on the first floor, wouldn't that mean that the extra queue and other stuff is below level? Or am I missing something again *sigh*?

Ok, well, I g2g do some work, eat, and then I can possibly get to work on the redo of the buildings.


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FigmentDream, for you, I'll design the fountain only to utilise the pavillioon logo and nothing really more. Also, I'll leave ample room for 4 - 5 shops and 4 - 5 eateries in this pavillion (Note - I just use typical Disney numbers 4 - 5)

- The WeirdOne :D
Originally posted by WeirdOne
FigmentDream, for you, I'll design the fountain only to utilise the pavillioon logo and nothing really more. Also, I'll leave ample room for 4 - 5 shops and 4 - 5 eateries in this pavillion (Note - I just use typical Disney numbers 4 - 5)

- The WeirdOne :D

Okay, thanks :)


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Here's the new Pavillion Floor #1...- The WeirdOne :D


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Oh ya, and a note before I forget.

I didn't include extra details like elevators, where the lines will be, stairs, etc. I just included the basics so we can get a good idea. The extra stuff will come later when we have a FINAL building layout proposed. Ok, now you guys tell me what you think. Lemme know, good OR bad. - The WeirdOne :D
The diagrams look really good WeirdOne :)

A few questions though:

Is "Restaurant 1" 2 stories tall, or does it have an open story

Do the Entrance "pod" to StormChasers and the queue tunnel have an open two stories above?

Only one real comment though I think it might be better to have 4 shops and only 3 restaurants, rather than vice versa. One of the restaurants could be in the $ range and be counter service and then there could be a sit down in the $$ range and then a more expensive sit down in the $$$ range. (those are the Disney price codes if you are not familiar with them check out I do not really see how you could add a 4th with out getting overly pricey for a pavilion that is so attraction based or repeating an already present offering, this dilemma would not happen with 4 shops though.

On a side note, I had originally created Weather Works to be one story and in a rectangular layout, but that is no problem I will get on redesigning the layout for them. Plus I need to redo them anyways because of some extra details WeirdOne and I added to them. So be sure to check out the thread for the new layouts.


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Originally posted by FigmentDream
The diagrams look really good WeirdOne :)

A few questions though:

Is "Restaurant 1" 2 stories tall, or does it have an open story

Do the Entrance "pod" to StormChasers and the queue tunnel have an open two stories above?

Only one real comment though I think it might be better to have 4 shops and only 3 restaurants, rather than vice versa. One of the restaurants could be in the $ range and be counter service and then there could be a sit down in the $$ range and then a more expensive sit down in the $$$ range. (those are the Disney price codes if you are not familiar with them check out I do not really see how you could add a 4th with out getting overly pricey for a pavilion that is so attraction based or repeating an already present offering, this dilemma would not happen with 4 shops though.

On a side note, I had originally created Weather Works to be one story and in a rectangular layout, but that is no problem I will get on redesigning the layout for them. Plus I need to redo them anyways because of some extra details WeirdOne and I added to them. So be sure to check out the thread for the new layouts.

Thanks on the compliment. Restaurant #1 is two stories tall, with an open story on floor 2. That place will be a waiter serviced retaurant that will be kinda pricey. I have 4 shops and 4 restaurants. Any can be removed at any time.

The entrance pod to StormChasers! is 3 stories tall with open stories to give idea of a BIG office. I can change that if you guys don't like it.

The Queue Tunnel - I NEED TO EXPLAIN. In Chad's plans the the queue goes down a story underground (I assume) and back into the show building. The Tunnel is that area. The tunnel is on the second story too because it goes up from the first onto the second to reach the preshow and such. So, I figured I'd leave it in because I don't know how Chad is doing this. Again, these plans can be changed.

As for the restaurants, as I said, they can all be changed at any time. I was hoping the shop/restaurant combo could be like a candy store. It sells food, but as a gift. I guess I needed to explain that more. I was also hoping to have a cart withing the pavillion selling ice cream and such.

I made Weather Works two stories for a reason.Not all of the things you planned can be put onto one story. A playground is typically TWO stories big. Just thought I'd add that in. And a note, when you make Weather Works, please make them that shape that I have so I don't have to go redesigning that area again ;). Thanks for the comments so far.

- The WeirdOne :D


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ALSO, NOTE TO ALL MEMBERS WORKING ON THIS NOW - I was hoping that from the roof of the Entrance to the StormChasers! queue, we could hang a vehicle that you will travel in from the roof under the glass dome. I think that would mkae it so much like the offie because they love to display their main product. What do you guys say? - The WeirdOne :D


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Also, don't know why I have the tunnel on the third floor. Must be a mistkae. My bad. I guess I had a reasson for it then, guess I don't now. LOL! - The WeirdOne :D
Originally posted by WeirdOne

I made Weather Works two stories for a reason.Not all of the things you planned can be put onto one story. A playground is typically TWO stories big. Just thought I'd add that in. And a note, when you make Weather Works, please make them that shape that I have so I don't have to go redesigning that area again ;). Thanks for the comments so far.

- The WeirdOne :D

No Problem, the main reason I am re-designing it is to fit your shape. Yes, now that you mention it some of the things will need to be two stories tall, lol. So most likely the second floor may only contain one full lab, as attractions from other labs make take up space on the second floor. Do you guys think it should exit on floor 2 or floor 3?

Oh, I forgot about the Storm Chasers shop, so that would make 4 shops and if one restaurant is a candy shop not really a restaurant persay I don't think there would be too many problems. I think that would be cool if they could sell weather themed treats, like jelly bean hail, tornado twist peppermint sticks, snowflake funnel cakes, cloud cookies ect. the list could be endless.

I like the idea about hanging the ride vehicle.


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Originally posted by FigmentDream

No Problem, the main reason I am re-designing it is to fit your shape. Yes, now that you mention it some of the things will need to be two stories tall, lol. So most likely the second floor may only contain one full lab, as attractions from other labs make take up space on the second floor. Do you guys think it should exit on floor 2 or floor 3?

Oh, I forgot about the Storm Chasers shop, so that would make 4 shops and if one restaurant is a candy shop not really a restaurant persay I don't think there would be too many problems. I think that would be cool if they could sell weather themed treats, like jelly bean hail, tornado twist peppermint sticks, snowflake funnel cakes, cloud cookies ect. the list could be endless.

I like the idea about hanging the ride vehicle.

Let's get some imput from other people now about the ride vehicle. LOL!

Glad I made ou think twice about Weather Works. Some things are two stories tall. Maybe have the bigger labs on the bottom that need two stories and have the other smaller labs on the top as fillers. I hope that makes sense. Sorry for the odd shape, I was trying to fill in the pavillion as best as I can.

WeatherIfic! exits on floor 2, StormChasers! on floor 3 right next to the Weather Works entrance on floor 3. So, be sure to make enough entrances. LOL!

I love some of those names. Tornado Twist, Jelly Bean Hail, I love them :sohappy:. Great job FigmentDream. - The WeirdOne :D

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Weirdone- Great designs! I love the idea of hanging a ride car... and the "candy shop"-- sounds great!

Does anyone but WeirdOne have any input about my mosaic idea? Chad... where are those pictures? I am so glad this is really starting to come together. With a bit of team work, we can accomplish anything! Hats off to the SoJI!!


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